Do we see dreams with colors or in black and white? Does the brain only only produce images but no colors?
sir Sefi
2006-02-28 02:54:35 UTC
Do we see dreams with colors or in black and white? Does the brain only only produce images but no colors?
Ten answers:
2006-02-28 03:02:17 UTC
This is a very odd thing. I honestly do not know whether my dreams are in black-and-white or color. I know that I usually accept them as real at the time, and that seems to imply that they are in color. But if I try to recall a dream later, I don't generally remember the color of something. It may be that we have more abstration in our dreams than we think we do; that the "pictures" are not like the sort that go into a jpg file, but more impressions of pictures. That is, a feeling or idea of seeing something, as compared with actually seeing it, the way a movie is seen.

But I think I must dream in color in one regard; I have always known blood for what it is within a dream. That would seem to imply that I can see its red color. But that's an implication, not a memory.
2006-02-28 03:00:14 UTC
The brain "produces" colors along with images. Some people will dream occasionally only in black and white, most people dream in color. Remember, dreams are just memories being triggered by the random firing of neurons in your brain. As your mind tries to string the random memories together in a coherent fashion, you dream.
2006-02-28 05:58:31 UTC
It depends on how you think. In middle school through highschool, I would frequently dream in words. I know this may sound strange, but I would see the text in front of me and be both reading it and experiencing it, though not through any of my usual senses. I didn't start dreaming in actual images until later, but it's still sometimes blurry because I'm not very visually oriented. Yet I always know exactly what's going on. I think I've had dreams in both colors and black & white, but more of the color ones.
2006-02-28 03:07:27 UTC
at first i thought i was dreaming in black n white but one day i woke up in sweats recalling a strange dream i just had - i wore a pair of pink colored jeans! And that means only one thing - i dream in color... (but still i'm not sure whether my dream is in 640x480 or 1024x768 resolution. let alone determining whether my dream is in 16 bit or 32 bit quality)
2016-12-12 21:26:09 UTC
in quite some circumstances, if there's a coloration that sticks out plenty, it has a meaning. i'm extraordinarily certain that maximum of my aims have coloration....yet i do not keep in ideas the colors each and every of the time, because the studies and emotions stand out more beneficial, yet at times, I do imagine about the colors in simple terms as a lot.
rx8 slotcar
2006-02-28 02:59:15 UTC
have you every had a dream? was it in color or black n white
2006-02-28 04:09:02 UTC
My dreams are quite colourful , so i am able to remember sometime what color dress I was wearing in my dream:)

and the best part is,,, I can see everything so crystall clear EVEN WITHOUT MY HIGH POWER.

Thats really coool!!!!
2006-02-28 03:00:46 UTC
I always dream in color!
2006-02-28 02:58:32 UTC
I dream in color. Don't you?
2006-02-28 03:02:26 UTC
i only see dreams in colour!!

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