Helping a friend, partner, or relative with depression is much like helping someone who has recently had surgery. Acceptance and assistance in both situations are foundations to recovery. However, failure to secure professional treatment for serious (clinical) depression can sometimes lead to suicide.
Okay. Here are some tips you can do to help her.
1. Listen. If the person wants to talk, actively listen without judging or giving advice.
2. Ask. Ask them if there is anything you can do to help.
3. Act. Ask the person if they are thinking about suicide or hurting themselves. If they say they are,look for help immediatly.
4.Encourage. Help the person find professional help. Encourage the person to start with a family doctor or local mental health associations. Offer to help them find resources or counselling services.
5.Remember that having a mental illness still carries a stigma in our society. So, before you discuss the depressed person's condition with a third party, ask their permission to do so.
But, for my general advice. Encourage her to go to a councilor. Being suicidal means that the person is already in the higest stage of anxiety.