Why couldn't anyone answer this question fairly?
2006-03-26 19:55:53 UTC
I posted this question;_ylt=AuLFKnlNBqfeAnDaOtYxQT3sy6IX?qid=1006032601995 and all I got were a bunch of useless answers.
Of course, if anyone was smart enough, he/she could've tell that the idea is not listing answers to the 9 questions, but the worst is that almost all the answers were quite agressive!!
Why do you think it happened like this?
24 answers:
2006-03-27 11:41:25 UTC
These questions are rhetorical and you are looking for a very specific answer, not genuinely interested in what other people think. The answer you want is: Muslims are being unfairly represented in the media; Christians are killing Muslims because of their religion; America is a bloodthirsty, power-hungry monster that invades weaker countries for their resources; Muslims are misunderstood; Muslims experience extreme prejudice.

Now, I am not entirely unsympathetic to your claims. I think that this whole debacle has given Muslims a bad name in the world, and that the media sometimes portrays Muslims as evil terroists. And, certainly, some Americans do not have a high opinion of Muslims, and some Christians would like to see them wiped off the face of the earth. And, I believe we invaded Iraq for invalid reasons, and this whole war is totally %$#@ed up.

However, the picture is not as skewed as you think it is, either. One, not all westerners and not all Christians hate Muslims. Just as some radical and misguided Muslims have given all Muslims a bad name, some radical and misguided westerners have given all westerners a bad name, and some misguided and radical Christians have given all Christians a bad name. The Pat Robertsons of the world do not speak for all of us. If you are looking for a greater understanding, start by trying to understand our position. And don't judge us all based on the rantings of a few.

What happened at Abu Ghraib and at Guatanamo Bay is wrong. Most people I know agree that it is wrong and are outraged.

What I understand of the Bosnian/Serbian conflict, both sides have thousands of years of blood on their hands. No side is "right" or "innocent."

The best thing to do, is to be rational. It is the political/religious radicals on both sides that are causing the trouble. Logical people need to stand up and start making things right. I agree with you, both sides need to de-escalate, calm down, and listen to what the other has to say.
2006-03-27 10:32:11 UTC
Too many questions in one single posting. You should have tried to post them one by one.

All the answers are the answerer's point of view and all your questions are more directed to the opinion about a specific theme and belief. And because the way you presented the questions is a very harsh one, it gives us a feeling that you wants us to respond in accordance of what you think of Bush's government, and people hate when others impose some way of thinking into them.

Probably you have a good point on not to agree with USA Military and Bush's government have done, but I believe if power turned to be the other way around, surely would be the same happenings but to different people.

Humans tend to be cruel and abusive, specially when they have the power. You could see this in a kindergarten kids room or in war. It is always going to be the same. And the ones who are oppressed, of course they are always going to be the good guys, but give them enough power and take a little form the oppressor and let's see who is going to play nice now.

I do not pretend to justify Bush's Government or USA Military actions, I know they have done awful, unforgivable things. All I am say is the same way you present you questions: If they had the chance, wouldn't they do the same?
2006-03-26 20:07:35 UTC
I answered your other question and this was my answer.

It is down right cruel for anyone to do what you are saying. It doesn't matter if it's the US or another country. Wrong is wrong no matter where it is at. No one really likes to talk about what is going on let alone think about someone else doing what the US is doing. The world is what you make it and right now no one is making it a better place to live. I do have my own views and I do think for myself but right now the world is not a good place to be bringing more children into it. I guess some people think if they ignore what is going on it will go away. If only it were that simple.
2006-03-27 10:57:12 UTC
First, there are too many questions and they are too long.

Second, your questions are examples of a logical fallacy called "The Fallacy of Many Questions" or "The Fallacy of the Complex Question." The classic example is "Have you stopped beating your wife?" The question is asked from a perspective that is false from the perspective of the answerer.

In the case of your questions, they contain the implicit assumption that Christians and Muslims are in conflict and that Muslims are the innocent victims of Christians. Westerners do not accept these assumptions as valid, and since they are assumed to be villians, they respond in a hostile manner.

If you would like your viewpoints discussed rationally, there is a better way to approach the problem.

Let's take your first question as an example. It says, "What if Muslims were really savages as claimed and decided to genocide Christians in Europe and the UN supported them like what happened in Serbenica during the Bosnian war when Christians slaughtered Muslims like sheep?"

The assumptions of this question are:

1. Christians and Muslims are in conflict.

2. Christians claim that Muslims are savages.

3. Christians committed genocide against Muslims in the Bosnian war.

4. The UN supported Christians in committing this genocide.

Then the question is, "What if the roles of Christians and Muslims were reversed?"

This question receives a hostile or dismissive reception because a large majority of Westerners do not accept any of these assumptions. Before you can ask your question, there would have to be a lot of discussion to agree upon a common understanding of the conditions leading to the question.

