Decoding Cognitive States from fMRI Timeseries
Dr Colum Gallagher
This should answer all your needs HAVE a happy day
I. Introduction
Conventional analysis of functional magnetic resonance
imaging (fMRI) data follows a regression-based approach,
in which one identifies the neural correlates of a particu-
lar cognitive function by correlating individual voxel time-
courses with a known pattern of stimulus presentations.
However, one can reverse the direction of analysis; rather
than using knowledge of the stimulus pattern to infer brain
activity, one can ask whether brain signals can be used to
predict perceptual or cognitive states. This problem falls
naturally into the domain of machine learning, and can be
viewed as an instance of learning classifiers from extremely
high-dimensional, sparse, and noisy data [1].
Recently, Mitchell et al. [1] demonstrated the feasibility
of training Gaussian Naive Bayes (GNB), k nearest neigh-
bors (kNN), and Support Vector Machine (SVM) classi-
fiers to discriminate between a finite set of cognitive states.
For instance, given fMRI data from a single time interval
[t1, t2], the classifier could determine whether the subject
was viewing a picture or reading a sentence during that in-
terval. Cox and Savoy [2] used Linear Discriminant Analy-
sis (LDA) and SVMto investigate the neural representation
of various object categories, and Davatzikos et al [3] applied
SVMs and LDA to the problem of lie detection. The ability
to automatically classify fMRI data has found applications
in clinical diagnosis as well; Zhang et al [4] use KNN, GNB,
SVM, and Adaboost classifiers to discriminate between the
brains of healthy versus drug-addicted subjects.
Besides demonstrating the power of machine learning al-
gorithms, classifying fMRI data can provide valuable in-
sight into mechanisms of brain functioning; that is, acti-
vation patterns which play a critical role in discriminating
between perceptual or cognitive conditions may likely have
strong neurobiological relevance. In this way, classifica-
tion may be regarded as a hypothesis-generating method.
Furthermore, the approach of characterizing entire spatio-
temporal activation patterns represents one important de-
parture from massively univariate analyses (e.g. SPM [5])
commonly found in functional neuroimaging literature.
In this project, we first apply well-known machine learn-
ing algorithms (e.g. LDA, SVM) to the problem of discrim-
inating between cognitive states both a mental arithmetic
task (block design) and a working memory task (event-
related design). In each task, classifiers are trained using
short time intervals of fMRI data known to correspond to
either of two conditions: (1) an experimental condition,
or (2) a control condition. After training, the classifier
must determine whether an unseen segment of fMRI data
corresponds to an experimental or control condition. For
both single-subject and multiple-subject classification, we
are able to achieve accuracies comparable to those reported
in [1], [6], [3].
Next, we characterize the most discriminating regions of
the brain for both cognitive tasks by examining the weight
vectors (w) returned by the SVM classifiers. We demon-
strate that these discriminating volumes overlap to some
extent with the t-maps resulting from the univariate gen-
eral linear model (GLM) analysis. This work is similar to
that described in [6].
Finally, we explore the use of Dynamic Bayesian Net-
works (DBNs) in modeling functional interactions between
brain regions in the working memory task. Unlike the LDA
and SVM classifiers, which use only spatial patterns of
voxels to characterize differences between cognitive states,
DBNs can capture the statistical relationships between
brain regions over time. Hence, modeling fMRI data using
DBNs can be used for both classifying new data and gen-
erating hypotheses about functional interactions between
brain regions throughout different stages of cognitive pro-
II. Classification
Training Classifiers
In both the arithmetic and working memory tasks, the
classification function assumes the following form:
f : fMRI-sequence(t1, t2) ! {State0, State1}
fMRI-sequence(t1, t2) refers to the set of fMRI images
collected during the time interval [t1, t2]. Our method for
encoding fMRI-sequence(t1, t2) is based on [1]. Each train-
ing example x(i) is formed by concatenating the signal val-
ues from p selected voxels over (t1, t2). Thus, x(i) is an
(mp × 1) vector, where m is the number of fMRI images
acquired during the interval (t1, t2). Each x(i) has an as-
sociated binary-valued label y(i), where y(i) = 0 if (t1, t2)
corresponds to a trial of classState0 and y(i) = 1 if (t1, t2)
corresponds to trial of class State1.
