Is porn really as bad as people think?
2006-07-27 09:27:58 UTC
I work as a porn editor. I hate porn its stupid, but the time ive spent working here has made me relate to alot of the actors. Is sex between strangers that bad.... and how low do you have to be to be degrated like some of the females here. I at times see it as nothing bad at all, then other times I see it as the lowest thing anyone could voluntarily do to themselves. I definatley dont want to do this forever but for now im learning new skills "editing" and making money for my bills. I need an outsiders point of view.
21 answers:
2006-07-27 20:06:07 UTC
I don't think watching porn is a bad thing. Watching it doesn't make you a pervert or just means you wanna learn and see new things...but as to porn actors, I think it's degrading to themselves and as well as women. Women in porn movies are usually portayed as weak or fragile and is always being the one in "use".
2006-07-27 09:41:43 UTC
Yes it is.

When you have sex with strangers over and over it devalues the closeness and caring that makes sex between humans more than a biological function. The other person becomes an object, someone to be used, of no value. This destroys self esteem and caring in BOTH the user and the one being used. How long this takes depends on the individual person.

When you watch,read etc porn it hardens you to this degredation, making it harder and harder to connect with a partner. You get so hard and jaded that you have to go further and further into the baser side to get anything out of sex until nothing feels good anymore.

That is why porn is a bad thing.
2006-07-27 09:42:52 UTC
Sex between strangers goes on ALL the time outside the porn view is as long as they are adults, consenting, not harming anyone, and no one's cheating on a partner, then it's all good...doesn't matter if they know one another or not...if sex were only for procreation, we wouldn't enjoy it so's only dirty or "wrong" when people try to attach their narrow views (often religion-based) to it...and religion has nothing and should have nothing to do with it...

As for porn, I don't know the personal stories behind the "actors" in the industry. I enjoy at times watching can get me 'in the mood' if I'm not...I don't think watching a video of people having sex is a bad thing...those that do it because they want to be in porn movies, more power to them...those that do it because they feel they 'have' to, that does take away from one should have sex if they don't want to...
2006-07-27 09:41:31 UTC
As with anything,it is a choice and a point of view. Largely porn gets blamed for crimes against women and some are afraid,offended,annoyed that men's views of sex or ideas about sex are affected by porn negatively. I like porn. It caters to fantasy and has given me some good ideas. I don't disrespect women because of it. Sex should be fun. Not a chore or rote with both parties actively engaged.Be the change Peace.
2006-07-27 09:37:10 UTC
You've got a lot of conflict in how you think about porn. That's good, because it shows you to be intelligent and able to evaluate the situation, even though you are currently involved.

Porn is not the worst thing in the world, but it is pretty bad. Why? Because it forces people to share more of themselves, publicly, than is healthy for their personal self-esteem. This is why it's not part of the mainstream entertainment in most cultures.

As for you, perhaps you can learn as much as you can (you're certainly not doing anything illegal!) and prepare yourself to get a job in another area of entertainment with the skills you build for yourself. There's no reason you always have to work in porn, just because you started there.

Good luck!
2006-07-27 09:32:40 UTC
There are worse things are person can do and I think that there are certain types of porn that are kind of over the line. Sex between strangers? That isn't even within a foot of the line. Hey, just because you don't like porn personally doesn't mean you don't need to support yourself. As long as it's not something really morally objectionable, why not?
2006-07-27 09:33:06 UTC
I think porn is most dangerous because it becomes addictive and consuming. I think porn suits people with the mentality of a teenager in puberty. Any adult who has to look at porn isn't really an adult. The people that star in porn are just a different class of prostitutes. Porn sets up realities that are false and leads people to think behavior like that is normal, which it's not, or porn wouldn't be so popular.
2006-07-27 09:36:39 UTC
I suppose it depends on the individuals involved and what's going on in each person's world at the time.

Don't punish yourself too horribly over this. It's good you do have a conscience about it all; to me it indicates you're the kind of person who'd be very sensitive to the role sexuality plays in a genuinely loving relationship. That's always a good thing.

Are the women really degraded? Worse than the men?