This is WAY too much stuff to discuss in Yahoo Answers!

If you want to discuss something here, you could take one of the assumptions and state it in a non-threatening way that indicates that you really want a discussion. For example, you could ask about the first assumption like this, "To a lot of Muslims, it looks like Christians are at war with Islam. How does it look to you?"

In fact, I think I'll post this question to see what happens. Here it is:

So, my advice is that, if you want rational discussions at Yahoo Answers you could:

1. Break your point of view down into little pieces.

2. Ask questions in a way that does not threaten the people who might answer.

3. React to answers in a non-threatening way, actually trying to understand the other person's perspective.

Good luck in your search for the truth!
2006-03-27 00:00:37 UTC
Several people DID answer your question(s) fairly, even enumerating and answering each of the nine in turn. You simply did not like their answers because, presumably, it wasn't what you wanted to hear. This is called having a very definite agenda and is inappropriate to a forum in which honest questions are supposed to be asked and answered honestly. So what precisely is your point? You expect someone to come along and simply give you the nine answers you wish to hear and then, presumably, everything is cool? What the hell is that? Why not just ask and answer them yourself? Will that make you happy?
Toni J.
2006-03-26 20:01:09 UTC
You cheated the system by asking several questions at once. Also, the way you phrased your questions left no room for objectivity. I'm sure the length of the question was also a put-off to people who were simply cruising for points.

If you'd like to ask one question at a time, I'd be glad to give you an answer.
2006-03-26 20:00:56 UTC
Simple. Your "questions" weren't questions, but hypothetical situations. Reading it was like "how does the snowplow driver get to work in the morning?" or "why isn't there a mouse flavored cat-food?". You never really offered a real question, so everyone who bothered to answer probably felt that they didn't need to give you a real one. Next time, throw in a question or two.
2006-03-26 20:05:50 UTC
Maybe it's not the answers that are wrong but fallacies in the question/s that were asked?

Also if you ask aggressive abrasive question/s then reasonably you should expect aggressive abrasive answers.

I personally interpreted the questions as rhetorical; in that no answer would be logically correct as you have your own agenda and your own answer that you want.
2006-03-26 20:13:01 UTC
This is a game for points. You can't expect to ask 9 questions and get 9 answers for 2 lousy points.....)(
2006-03-27 02:35:37 UTC

Some questions are just way sensitive and some people are coming here to answer things about daily life and about things they regard as simple.

Maybe you should shorten your question and ask them separately. Or the questions you're going to ask, are just too sensitive to be asked.
2006-03-26 20:08:01 UTC
I think it happened that way, because so many people are incapable of imagining how terrible the world actually is. OF course, mention sept 11, and they speak of tragedy and horror. (some of my friends and family actually died in this attack). But, mention a little girl loosing her family, even parts of her own body, thanks to American intruders, and somehow it matters less to them. It's a complete lack of empathy that leads people to act as they did.
2006-03-26 20:04:57 UTC
The only answers you wanted were angry ones. You laid this question out to stir up a little trouble. If you truly wanted solid answers than you wouldn't have laid your question out in this format. Nice little psychological study.
2006-03-26 20:01:09 UTC
Because your questions were stupid, they made assumptions that Islam is good, that America has cheaped everyone and that Bush is doing bad things ( I can agree stupid choices but not bad)

Your questions were first too many for one question, and next just poloitical hype worded as a question but meant not to ask a question but to give your incorrect position on viewpoints

Try asking real questions and perhaps you will get real answers
2006-03-26 20:05:36 UTC
Try summing up your question for one answer instead of 9, you might get better responses this way.
2006-03-26 21:56:35 UTC
It's a touchy subject, and we live ion a touch world were things are taken out of contect. people are quick to judge and act with out thinking.
2006-03-26 20:07:15 UTC
Break it up into one-liners, 3 at most.

A bee doesn't disturb most people, a swarm of them does.
2006-03-26 19:58:12 UTC
because nobody wanted to answer a bunch of questions.
2006-03-26 19:59:00 UTC
honestly...go find yourself a college professor. Get him/her to give this to his/her class or something. Possibly political science.

this site really isnt the place to be asking these indept questions.

im sorry your fustrated, but I saw them and was like... " umm....I get enough of this from college ...I just wanna give advice".
2006-03-26 20:47:25 UTC
i have read your 9 questions, in conclusion my answer to those 9 are:

totally ridiculous!
2006-03-26 19:58:51 UTC
Like your the only one with this issue. Cry about it!
2006-03-27 05:00:05 UTC
and you don't know that is a rather touchy subject these days?
2006-03-26 20:01:57 UTC
Generally, people just don't give a crap.

I'm one of those people.
2006-03-26 19:58:01 UTC
Because you were aggressive! Duh!
2006-03-26 19:57:26 UTC
well duh it does not interest anybody!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.