In the mental arithmetic task, State1 corresponds to a
trial in which the subject views a valid (though possibly
incorrect) equation (e.g. “4+5=9”, or “2+4=7”), and must
determine whether or not the equation is correct. State0
corresponds to a trial in which the subject views a non-
equation string of numbers and symbols (e.g. “4@5!9”),
and must determine whether or not the equation contains
the number “5”. In the working memory task, the subject
is prompted to remember a string of 5 numbers that are
either all the same (“low load”; State0 ) or all different
(“high load”; State1 ).
Dimensionality Reduction Because the number of voxels
in the brain is large (over 550,000 for our data), feature
LOOCV errors obtained across multiple subjects, for the Arithmetic task.
Method Kernel Errors Mean Error
LDA n/a 0.1875, 0.1562, 0.1938, 0.2563, 0.2875, 0.2250, 0.1813 0.2125
SVM RBF 0.1688, 0.0938, 0.1688, 0.1500, 0.1938, 0.1938, 0.1688 0.1625
SVM Linear 0.1625, 0.1250, 0.1875, 0.1813, 0.2563, 0.1625, 0.1562 0.1759
LOOCV errors obtained across multiple subjects, for the Working Memory task.
Method Kernel Errors Mean Error
LDA n/a 0.23, 0.44, 0.4, 0.25, 0.38, 0.25, 0.33, 0.33, 0.38, 0.31, 0.29, 0.29, 0.17, 0.33 0.3125
SVM RBF 0.21, 0.40, 0.38, 0.25, 0.38, 0.25, 0.33, 0.21, 0.25, 0.417, 0.25, 0.25, 0.15, 0.30 0.286
SVM Linear 0.21, 0.33, 0.38, 0.25, 0.42, 0.19, 0.31, 0.23, 0.25, 0.38, 0.19, 0.27, 0.21, 0.27 0.2768
LOOCV errors obtained across multiple subjects using the
SVM classifier on a PCA basis
subject WM MA
1 0.2917 0.1688
2 0.1458 0.0750
3 0.3333 0.1500
4 0.2500 0.2062
5 0.2917 0.0563
6 0.2083 0.0938
7 0.2708 0.1000
8 0.1667 n/a
9 0.2917 n/a
10 0.2083 n/a
11 0.3125 n/a
12 0.1667 n/a
13 0.1250 n/a
14 0.2292 n/a
Mean Error 0.2351 0.1214
selection/dimensionality reduction is desirable. We imple-
mented the following two feature selection methods:
(i) Intersection of functional and anatomical ROIs Here,
we begin with a set of 116 anatomical ROIs (e.g. hip-
pocampus, cerebellum. These ROIs comprise all available
templates supplied by the Marsbar Matlab toolbox [7]).
We then determine which voxels in each region are signifi-
cantly (p < .01) active in the experimental condition versus
the control condition by separately correlating each voxel’s
timecourse with the stimulus waveform for each condition
(a boxcar signal which is high when the stimulus is on and
low when the stimulus is off), and applying a t-test. The
significant voxels in a particular ROI are grouped into a sin-
gle “supervoxel”, and the timecourses of each constituent
voxel are averaged to obtain the supervoxel’s timecourse.
Note that some ROIs may contain no significant voxels.
When classifying across multiple subjects, we only consider
ROIs that contain at least one significant voxel from each
(ii) PCA using voxels from the entire brain Here, no fea-
ture (voxel) selection is performed; instead, PCA is applied
to reduce the dimensionality of the full (n × p) training
matrix, where n is the total number of training examples
and p is equal to the number of voxels in the brain. This
method allows us to construct “discriminating volumes”,
i.e. spatial maps that display voxels playing the most crit-
ical role in the classification [6]. In addition, unlike (i),
this method makes no a priori assumptions about voxel
activation, thereby opening the possibility of discovering
previously-unsuspected brain regions that might prove crit-
ical to the cognitive process of interest. Here, we did not
choose to discard any of the principal components (PCs)
corresponding to nonzero eigenvectors; hence, there is no
information loss in the PCA transformation.
We choose these feature selection methods because they
easily extend to the problem of training classifiers across
multiple subjects. For instance, the ROI abstraction di-
rectly allows for the mapping of corresponding features
across subjects [8]. Other feature selection methods pro-
posed in the current literature, e.g. selecting the p most
active voxels in the brain [1], do not generalize well to the
multiple-subjects case.
