Only you can change this. If you are unhappy with the course you are taking, change it. I assume you are in college. That's old enought to choose the path you want to take. What makes you happy? That's the direction you should take. Follow your bliss.
You have one life to lead. It's your life. If you are following someone else's dream for you, than you are only cheating yourself.
Start with your interests. Then do some research to find out what careers utilize the things that interest you most, things you love to do. Then make an appointment with your counselor and have him help you find the path to take to achieve the goals you set for yourself. Soon you will find that you enjoy your courses because you are interested in them. When you enjoy what you are doing, you are a happier, healthier person. But it has to start with you.
Sometimes we have to take a step back to see where we need to go. Don't be afraid that you will make a mistake. Don't be afraid to try something new. It's exciting. You deserve a good life, but it's not going to fall in your lap. You have to go find it.
And don't worry that you have wasted time with the classes you have taken. You have picked up skills and training that will transfer over to a new fiels. I'm sure your parents would rather put their money into something that brings you happiness than a field that doesn't. If money is a problem, get you a part time job.
Good luck. Now, go discover your passion.