To me, sex is a very beautiful and amazing gift from God, and sometimes watching a love or sex scene in a film is delicious. Our bodies are amazing creations and our sensuality should be celebrated and treated with respect.
2006-07-27 09:36:35 UTC
No, I don't think that's bad, that's still a job, and someone has to do it, just imagine the world without porn, that's impossible, also there would be consequences like rappings and so on...

Well, your point of view is different, since you're "in" the whole day, and you can see what's all that about behind the scenes, and as you say, you're not gonna be there forever, there's people who will.

So, just try to relax and enjoy your job, for, when you're not satisfied by it anymore, just quit!
2006-07-27 09:32:51 UTC
I hate it. I mean, if I am not good enough for my BF to look at, why am I here? I think it is very degrading to sleep with someone "just because" and have someone film it. I don't know of anything lower that a person could do willingly either. OK, there are things, but the question here was about porn.
2006-07-27 09:40:45 UTC
If you do not like the current job you have, look for a new one. Most people look for a new job while working at another job. The question you have to ask yourself is "how will this look on my resume?" If you know this job will lead to a much better job, then keep building your new skills. Everyone starts in a s*** job, the smart ones plan their next move while still earning the money.
2006-07-27 09:36:00 UTC
I like porn. I am an adult over 21. It is my business. If people did not like porn there would not be a market for it. This is supposed to be a free country. People who do not like porn should be 100 % free to not have to look at it. People who do like it should not be interfered with. If you are not harming (and I mean actual, not imaginary) somebody you should be left the f alone.
2006-07-27 09:36:24 UTC
I feel that porn had more negative effects than positive. For example it makes women feel inadequate in alot of departments. Their husbands are watching these beautiful women do anything a guy will want her to do and she acts like she loves it. While when men watch it I think it gets their sexual expectations above what alot of women can meet.

It is very degrading to women. Men of course think it would be awesome to be a porn star, but then again you have to look MOST men would have sex with just about anybody.

Porn makes me feel like I'm not enough to sastify a man he still needs to see every other woman on tv naked. Personally I disagree with porn and I think it is disgusting.
2006-07-27 14:37:03 UTC
I can't help but feel sorry for the "actors". They're all someone's son/daughter, brother/sister. I often wonder what led them to make that choice... I'd personally rather have three crappy jobs flipping burgers, digging ditches or hauling trash than debase myself in that fashion. I also wonder what the emotional repercussions will be... will they end up in therapy, bad relationships, on drugs?
2006-07-27 09:36:45 UTC
It sounds like you need to find a new line of work, the thing that you need to remember is that the actors and actresses in these films(if you want to call them that) are all consenting adults. And if they thought it to be degrading then they probably wouldnt do it

I'm not not really a big fan of porn but I support their right to express theirselves artistically and sexually.
2006-07-27 09:38:28 UTC
porn isnt bad.its regulated, makes a hell of a lot of money for brain dead blondes who other wise would be spreading diseases as hookers. and it caused that fat ugly hairy cheap jew to bang some of eath's flyest chicks. its only bad if its kiddie porn or bestiality. i love my porn. ive made a few at home. dont feel bad. get the skills you need and later go somewhere else.
2006-07-27 09:37:41 UTC
No, it isnt as bad as people think.

Do you know why human beings are more civilized and animals are not?

Because we can control our emotions while other animals can't. Porn in fact encourages people to vent their desires rather than exercise control. Your porn magazines show men with large penis and women with curvy bodies, i am sure it is a major cause of depression and concern to adolesent who see these porn stuffs.

So Porn is not as bad as people is worse!!
2006-07-27 09:37:04 UTC
everyone stop being prudish. its exciting and helps make the end result exciting. don't think for a minute that no ones does not watch it. religious people do it, etc. thats how we get born--from a C U M S H O T. get over it.
2006-07-27 09:34:38 UTC
2006-07-27 20:03:46 UTC
ppl dont thin porn is bad .. who the hell thinks porn is bad .. huh huh?
2006-07-29 10:55:18 UTC
porns awsome

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