2010-03-10 23:05:10 UTC
Slowly, over the years, the traits that I once found endearing have become toxic. It's hard to explain because her cruelest tactics have a lot to do with disgusted/unamused facial expressions, sarcastic/snotty tone of voice, and uncomfortable/unavailable posture. There are so many things that I can't even name them all but: she never greets me or says "hi" and always waits for me to say it, she won't walk with me in the halls and instead will walk fast to get in front of me, she refuses to give me eye contact when we're talking, she always has her arms crossed and never wants to associate with me in front of other people. She also says weird things sometimes like she calls me "little mae" as a sort of nickname, she jokes that I need to hold someone's hand while crossing the street and that my mommy has to make my lunch for me (as if I'm not capable of doing it myself), she always does this thing where if I say something really basic like "wow the car's really dirty, I need to go get it washed." she'll be like "well NORMAL people get a bucket and wash it themselves!" or "NO ONE gets their car washed, EVERYONE gets a bucket and washes it themselves!" (as if she's talked to absolutely everyone in the world and i'm this freak who never talks to anyone and doesn't know anything. she does this ALL the time!). Or I'll say that I like something and she'll say "I hate that." and walk away and then the next period, another girl will say she likes that SAME thing and suddenly my "best friend" says "oh my gosh, me too!" and smiles and laughs.
If I say that I really like a new shirt that I bought, she'll say something like "Do you think you look pretty in that?" or ask kind of degrading questions that I don't know how to answer. She also has really weird hangups about food and often makes comments about how I'm going to get fat if I keep eating certain things (I have a bmi of 19, and don't look very plump). She always makes fun of me for having small boobs (she has DD's and is bigger boned than me) and sometimes I pretend to laugh along while she insults me (I hate it when I do but I just don't want to cause a fight!).
A few days ago, we accidentally wore the same sweater to school and she asked me to call my mom to have her bring me a change of clothes, when I said no because my mom is busy just like her parents and why should I have to change and it's not the end of the world anyways, she told me that she couldn't sit by me in any of our classes and excluded me for the rest of the day. It feels like she'll find anyone to talk to or sit by besides me, she even turns her head away from me so she doesn't have to talk or look at me. Sometimes, we'll go almost an entire day without talking (we have 3 classes together). I guess I must have just made excuses for her (oh, she's just having a bad day, she's just tired, pms-ing, she's not being intentionally hurtful...) but now that I stop to think about it, I am amazed that I've been able to last this long. She says that she's my best friend, and she really can make me feel like a million dollars some days (or I wouldn't still stick around and try to make it work), but I'm always on edge. I'm always wondering if this is going to be a "good day" or a "bad day" and always asking myself what I did wrong or what I can do to make her happier or make her laugh to put her in a good mood. I'm not even living for me anymore, I'm living to please someone that, I'm starting to realize, can't be pleased.
But now I don't know what to do, I've just become so isolated over the years: I sit alone in an empty room with just her at lunch and I'm so scared that I won't have any friends and will be completely alone and even more unhappy if I leave her, but this sick little game that she plays is not okay. I know I'm not a freak, the way she treats me, it's hard to believe that I don't have some kind of contagious disease, but I know that I'm not completely socially retarded. I'm suffocating. Please help me!