2013-07-08 22:17:45 UTC
I'm a 17 year old guy. I look like I'm 12. Everyone I know calls me feminine names, like pretty, and **** like that. The ironic part is that I'm bisexual, even though I am totally not attracted to falmbouant gay people. I hate all the accents and feminie type gay people...
I am crazy... I just constantly think about how crazy it is that the whole world is run by a small group of people who are filling all our lives with propoganda... making us all think certain ways and stuff.. I guess I'm more of a Libertarian.. I read a lot of news and stuff and I've never really met anyone my age who shares that interest with me
I'm so different from everyone in my life.. its so depressing.. ive never met anyone I felt I could be really good friends with..
I have misophonia.. if u havent heard of it, it is a condition in which certain sounds bother me a lot (like chewing and stuff like that).. It isnt my choice at all.. as soon as i hear a trigger sound my "fight or flight" reflexes kick in.. I lose control.. I get so angry and frustrated.. I just need to leave whatever I'm doing... and if I cant leave the area I get physically violent (rarely)
I should be a senior in high school next year, but I left school to get my GED and go to community college. I was kicked out of school for weed. (I never had anything on me and the principal told me he had proof that I was "selling weed in school" even though we found out he made all that up to get me to admit to it.. he told me if i didnt admit to it he would kick me out.)
I don't have any friends.. i don't belong to any social circles. I have a total of 0 guys and 0 girls in my life I can talk to and connect with.
No one cares about the world.. they just care about doing all the stuff they feel they "have" to do to fit in..
please dont give me a talk about the weed... I don't smoke weed because it's cool.. I do it because it calms me, and helps with misophonia.. I don't even smoke with other people usually.. i smoke by myself. It acutaly annoys me when people give me crap for smoking by myself even though they smoke with friends. I mean if its good enough to do while other people are watching, why wouldnt u do it by yourself,(unless ur just trying to be cool of course)
I feel so awkward and out of place, physically and mentally. No one wants anything to do with me.. I mean i can make friends easily, but as soon as we get to know each other they all soon realize who I really am.. just some weird guy who thinks differntly than everyone else....
I just want friends.. I just want to fit in, but I know that it can never happen, because in doing so I will have to go against everything I believe in..
its all so ironic... I want to fit in, yet I know that in reality, (at least on a mental level), I want others to fit in with me.. not the other way around...
I keep telling myself I want to be normal, but then I realize how it feels like i AM the normal one.. and that everyone else is "different" and that the only reason they are different is because they are propagandized....
I just don't know what to do. It's like, even if somehow I fit in with others, just having misophonia makes having a relationship virtually impossible for me. Even when I'm by myself I get bothered so much by it.
I would kill myself but i cant bare to think about what my family would go through.. my parents love me so much, they give me so much support.. I want to tell them everything, about being gay, how I think differently than everyone, but then I realize that they wont understand.. esepcially about the way I think.. they are just as propagandized as anyone else.
I feel like my life is just one big test or something.. because I am so different from everyone else... it's crazy. i just hope the world changes or something, or else im in for a lot of hurt in my life.
Thanks for listening if you actually read all this.. I'm just ranting I guess. I don't really have anyone to talk to