2009-04-17 14:07:06 UTC
He had received a call from the Director of a not-for-profit in Detroit. She spoke to him about being the vp or chief operations officer of their organization.
I was so thrilled this had come up again! I was checking out houses like mad yesterday--- very excited about his possible promotion and I calculated his pay increase to be over 30k.
So last night my husband said he was happy here and we would not be moving to Detroit- I did show him the very COOL homes I found outside of Detroit to no avail.... I cant believe he would pass up that much money. But we do love where we live in North West Michigan.
This just seemed like his big break...we have been poor our whole marriage....and I am paid such a small salary in the Social service field- Thanks for the advice.
17 minutes ago - 4 days left to answer.
Additional Details
I asked him in an email today to write down pros and cons for moving and taking the job---Obviously the worst part of the promotion is Detroit...Is it as terrible as what I have read??- most foreclosures in the US...highest unemployment in the US and so on. Some of the downtown looked like a Middle East war zone- when I searched on line for photos. I have only been stuck at the airport- never been to the city. My husband was in the city about a month ago.