2008-09-17 21:25:57 UTC
I look around seeing everyone around me talking, laughing "Guess who's going with so and so" and all the crap and I feel kinda distant. All this drama is so stupid, So many girls seem so shallow it's all about getting a guy to get high with or have sex with and all this crap.
Would you believe that not for a single day in my life have I ever been involved in any highschool drama? No one knows me, yeah I guess this is kinda normal but still what's up with all this stupid drama it seems more like stress then fun to me.
I never had a girlfriend because of this, I don't mean to generalize all girls out there but from my experience in highschool a large number of them appear to be shallow ,,,
Well I'm not one to follow society's norm I walk my own path basically I march to the beat of my own drummer just because someone thinks its cool to dress so and so way doesn't mean I'm gonna copy.
Life does feel kinda empty because it feels like it could be so much more- I'm always thinking of the "What if's" like what if I was more social, What if I expressed what was on my mind more often...
What would my days be like IF i did that... To be honest, I think of this at least everyday and as I go to bed tonight sadly I don't feel like I really accomplished much, oh well... Distant, empty and sometimes even a little lonely (Although I hate to admit it) is how I feel just about right now.