what's your personality type?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
what's your personality type?
27 answers:
2011-06-03 10:40:57 UTC
ESFJ. 81%. I'm a boring snowball.
2011-06-03 10:37:31 UTC
My personality type is OMFG or ROFL. Acronyms are fun when you're being a smart a**. try n decode this one lqimhwdiat. Haha my personality type in all truth and seriousness is however I see myself in the mirror on any given day. It's perspective and no computer can equate the way I walk or talk. Smoochy, this rare and beautiful snow flake you are is more than the clicking of a mouse or a computers statistics... It shown not through an acronym but in your feet as you walk. I notice patterns in verbiage and trace it to soul, the deepest of the deep. I've yet to see to see a computer that could keep up with me and I've got some truth for you. You're more than four letters on a page. your qualities are clear to those who seek to see them and there will be no need to hear them tell you once you've awoken to see what I see in your picture. There is no need to catch up to a world that you're already ahead of. Success is perspective and mine tells me your a success.
2011-06-03 10:42:43 UTC
at one time it was suggested borderline ;)

but i'll take you quiz anyway.. brb

it seems im two, figures.

ISFP and/or INFP

If your personality type is ISFP then you have some deeply-held values that, even though your life may be somewhat unstructured, direct the things that you do and say. You probably take a caring and sensitive approach to others, more so than may be apparent to others because you showing your feelings in acts of kindness rather than in direct statements. You probably have a strong sense of the type of lifestyle you enjoy, which you want to maintain.

If your personality type is INFP then you have some deeply-held values, though there are probably very few people, if any, who know what those values actually are. Privately, you may be a people-person, but others may not recognise it as you show your feelings in indirect, imaginative ways rather than in more conventional expressions of care. You may be looking forward to the realisation of some personal ideals
2011-06-03 10:41:59 UTC
I'm an INTJ. I would, however, like to point out that different personality type sites list the rarest types as different. The three types that are most commonly listed as the rarest are "INTJ (0.8-1.0% of world population)", "INFJ (0.9-3.0% of world population)", and "ISTJ (0.9-3.1% of world population)." These figures change from site to site. Some list the types as more or less common. I am (as one site puts it) a "Mastermind" -- intelligent, reserved, and organized -- however, weak in social areas.
2011-06-03 14:28:42 UTC
Your personality type is probably INFP (or perhaps ISFP) is what they said about me

Same results Nodumgys got, haha
Shades of Grey♥
2011-06-03 11:55:32 UTC
A few years ago I was an ENTP and more recently an ENFP ~ maybe I became more empathetic? :-)
2011-06-03 13:30:22 UTC
James M
2011-06-03 12:38:33 UTC
ESTP - too logical for my own good!
2011-06-03 11:10:14 UTC
ISFJ (or perhaps ISFP)

If your personality type is ISFJ then you are interested in knowledge and experience, particularly in relation to family, friends and colleagues. You are a quiet, serious observer of people, listening intently and getting to know a great deal about them. You pay attention to their emotions and feelings, and are keenly aware of the state of relationships between them and you take your responsibilities to them very seriously.

If your personality type is ISFP then you have some deeply-held values that, even though your life may be somewhat unstructured, direct the things that you do and say. You probably take a caring and sensitive approach to others, more so than may be apparent to others because you showing your feelings in acts of kindness rather than in direct statements. You probably have a strong sense of the type of lifestyle you enjoy, which you want to maintain.

i really wanted just to type 'b*ll*cks', but that all sounds fair enough to me...
killer peaches bored tyrant
2011-06-03 10:55:28 UTC
ISTP (Introverted, Sensation, Thinking, Perception)


your dominant function is Thinking and very introverted

your auxiliary (second most important) is Sensation and very introverted

your tertiary (third) is iNtuition and very introverted

your inferior (fourth) is Feeling and very introverted

What does this mean?

The most important mental muscle (or 'dominant function') for an ISTP is the judging one of Thinking. This means you like making decisions on the basis of logic, using objective considerations, and are concerned with truth, principles and justice. You are analytical and critical, tending to see the flaws in situations and you usually (though not always) take an objective approach when dealing with people or problems.

The judging Thinking function is introverted. That is, Thinking is used primarily to govern the inner world of thoughts and emotions. As an ISTP you will therefore spend time thinking analytically, organising thoughts on a logical basis and developing an understanding of the principles involved in a situation. You may spontaneously tend to feel critical of a person or situation, but not necessarily express that criticism. Also, although you are inwardly decisive, you may not communicate your decisions to others (so they don't always realise when you've made your mind up). You tend to think mostly about impersonal issues, focusing more on practical concepts, truth and how things work rather than dwelling on people's feelings and emotions.

The MMDI reports your preferred leadership style as being a leadership theorist. When someone is being a leadership theorist, they using the best models or explanations of how the organisation works to improve its performance. A leadership theorist use the best leadership theories available to understand and improve the hidden dynamics that have the greatest impact on overall team and organisational performance.

