POLL: WHy people have dirty mind these days?
2015-04-22 17:27:10 UTC
Everyday in yahoo, people talk about sex, *****, and pussy. In one question a guys answered saying my favorite food is pussy. WHY PEOPLE HAVE DIRTY MINDS!!!!!!!!!!!!
52 answers:
Prince Faheem
2015-04-23 07:52:15 UTC
yeah these days people have dirty minds, child youngers and even old guys are having dirty thinking the main factor behind that is our own behavior, we have been brain washed by saveral ways to to react with any immodesty, you would be knowing now a days in almost every country peoples are getting converted to immodest, you take an example of western world and also asian world A Mother dont mind wearing sexy dress in the presence of his son, a sister is wearing a sexy dress while walking with his brother and the brother dont mind, the Mother daughter are wearing beakeny and son and father are wearing underwear while planing for swimming at beach, so from here peoples are being brain washed if a person dont mind his sister make her sexy so why would he feel that the having sex, or sexual thinking or dirty mind are wrong for him...
I dont know what to name myself
2015-04-22 17:29:09 UTC
people have always had dirty minds. It's called hormones, it's normal. if you watch some old SNL episodes from the 80's and 90's you'll be surprised how little things have changed in terms of perverted sex talk. Some of the stuff I am surprised they aired it, they did things that would never fly today. I mean there were skits where they would literally be talking about sex in extreme graphic detail.
2015-08-07 02:38:39 UTC
People don't have dirty minds. Religion makes everything dirty.
2015-04-23 13:38:13 UTC
Dirty minds have been around since pre-biblical days. It is a human moral weakness of the mind to live out ones fantasies. To bring your fantasies out of the depths of your conscious mind to someones attention is a sign of low self esteem and attention getting. People who do this are out to shock people, when in truth they are only displaying a mental breakdown in their life.
2015-04-23 06:20:35 UTC
It is because there are huge accumulation of impurities and malice hidden in different nooks and corners of their mind.

The so called impurities in the mind are unhealthy thoughts, habits or traits. Besides that illegitimate desire, anger, delusion, infatuation, negligence, carelessness, inadvertence, greed, jealousy, lust, malice, hatred, bias, envy, hypocrisy, negative emotions, mental agitation, arrogance, pride, prejudice, ignorance, lethargy, doubt, confusion, fear, worry, anxiety, frustration, grief, suspicion, dejection, conceit, temptations, stupor, hesitation, reluctance, forgetfulness, stupidity, superstition, oscillation, distraction, distortion, wrong hallucination, etc. are also impurities. These impurities cause disturbances in the mind by creating attachment and aversion and thus rob it of tranquility.

They are the urges, impulses and negative emotions.
2015-04-23 23:26:59 UTC
Yes, dirty minds. Actually it depends on how a person is viewed. Just tell them to be a little creative about what to say. Like this.

I want something dripping wet to lick. Of course melting ice cream is always a treat.
2015-04-29 08:46:01 UTC
2015-04-23 06:05:44 UTC
People have always had dirty minds - that's just the way God made us.
2015-04-23 03:39:34 UTC
teenagers have grown up thinking PORN is normal life, rather than the silly fantasy it is

their minds are undeveloped on deeper matters & interests and they know no better than to keep on about the very limited part of life sex actually is

Sex makes money for greedy scum so it's everywhere to make teens think it's normal

just like guys only talk about football, it's the lowest common denominator
2015-05-04 07:03:04 UTC
You think people have dirty minds these days? Try reading Chaucer (14th century English poet)...
2015-05-02 01:58:42 UTC
people don't have dirty minds. sex isn't dirty; that's something that people were taught by religion (partly as a means of population control, partly as a way for pedophiles to keep their victims quiet). it's not "these days", it's all days. most plants and animals exist because of sex, sex is enjoyable, humans like things that feel good.
2015-04-23 13:18:21 UTC
We have better access to information technologies, which allows us to reach much more people than before, and also, it allows us to go "undercover", and that is why there is the perception that people is getting dirtier, but I think it is just as it has ever been, with more exposure.
2015-05-02 18:00:25 UTC
People have always had dirty minds, and they always will.

Human nature.
2015-04-26 11:38:54 UTC
I suppose its because having a clean mind is bloody boring and soul destroying, look at this way, what kind of world would it be if everyone of us shunned naughtiness for being boring and mundane. Thank God I was raised a catholic, so sex will always, always be DIRTY !!!
2015-04-25 16:50:22 UTC
I bet you have a dirty mind too.
2015-04-28 08:24:24 UTC
Maybe to get over it. Sometimes to embrace what you don't want to do by doing it obnoxiously enough you move past it forever and be neutral about it after. Also show understanding for the still developing peoples whatever they're going through.
2015-04-22 17:36:44 UTC
Grew up not taught or practicing faith in God, the result is the people have low morality, not afraid to commit sins anymore, the mass media is full of earthly pleasures which is accessible to many people and lack of holy priests, pastors, parents and guardians... and many more!
2015-04-22 21:54:06 UTC
People just like shock value !! They don't really have dirty minds !!!
2015-04-26 10:40:18 UTC
No home schooling. Where are parents ? Who is supposed to teach youth what is harmful for them and why? The internet has bolstered the porn industry like crazy. Before you had to prove you were 18 or 21 to by adult magazines. Now, Free porn is every where and available , waiting to ensnare the next victim.Parents, hey son that kind of thing is not healthy for you or your sexuality. It makes you isolated, unrealistic, becomes addiction, keeping you from properly bonding with a woman you love and want to be close to.No . Porn destroys all that. It will keep you chained to the image of some naked stranger instilling the wrong desires in you. This is how perverts are created.
2015-04-25 12:52:18 UTC
I don't know man. I blame it on cultural changes. Monkey see, monkey do. Monkey see nothing but sexy related things on TV so he think about nothing but sexy time.

