My daughter (age 11) was diagnosed w/ A.D.D. in third grade. She has a very low ability to focus and pay attention in class, clumsy, had social problems when younger, learning difficulties (although tested, results came out w/ no learning disabilities), but she also zones out into her own world while in class and excessively taps or becomes "entranced" by certain object like a fancy pen and won't respond to her name. I feel she has more than A.D.D.. Are these more syptoms of autism or asperger's syndrome? Otherwise, her apperence is normal and she continues to do better in school w/ tutoring. She also seems to have an easier time socializing as the years go by. She was put on ritilin at age 9 which helps her pay attention in class, but she still has problems with the zoning out and focusing. Does this sound like anything more than A.D.D.?