Being lonely and unpopular is not necessarily a sign of low self-esteem. It is just something he is short on like not having enough to eat. I see self-esteem as having sufficient innersecurity with hope for improvement being what enables a person to feed and build up his innersecurity. If you have those two things you will have adequate self-esteem.
All of us can build up our innersecurity and hope in two ways. First the fleshly way. We all need to remove from our minds the hopeless teachings of fixed intelligences and abilities. We all need to begin looking at how our individual environments do greatly affect our lives and abilities and how we can begin to approach our live more delicately to continually improve our abilities and our lives.
By showing students how their individual environments greatly affect their ability to think, learn, long-term motivation to learn, and grow mentally and emotionally, students will have much more respect and esteem for themselves and for others. By providing students with tools to approach their lives more delicately and differently to continually change and improve their lives, students will then have a continuous hope of developing in time, many if not all of the qualities they admire in others over time. Students will then have a continuous hope of changing and becoming better, newer persons with each passing day. This will reduce much hopelessness, many harmful escapes and other problems created by our horrible teachings of fixed intelligences in school such as dropouts, drug/alcohol abuse, catharsis of violence, and suicide. Learning Theory can be read from my blogs. Graph, Figure, and learning theory will go to all on request.
Second is the spiritual need or hope in something bigger than this old fleshly world we now live in.
I fully understand why many persons believe as they do. I also understand why even those persons professing to believe in God may have misgivings or at least discomfort with the beliefs of their own church and with their fellow believers. I hope the information I will provide will give even the most cynical person a way to see how a loving God would allow wickedness to exist temporarily for a time. I feel given this correct understanding, many who learn this view will come to have a different attitude and will come to have a hope in a loving God. I hope many persons who are putting their faith and hope in this old system will come to put forth just as much energy into something much better, worthwhile and more beneficial for themselves and others. I feel everyone has a choice of living for limited years and suffering in this old system without hope or choose to see and appreciate something very real and much more wonderful for everyone. Please read and learn to have that choice and its hope.
The Bible is like a picture that cannot be seen and appreciated until you look at it from a certain position or understanding. When you look at it from the correct perspective, it can be seen from beginning to end in a complete, beautiful picture that offers a wonderful hope for everyone in a new system of things, even for those who have fallen asleep in death that are to be resurrected soon at the close of this old system. When we can see the picture it presents, we can see how and why the Bible was written, to provide much needed hope for all of us for a new system with no death or suffering. Understanding this view of the scriptures will give many persons a much better way of looking at all of creation: the animals, trees, plants, fish, and humans themselves with much more appreciation and in turn a wonderful hope for all of us and for those who are temporarily asleep in death.