Your second preference for leadership is as a a goal-oriented leader. Goal-oriented leadership involves setting clear and specific goals. These goals are often cascaded, so that senior management have high-level goals that are supported by the more detailed goals of staff in the rest of the organisation. These goals may also be laid out in a plan, as a sequence of events to achieve a long-term objective.

whatever all that is supposed to mean.
2011-06-04 08:18:30 UTC
First of all, INFG is not an actual MBTI type. Maybe you mean INFJ.

Secondly, INFJ is NOT the rarest of the MBTI types. I don't care what sources say what. The Myers-Briggs official website ( & most other accredited sources state that INFJs are approximately 3% of the population. INTPs, on the other hand, are 1% or less of the population, therefore making them BY FAR the rarest type there is, and it's been that way since the creation of the MBTI. Believe me, I'm an INTP and as one, I research anything and everything that interests me to the fullest extent of my mind, mastering whatever I put my mind to. And never in my life have I met another INTP. I think half the people that claim they are INTPs are really INFPs or INTJs (at least the majority of the time). That being said, personality types are, although quite fascinating, only general indicators of the inclinations of a person's conscious state. A lot of people come up with different results each time they take an MBTI test, because they are well-rounded in certain areas. Besides, there can't possibly be that many Einstein-like people in the world! Wannabes, though, yes...
2011-06-04 03:46:56 UTC
I think I'm too weird. The test couldn't decide what exactly I am.

On this basis your type is INTP (Introverted iNtuitive Thinking Perceiving) , but when we use another method (explained on the next screen) we reach a different conclusion, that your type is ENTP (Extraverted iNtuitive Thinking Perceiving) or ENFP (Extraverted iNtuitive Feeling Perceiving).

If your personality type is ENTP then you are someone who challenges the status quo, seeking to uncover the hidden potential or new possibilities in different situations. You start projects and introduce change on an experimental basis, not knowing fully what is going to happen, but in the expectation that it will lead to an improvement. You enjoy the challenge of doing something that has not been done before and seems impossible.

If your personality type is ENFP then you are someone who senses the hidden potential in people. You enjoy starting discussion or activities that challenge and stimulate others into having new insights about themselves, which they can then take and apply to their own personal growth. You are enthusiastic about new projects or causes that offer the potential for a beneficial impact on people, especially when it involves breaking new ground.

I think I'm just "P" which stands for pathetic.
2011-06-04 02:59:07 UTC
Your personality type is probably ISFJ (or perhaps ISTJ).

What Makes An ISFJ Tick?

The Dominant function is the perceptive one of Sensing. Characteristics associated with this function include:

Likes looking at information in terms of facts and details

Focuses more on the here and now rather than possibilities for the future

Feels comfortable in areas of proven experience

Takes a realistic approach

The perceptive Sensing function is introverted. That is, Sensing is used primarily to govern the inner world of thoughts and emotions. The ISFJ will therefore:

Seek to develop a realistic understanding of the world as it is, in the light of what he/she observes

Be pragmatic in nature, constantly learning to adapt to the world as it is now

Observe in a subjective way, selecting and relating facts that others would not, and seeing those facts more in terms of impressions and significance than pure fact
smile [dontcha mess with cupid]
2011-06-06 00:13:29 UTC
"ENFP (or perhaps ENTP)".

" are someone who senses the hidden potential in people. You enjoy starting discussion or activities that challenge and stimulate others into having new insights about themselves, which they can then take and apply to their own personal growth. You are enthusiastic about new projects or causes that offer the potential for a beneficial impact on people, especially when it involves breaking new ground."

I think this is a nice way of saying I get bored easily.

Oh, and this test got "personality crisis" stuck in my head again. gah, I hate/love/worship you, Dear Master Smooch..
2011-06-05 18:57:35 UTC


what does that mean?

"Introversion involves concentrating on a few, deep issues, and thinking things through before acting."

And I'm split almost evenly between logic and values..?

Hahahahahahahhahaha wow they are OFF!
2011-06-06 14:23:58 UTC
ISFP on of the 76 percent
2011-06-03 11:39:08 UTC
INTP (or perhaps ISTP).

but when I read Jung's work I found myself to be Sensational Introverted Type mostly.
2011-06-03 10:45:11 UTC
I'm a ENFJ! I read about your type and I think I may have a little bit of the spontaneous, intuitive creatiivity. Great question! :)
Mike H Music Man in New Orleans
2011-06-03 12:26:38 UTC
Whatever the laid back type is. I rarely get pizzed off except when I talk politics. LOL
2011-06-05 15:21:09 UTC
INTJ (or perhaps INFJ) Hahaha opposite of both my parents
2011-06-07 00:00:02 UTC
I am an INFP, but I might be an INTP or an ISFP.
☆ Nanodae
2011-06-05 08:42:43 UTC
I got two for some reason.


2011-06-03 14:42:51 UTC

I think it fits.
2011-06-06 17:26:50 UTC
INTJ.So lame.
John M
2011-06-06 19:19:58 UTC
2011-06-06 11:47:52 UTC
2011-06-03 10:39:41 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.