In the mental arithmetic task, each block consisted of 15
timepoints. Because there tends to be higher variability in
brain activation at the beginning and end of each experi-
mental block, our training and test sets drew data from the
9 timepoints centered in the middle of each block. For the
working memory task, we drew 1 data point from each trial
(8 seconds after the stimulus onset) to use in the training
and test sets.
Other preprocessing steps Prior to forming the feature
vectors, we low-pass filter the voxel timeseries, subtract the
mean, and remove linear drifts. fMRI data contains high-
frequency, task-unrelated noise as well as linear “scanner
drift” which can introduce high degrees of variation be-
tween training examples of the same class; after low-pass
filtering and detrending, training examples belonging to a
single class appear more uniform. For the second feature
selection method, we downsampled all brain volumes by a
factor of 2 before applying PCA (due to memory limita-
Classifiers We applied the following classifiers: (1) LDA
(from the Discrim toolbox for Matlab by Michael Kiefte,
Dalhousie Univ.), (2) SVM (SVM toolbox for Matlab by
Anton Schwaighofer: http://ida.first.fraunhofer.de / an-
Testing Classifiers
We quantify the LOOCV error obtained when training
both on (a) single subjects and (b) acrossmultiple subjects.
For single subjects, we quantify the performance of the
classifiers and feature selection methods using leave-one-
out cross-validation. Since fMRI data is strongly correlated
in time, the point that is left out (say, at time t), will be
related to the training points at [t − k, t + k], thereby
producing biased error estimates. Thus, when testing on
point t, we exclude points t ± 3 from the training set [1].
For multiple subjects, the LOOCV error is the prediction
error obtained from testing on one subject (after having
trained on the remainder of subjects).
Tables 1 and 2 display prediction errors when feature se-
lection method (i) was applied. Table 1 shows the predic-
tion errors on each of 7 subjects for the mental arithmetic
task, and Table 2 shows the prediction errors on each of
14 subjects for the working memory task. Results indi-
cate that SVM, compared with LDA, is more capable of
generalizing across subjects. The across-subject errors in
both tasks are comparable to those reported by [8]. When
using SVMs to detect whether subjects were reading a sen-
tence or viewing a picture, they achieved across-subject
errors of 14-25%. On the syntactic ambiguity study (de-
termining whether subjects were reading an ambiguous or
unambiguous sentence), SVM errors were around 35-45%.
In a face-matching task, Miranda et al. [6] achieved error
rates of 20-25% (faces versus locations), and 10-15% (faces
versus control).
Table 3 displays the across-subject prediction errors
when feature selection method ii) was applied. The mean
error on the mental arithmentic class was 12.14%, and the
mean error on the working memory task was 23.51%.
In general, the error for the arithmetic task is much lower
than that of the working memory task. This result may re-
flect the fact that the arithmetic task has a block-design
structure, while the working memory task has an event-
related structure. In a block design, several trials of the
same condition (experimental or control) are presented in
close succession; thus, the characteristic activity pattern
for each condition is sustained over several seconds. On the
other hand, the experimental and control trials of an event-
related design are randomly interleaved, which often means
that (a) two trials of the same type are separated in time,
and (b) two trials of different conditions may sometimes
occur in quick temporal succession, thereby allowing the
the slowly-varying brain reponse (hemodynamic response
function, or HRF) to the first trial to obscure that of the
second trial type. The signal-to-noise ratio is also higher in
a block design compared to an event-related design, since
HRFs are known to sum in a rougly linear fashion. Thus,
event-related designs pose a more difficult challenge to clas-
It is also worth noting that the error for the SVM across-
subjects classification using feature selection method (ii) in
the working memory task was highly sensitive to the set of
data points used for training/testing. For instance, while
using the first and/or second timepoints following the onset
of each trial, the across-subject classification error rarely
dropped below 45%. However, using the fourth timepoint
yielded errors in the 20-30% range.
