2010-03-23 01:02:29 UTC
It started after a long tiring day, i got to my dorm and fell asleep from 8pm to 10pm, then woke up and did homework and studied till about 1. This sleep was terrible though, and my roommate who was studying at the time told me i was moaning and twitching the whole time. Ironically, i skimmed over a chapter about lucid dreaming in my psychology notes, and about dream control. Me and my roommate jim then went to bed, and i said "tonights going to be one of those nights were im not going to get much sleep" (mainly because of the humidity, but i also just felt uncomfortable).
Heres where the wierdness starts though. I was laying in bed for about an hour on my laptop, my roommate had already fallen asleep about 40 min before. All of a sudden, he starts groaning and wakes up pretty quick, and tells me hes having scary "psychedelic" dreams (note: weve had an experience once were we actually did do LSD in much much too high of a dose together, so i know when jim says trippy, he meant really insane).
Heres my story though:
Maybe 20 min later i fall into really surreal, psychedelic sleep. maybe i had been influenced by what jim said or the strange night in general. I had alot of pre-dream thoughts that I usually have that are kinda weird so i know im falling asleep, but this time they were drawn out and surreal (one dominating idea was about some sort of talking catfish).
I soon fall into this really deep dream, but it feels like im awake, sitting in my room alone with the lights turned off. i then remember earlier reading about lucid dreaming, and i start realize im in my dream when i notice everythings pretty hazy and i dont have total control of my head (strange as it sounds). My dog shows up and jumps into bed with me. this is when I know 100% that this was a dream as my dog is 140 miles away in reality. As soon as I make this connection, I notice this "other" staring at me in my room. I slowly back away, and it turns into a laughing girl and claws its way into my chest. Just then i force myself to wake up, and i think im awake, but then i realize im in another strange dark room. I start screaming my roommates name, hoping my body would make some noise. I even face the "thing" and tell it it can do whatever it wants since its only a dream, it laughs and just digs deeper into my chest. I start pinching myself, and biting my "arms" as hard as i can, still screaming my roommates name. All of a sudden I come out of it, fall out of bed, and run/scramble blindly into a wall screaming at the top of my lungs. Needless to say my roommate was more than a little freaked out and I have a giant bump on my head.
What was this? Why did this happen, and why did it feel like we fed off each others negative thoughts or something?