First, there are too many questions and they are too long.
Second, your questions are examples of a logical fallacy called "The Fallacy of Many Questions" or "The Fallacy of the Complex Question." The classic example is "Have you stopped beating your wife?" The question is asked from a perspective that is false from the perspective of the answerer.
In the case of your questions, they contain the implicit assumption that Christians and Muslims are in conflict and that Muslims are the innocent victims of Christians. Westerners do not accept these assumptions as valid, and since they are assumed to be villians, they respond in a hostile manner.
If you would like your viewpoints discussed rationally, there is a better way to approach the problem.
Let's take your first question as an example. It says, "What if Muslims were really savages as claimed and decided to genocide Christians in Europe and the UN supported them like what happened in Serbenica during the Bosnian war when Christians slaughtered Muslims like sheep?"
The assumptions of this question are:
1. Christians and Muslims are in conflict.
2. Christians claim that Muslims are savages.
3. Christians committed genocide against Muslims in the Bosnian war.
4. The UN supported Christians in committing this genocide.
Then the question is, "What if the roles of Christians and Muslims were reversed?"
This question receives a hostile or dismissive reception because a large majority of Westerners do not accept any of these assumptions. Before you can ask your question, there would have to be a lot of discussion to agree upon a common understanding of the conditions leading to the question.
This is WAY too much stuff to discuss in Yahoo Answers!
If you want to discuss something here, you could take one of the assumptions and state it in a non-threatening way that indicates that you really want a discussion. For example, you could ask about the first assumption like this, "To a lot of Muslims, it looks like Christians are at war with Islam. How does it look to you?"
In fact, I think I'll post this question to see what happens. Here it is:
So, my advice is that, if you want rational discussions at Yahoo Answers you could:
1. Break your point of view down into little pieces.
2. Ask questions in a way that does not threaten the people who might answer.
3. React to answers in a non-threatening way, actually trying to understand the other person's perspective.
Good luck in your search for the truth!