you think too much 'bout eatin'
food is just fuel to make the body perform/look
in the manner we desire
not sayin' that it doesn't have other uses
it's an art
and a job
and social lubrication
a gift sometimes
a weapon
many thin's
your focus should be on your own tasks o' advancement and empowerment
what are your goals and lessons to be accomplished in this life?
who are your helpin'?
and who are you teachin'?
what are the skills you are hear to polish and use for the betterment o' yourself and mankind?
we are only as alone
as we insist on bein'
the world is full o' opportunities to love
and be loved
to see love
and create love
nibble on food all day long
drink plenty o' water
go shoppin' in a market you haven't been in prior
go donate food to a food pantry
and help in a shelter's food kitchen
make a collage out o' seeds
and leaves/flowers
enjoy life
that's why you're hear
and why your parents are here
love more