2010-04-07 06:33:06 UTC
Ever since I was 12 I lacked friends. Which led me to find ones who were convenient but who were also far away. At that time I was always on the computer. I wanted so much to escape what I was dealing with at home with my stepdad and my mom who always worked nights and slept during the day. I never really got the opportunity to go outside.
I picked up roleplaying online. Made interesting characters, played them out, gave them really cool back-stories (or so I thought at the time). I would talk with people my age and have fun doing that. It was a wonderful escape from all the shitty things I dealt with at home and school. After a while I gained some really great friends and this is where my problem escalates. Whenever I was away I would always imagine in my head how my characters or even I would interact with those people I talked to. To this day I'm still good friends with some of those people, only a few who I've actually met.
I would imagine being among them in a world not like here. But like in our stories. I would always imagine myself or my characters just being with my friends whenever I was bored or felt lonely.
Later on my crowd of friends changed and I took up art, went to college, etc. The world I imagined began to evolve into something like a theatre. And the characters I once had just disappeared and I only imagined a personification of myself among others. I really wasn't me when I was there, but rather who I wanted to be.
I'd imagine there was some guide to this other world. And those who were invited to be there were there for whatever reason. Pretty much I just imagined those that I knew, who were privileged enough to be invited to such a wonderful world. They would be able experience things outside of their normal world. Me, I'd always imagine being among friends I've become distant from. I've always wanted to care for people very much... and, I just imagine over and over again what my day would be like if I were just someone else, or rather someone better than how I am now. It always begins the same. It never progresses past the beginning in my mind. I think and rethink a scene forever. I try to imagine something I'm good at and that makes me happy and imagine myself doing that for people who care and would enjoy it also. I imagine my best friend there, and how we chatter on about things like art, boys, baking, and something like Germany. Hell, I've imagined we were able to speak German fluently... I've always wanted to do that.
But it escalated from there as well. I'd imagine my theatre of friends, and they would be able to see anyone they wanted on this huge screen... And the guides to this world were all knowing. So anyone they asked to see they knew all about that person. And because, you guessed it 'I' imagined this world, it was a view into my world, my actual life. So sometimes I'll imagine through the day that people are watching me. Learning more about me, about my personality. What are some good things about me, what I'm best at, why I might be a good friend, also commentary of what other people think about me.
Whenever I'm lonely I think I'm being watched by those learning more about me. I feel like I want someone to care I guess? It's slowed down a bit from when I was younger. But I can't seem to shake the feeling that I need someone to know all about me. Preferably those I'm going through difficult times with. I never imagine my family. Only my friends and possibly some acquaintances as well as others who might be friends of theirs, etc. Lately I've been thinking of others artists who live on the same coast as me that I often encounter at events. I guess I somewhat want to feel important? And that my art is somewhat relevant even though I don't do art so much anymore... In my head I'm much better than I really am.
I know it all sounds silly, but right now I am just on the brink of tears really. I'm not sure what's wrong with me or how to classify it. When I get insurance I want to get help. I know I'm already horribly depressed or I wouldn't go to such lengths to escape reality. But I haven't really told those close to me how this has been going on for so long. I don't want to tell my parents of course. They've never really cared how depressed I was... I really came here today because I want to approach my boyfriend about it. We just got over a break, and throughout that time all I could imagine was him and I together. Or him being able to watch me and see how miserable I was without him.
I don't feel like it's worth being admitted to a place or anything, but I don't know why psychologically I'm like this. Even sometimes when I'm with my friends I want others to witness how much of a good time I'm having just being myself and really