2007-08-23 03:33:14 UTC
2. Travel a different way to work.
3. Try something different next time you order.
4. Tell your boss what you really think.
5. Go bungy-jumping/ parachuting etc.
6. Risk your reputation by following your idea, instinct or intuition.
7. Risk a friendship by being honest about a fault in a close friend.
8. Risk being unpopular by sticking to an unpleasant but necessary decision you've made.
9. 'Jack' your perfectly respectable (but boring) job in for a great adventure.
10. Risk being misunderstood or even shunned by being true to your own principles/faith etc.
This is just my guideline and is ofcourse highly subjective.
You may consider completely different things/situations to be a higher risk.
Please indulge me by rating yourself between 1-10, and tell us a risk taking experience of yours. The most interesting answer, with the most thumbs up will get best answer. (Cheers)