2010-09-20 13:33:03 UTC
For the most part I always thought of myself as a pretty rational person. Not only that, but more laid-back, easy going, and mostly optomistic. Its a little bit easier to be just that in terms of other's lives though ie; giving great advice etc, but somtimes I wish I could take some of my own advice!
Im not sure where this really came from, but its certaintly easier said than done. It seems like I went from very optomistic to very pessimistic in terms of my own life view. I constantly worry and stress over things I cannot control and I do it even more with things that havent happened, I just act like they will or are happening without my knowing or any proof of it. Its almost as if I put things in my own head or think about things so much that eventually the bad things WILL occur unless I occupy my mind with different but more positive outlooks. Conversely, and as countertuitive as it my seem, I feel like that if I do not acknowledge the bad things, they will happen unbeknowst to me which in turn will make me look like a complete idiot.
I like that I can analyze things and think up so many different possibilites, but why always such negative ones? In turn, I think this has really down played my confidence and self-esteem. How can that be, please explain. Its like this severe paranoia and anxiety that something bad is happening at any given second and it makes it impossible for me to concentrate on virtually anything else. Im afraid this may seriously hinder my grades and cause worse emotional breakdowns. Ontop of that, I feel like my heart is always pounding, Im about to vomit, and my eating habits are really unhealthy because of it. What can I do to help myself out of this rut?