I can appreciate someone with a clean mouth and innocent mind. They're above all that stuff. Everyone else needs to grow up. Sex is great and all, but so are a lot of other things.
2015-04-24 10:55:14 UTC
Because they can not centre there minds on the higher things in life so allow there basic nature to take control
Hey you
2015-04-24 10:51:23 UTC
Not sure why, but this probably accounts why their are 6 BILLION PEOPLE in the world.

If I had to guess I would say that people like to have sex.
2015-05-04 07:30:28 UTC
The growing influence of internet porn, and sexually explicit advertisement -- you see it all around in the commercials, the bill boards, half naked women and men are more appealing to those people. Secondly, internet trolls are never serious, guys especially because all they want from girls is to scheme their way into their pants. It's sad, how people just reduce an individual down to a piece of meat for their own selfish jerk off sessions.
2015-04-24 13:56:48 UTC
It is a human moral weakness of the mind to live out ones fantasies.
2015-04-24 10:06:16 UTC
The choices people have and the influence of thought are determined by many factors of interest by that individual.So,today that person may be thinking of some thing completely different.Our very up bringing can and will determine our daily influence of thought.To some they find their comments funny and as you not so funny ,in fact disgusting .Distain from reading these comments on sex and win.
Art G
2015-05-04 12:20:03 UTC
It's the authors way of getting your attention either by your like or your dislike of what he has written...dirty or clean.
Destroyer of Hearts
2015-04-22 17:29:23 UTC
It's disgusting and perverted. Yes sex is natural, but why obsess over it like people are doing these days? It's just sick
2015-04-29 14:45:05 UTC
I think it is because more sexually explicit shows are on TV and in the movies. And in my opinion, popular music influences people. the words that are in songs could never have been used on the radio before. Also the music videos are almost porn. and talking about porn, it has become more acceptable. So my answer is: people are being brainwashed by the media.
2015-05-01 21:40:49 UTC
It is called globalization, where people do not mind having sex tapes or recording themselves for adult tubes anymore. The world is brainwashed on sexual activities and most of us seem to engage in such behaviors, however if you decide to pull out yourself from such norms it will be very beneficial for you in the near future as your brain will have other things to worry about while others might be getting cameras for the little action in their rooms.
2015-04-25 12:34:19 UTC
Since Yahoo ran so many of us older users off with the unstable, clumsy, and redundant "new format," the site's been pretty much repopulated with trolls, teeny boppers, and university potheads whose sense of humor is no less juvenile than their posts. Me, I'm thinking seriously about picking up my sack of rocks and going somewhere else to waste my time.
Anna D
2015-04-22 17:36:00 UTC
I'm not convinced that's a new development.
2015-04-24 05:17:12 UTC
They could have a dirty demon also trying to torment their brain
2015-04-26 13:19:59 UTC
Spoiled minds, it is such a shame because its like a virus and common.
2015-04-22 17:31:11 UTC
The world is a dirty place
2015-04-22 17:29:35 UTC
because we're living in a sexually repressed age and media has sexualized women to generate money and it's made a lot of people unhealthily horny.
2015-04-24 05:13:58 UTC
"We ALL do as we hear and see"; we are surrounded by unkindness, lies, greed, envy, all kinds of ambitions, selfishness, antagonisms, hatred, love of money, pleasures and love of "visible things" instead of invisible concepts, lies, deception, filth, from the movie industry, news, political behaviour, the arts, their people, the printing industry, you name it. Our minds/brains are bombarded with putrid images, thoughts, concepts and ideas: what else you expect? Sh*t comes in, Sh*t goes out.

Man has always been this way... BUT, the REASON is, these days "knowledge will increment ten fold" through the internet.
2015-04-27 07:06:02 UTC
For the fact sex is great and is one of the most enjoyable activities

known to mankind.It sure beats talking about blood,death and war.
2015-05-03 13:47:21 UTC
it hasn't changed in the far past the stars talked in code and winked about it, but there was always talk about it.
Linda R
2015-04-28 11:16:49 UTC
Because Obama is promoting liberalism and sexual deviancy.
2015-04-23 03:50:30 UTC
Technology my friend
Sharon S
2015-04-24 16:11:12 UTC
They always have just that now they feel more freely to talk about it.
2015-05-01 15:55:12 UTC
Its human nature...
2015-04-22 17:53:02 UTC
they're shallow and don't know what else the word has to offer.
2015-05-04 12:19:50 UTC
Its Cuz parents don't do their job .
2015-04-22 17:28:38 UTC
I like that
2015-04-22 17:27:42 UTC
2015-05-02 01:06:49 UTC
Because we can !
2015-04-22 17:27:27 UTC
todays society sucks.
Standard Human
2015-04-23 15:09:15 UTC
1 word:

I n t e r n e t.
2015-04-22 18:10:46 UTC
Because of the
2015-05-03 15:27:09 UTC
because pussy
2015-04-22 17:27:52 UTC
welcome to the 21st century

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.
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