so im 19, i graduated high school last summer and i just didnt feel college was right for me at the moment. but now its been 6 months and i havent really decided on any direction to go in, and i just feel completely lost, and cant even think of what it is i want in life. and really i dont feel as if my life has much purpose right now.. but i feel as if everyones just waiting on me to decide my whole life plan...and ive somewhat lost all connection with friends because they all went in their own direction...but to be honest i would rather avoid seeing them anyway cuz im a bit ashamed of the state im in.....this is kinda weird but i like to think of myself like rapunzel and im just trapped in my tower, and i make do where i am by painting, cooking, singing, sewing etc. and im just waiting for my life to begin..yeah i know its maybe a bit silly, but hey it makes me feel better.... well im just asking this to know if someone out there feels the same way. thanks.