III. Mapping Discriminating Volumes
The SVM classifier finds a hyperplane that maximizes
the the margin of separation between the two classes. The
normal vector w defining the optimal hyperplane (and, con-
sequently, the optimal linear transformation of the data
points) can be interpreted as the direction along which the
two classes differ the most. Thus, mapping the w-vector
into a brain volume yields a spatial map indicating the
relative discriminating importance of each voxel. While
the LDA classifier also yields a separating hyperplane, we
chose to generate the discriminating volumes based on the
SVM because of SVM’s superiority in generalizing to un-
seen data.
Because SVM was performed in principal components
space, we first project the resulting normal vector (wp)
back into voxel-space with the transformation w = V wp,
where V is the matrix of eigenvectors (PCs).
The discriminating volume and corresponding GLM map
for the working memory task is shown in Figures 1a and
1b, respectively. Note the presence of clusters in the pari-
etal, motor, and left basal ganglia regions in both maps;
these areas are known to play a role in working memory-
related processing. The majority of the differences occur
in the top and bottom rows of the montages, which do not
contain brain structures relevant to working memory pro-
cessing. The discriminating volume and GLM map for the
mental arithmetic task is shown in Figures 1c and 1d. Note
that a few of the regions with high weights in the discrim-
inating volume are overlap with regions with high t-values
resulting from the GLM analysis (e.g. L/R putamen, L/R
insula). However, many salient clusters in the GLM map
are missing from the discriminating volume (e.g. cerebellar
regions, SMA, cingulum).
In Figure 1, the GLM maps are thresholded to show
voxels with significance p < 0.05, while the discriminating
volumes are thresholded to show voxels whose w-values are
above 30% of the maximum absolute value in w. Though
it is not exactly correct to compare w-values with p-values,
[6] observed that after converting w-values to p-values us-
ing nonparametric permuations tests, voxels whose values
exceeded 30% of the max matched very closely the voxels
which turned up as significant at p < .05.
In the working memory task, 56% of the thresholded
(>30% of the max) discriminating volume intersected with
the GLM map (however, only 14% of the GLM map inter-
sected with the thresholded discriminating volume). For
the mental arithmetic, 47% of the thresholded discriminat-
+60 +56 +52 +48 +44 +40
+36 +32 +28 +24 +20 +16
+12 +8 +4 +0 −4 −8
−12 −16 −20 −24 −28
+60 +56 +52 +48 +44 +40
+36 +32 +28 +24 +20 +16
+12 +8 +4 +0 −4 −8
−12 −16 −20 −24 −28
+60 +56 +52 +48 +44 +40
+36 +32 +28 +24 +20 +16
+12 +8 +4 +0 −4 −8
−12 −16 −20 −24 −28
+60 +56 +52 +48 +44 +40
+36 +32 +28 +24 +20 +16
+12 +8 +4 +0 −4 −8
−12 −16 −20 −24 −28
Fig. 1. (a) Discriminating volume for the working memory task - coronal slices. (b) GLM t-map for the working memory taks - coronal
slices. (c) Discriminating volume for the mental arithmetic task - axial slices. (d) GLM t-map for the mental arithmetic task - axial
slices. For display purposes, elements in the discriminating volume maps (i.e. w, which is a unit vector) are scaled by a factor of 104.
ing volume intersected with the GLM map (and again, 14%
of the GLM map intersected with the thresholded discrim-
inating volume).
How might we interpret differences between the GLM
maps and the discriminating volumes? The GLM is a uni-
variate approach which tries to fit a linear model to the
timeseries, whereas the SVM considers only the spatial
pattern at each moment in time. While the two meth-
ods of analysis provide different perspectives on the data,
it is unclear which is more “correct”. The SVM and other
methods of multi-voxel analysis do, however, provide valu-
able alternatives to linear modeling; and indeed, there are
many cases in which simple linear timeseries models are in-
appropriate (e.g. experimental designs in which timeseries
regressors are highly collinear, or when the actual shape
of the hemodynamic response differs significantly from the
canonical, modeled response). It is notable that both here
and in [6], SVM classification using no prior model of the
hemodynamic response, as well as completely unbiased fea-
ture selection, identifies regions similar to those identified
by a GLM analysis.
IV. Dynamic Bayesian Nets
A Bayesian network is a graphical representation of joint
probability distributions over sets of random variables.
