What is Hebephrenic Schizophrenia?
Giggly Giraffe
2006-02-27 15:46:31 UTC
What is Hebephrenic Schizophrenia?
Three answers:
2006-02-27 21:30:30 UTC
I can, unfortunately, give you an answer to this question because it was once thought that I might suffer the disorder myself. Therefore, I did a great deal of research. Hebephrenic schizophrenia is a "disorganized" form of schizophrenia in which hallucinations do not play the leading role they often do with other forms of the disorder. To quote from the page referenced below: "A form of schizophrenia in which affective changes are prominent, delusions and hallucinations fleeting and fragmentary, behaviour irresponsible and unpredictable, and mannerisms common. The mood is shallow and inappropirate and often accompanied by giggling or self-satisfied, self-absorbed smiling, or by a lofty manner, grimaces, mannerisms, pranks, hypochondriacal complaints, and reiterated phrases. Thought is disorganized and speech rambling and incoherent."

I hope this helps.
Fancy You
2006-02-28 19:32:18 UTC
This type of schizophrenia is characterized by prominent disorganized behavior and speech, and flat or inappropriate emotion and affect. Delusions and hallucinations are not the most prominent feature, although fragmentary delusions and hallucinations may be present.

Inappropriate facial responses may be common and behavior is sometimes described as 'silly'. Complete lack of expressed emotion is sometimes seen, as is an apparent indifference, anhedonia (the lack of pleasure), and avolition (a lack of motivation).

This form of schizophrenia is typically associated with early onset (often between the ages of 15 and 25 years) and is thought to have a poor prognosis because of the rapid development of 'negative' symptoms and decline in social functioning.
2015-08-18 12:33:23 UTC
Hebephrenic ("disorganized") schizophrenia is characterized by disorganized speech and bizarre behaviour. The behaviour may become a caricature of childish silliness. It has an extremely poor prognosis and if you can type coherently and relate your experiences of having a relationship, you don't have it.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.