Nodes in the graph represent variables in a system, and
arcs represent conditional dependences. Dynamic Bayesian
Networks (DBNs) explicitly model temporal processes. In
a DBN, nodes are arranged into columns, where each col-
umn represents a particular time frame in the process. Arcs
connecting nodes between columns represent causal rela-
DBNs have recently been applied to the problem of mod-
eling relationships between brain regions in fMRI data. Un-
like the GLM, DBNs do not assume linearity of the BOLD
response or voxel-wise independence. Burge et al. [9] used
DBNs to model differences in brain networks between a
group of dementia patients and a group of healthy sub-
jects. They constructed a DBN with 150 nodes in each
column, where node i in column t represented the mean
signal of the ith ROI at timeframe t. Timecourses were
quantized to 2 or 4 levels, so that each node had a discrete
conditional probability table (CPT). A structure-learning
algorithm was applied to search for the network topology
that best explains the data (the Markov assumption is in-
voked to reduce the search space; only two columns, t and
t + 1, are needed). After the networks were learned, clas-
sification accuracy on test data from each group was ob-
tained as a means of validating the resulting structures;
their classification accuracy comparable to that of SVMs
and Gaussian Naive Bayes (GNB) classifiers.
Very recently, Zhang et al. [10] used DBNs to model
the interactions between 5 ROIs in groups of drug-addicted
and healthy subjects. A Dynamically Multi-Linked Hidden
Markov Model (DML-HMM) [11] was used, and a Struc-
tural Expectation-Maximization (SEM) algorithm was per-
formed to learn both the structure and parameters that
maximize P(data|model) (Figure 2).
In this project, I constructed DBNs to explore possi-
ble differences in functional interaction between the high-
load and low-load conditions in the working memory task
described above (Section II). I chose to model the rela-
tionships between 6 ROIs that are hypothesized to be im-
portant in working memory. As in [9], observations were
taken as the mean signal values in each ROI, and were
quantized to 4 levels. I experimented with several dif-
Fig. 2. (a) Example of a DML-HMM (Zhang 2005, NIPS). (b) SEM
algorithm for parameter and structure learning.
ferent models/topologies. The first model was similar to
[9] in that each node represented the fully-observed mean
ROI signal value. Structure-learning was performed using
the REVEAL algorithm [12] with both the BIC and ML
scoring criteria, as implemented in the Bayes Net Toolbox
(http://bnt.sourceforge.net). The ML criterion constructs
arcs that maximize the mutual information between the
parents and child of each “familiy”, which tended to al-
ways result in fully connected graphs. The BIC criterion
has a penalty term which lessens the tendency to overfit:
BIC = −2 logL(_) + K logN
Here, L(_) is the maximum likelihood of the data under
the current structure, K is the number of parameters of the
model, and N is the size of the training set. However, under
the BIC criterion, my structural searches only produced
diagonal (identity) adjacency matrices for both the high-
load and low-load data sets. I then tried using the ML
criterion, while restricting the maximum number of parents
of each child to 3. The structures learned for the high-load
and low-load condition were different. However, classifying
new test data via argmax
P(data|Structureclass)) could not
be performed significantly better than chance. This is likely
a consequence of having too few datapoints in the test set;
however, it is also possible that the chosen ROIs do not
exhibit strong causal relationships, or relationships that
differ between the high- and low-load conditions.
I also constructed DML-HMM models and implemented
the SEM algorithm for structure and parameter learning.
As in [10], hidden nodes were assumed to be discrete and
binary-valued. Arcs could exist between hidden states only.
As shown in Figure 3, the resulting structures for both the
low-load and high-load conditions differ only in one column,
and again, classification accuracy did not exceed chance.
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
Fig. 3. (a) DML-HMM-SEM adjacency matrix for the high-load
condition. (b) DML-HMM-SEM adjacency matrix for the lowload
condition. Low classification accuracy implies that these
structures are not reflective of differences in neural connectivity
between conditions.
Future work could involve selecting different sets of ROIs,
setting up different priors in the CPDs based on existing
neural connectivity models, and letting each observation
take continuous (rather than quantized) values whose den-
sities are modeled, say, as mixtures of Gaussians.
Many thanks to Professor Vinod Menon (Dept. of Psy-
chiatry & Behavioral Sciences, Dept. of Neuroscience) for
the datasets, fast computers, and helpful discussions about
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