I'm considering suicude. Where can I get help? Please!?
2016-02-22 07:12:12 UTC
This is not a cry for attention. It is a very literal cry for help. I am a young mom. I am 22 with two sons who I love with EVERY bit of me. I feel as though dying would give them a better life. They would go live with my family who are amazing people. My husband who would never get custody, has been out of work for 8 months. He spends a lot of money on JUST him, things no one else can have. He is also extremely verbally abusive and doesn't treat me well and is crazy strict on my children. I do really love him though, and I want my kids to have their dad... I just can't continue to be in agony. For my kids to be in agony. I am an extremely involved mother. However he undermines ne in everything. I can't make enough money to pay the bills because it is constantly being spent. I lay awake at night fantasizing about my own death. It's come to the point where it has become the only thing I get joy from, imagining a world without me in it. I have tried to seek help but I can't afford to with my current financial situation, and I can't talk to my husband because when I told him last year he called me a f****** idiot and told me to grow up. I'm really struggling and I want my kids to have their mommy, that's important and I know killing myself is selfish, but I am having a tremendously hard time fighting this feeling off.
71 answers:
2016-02-22 07:33:20 UTC
Do not kill yourself. That is not the answer. Please listen to what I have to say, then call a help-phone alright? I don't know where you live, but if you write a quick google search you will find phone numbers for people who can talk you through a situation like this and they're 100% free. Just make sure it's a real number.

1. Dying will not give your sons a better life. What will happen is they will lose a mother - somebody who loved and cared for them with everything she had, that no one will ever be able to replace. There will be a hole in their life forever no matter how good your family is. They might even blame themselves for it - it's not uncommon - and develop problems later on in life. And despite the fact that your husband is out of work, if he gets a job he's likely to regain custody. And then you'll have left your children alone with an abuser.

2. Dying is not the only way out of this situation. You are suffering because of all these horrible things he does. You say you love him, but he's making you want to kill yourself and abandon your children. Does that sound healthy to you? The proper option here is a DIVORCE. Take the children and move in with your family. You say they are good people, so they will help house you at least temporarily. When this happens, file for a divorce. Your husband is already doing nothing to help you provide. It's in fact the opposite - he's taking the money away. He is hurting you and he is hurting your children. So get out. And if you really want him to be a part of your kids' lives (and honestly I don't see why seeing as he undermines you and will only keep ruing your life) he can have visitation rights.

3. Killing yourself is selfish. Everyone will suffer because of it, especially your kids. You can help yourself. You can separate from your husband and remove yourself from this horrible situation. You should also ask your family for help - is there no adult there you can talk to? They'll be able to do something and maybe they can help you with the counseling you need.

Now, call a help phone.
2016-02-23 12:57:09 UTC
Suicide would break your family's hearts, and it would predispose your children to become more likely to take their own lives later on down the road.

Do you have anywhere else to go? Friends or relatives you can stay with while you work out what you want and need from your life from this point on? Even a shelter (for the short term) would be better than living with an abusive spouse.

You're afraid that if you seek help, CPS will take your kids. That's a possibilty. But you can minimize that possibility by making sure that your kids are being properly cared for by relatives or a friend while you get help (assuming you even need inpatient treatment, which is not necessarily the case). Therapists & counselors are mandated reporters, but many of them understand that CPS often acts too hastily. It's okay to ask a therapist before you make an appointment with them what their attitude to CPS is. They will all report a child who's in imminwnt danger, but a good counselor won't assume that your kids are at risk just because you're so depressed.

For help dealing with your suicidal feelings:

1 (800) 273-8255, National Suicide Prevention Lifeline,

For help with your husband's verbal abuse:

the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1−800−799−7233 or


(if you're religious)
Peter Irving
2016-02-23 02:49:59 UTC
You sound like you really need some help and some love.Are there friends or family that you have spoken to this about? there is no way if you decide to seek help anyone would remove the children from your care.there is a heck of a lot of help out there for you ok.start with your doctor not for medication but to refur you to help and also you sound like this all stems from a man,I've been there and I needed help I went to rise a charity to help woman who have been in a emotionally verbally abusive or physically abusive relationships or marriages.with help I got him to leave and got a solicitor I got a Job I was free!my 3 children are happier than they have ever been he's not allowed to come near me or the kids or their school and only contact through a third party which he hasn't done since he left 2 years still healing from the 12 years we where together but I would have never got through it if I had killed myself!help Is everywhere and I didn't have to wait.
2016-02-23 13:27:49 UTC
Do not commit suicide,,,your boys need you. You need to divorce that asshole. Move foward. I know how hard it is and I'm sure your feeling like thus would be best. But in reality it's very selfish of you. Go hold your boys give them too many kisses. Enjoy them. They need you to be strong for them my son is 10 and he's seen me go through a lot over the years...he actually told me one time "mommy, I just like it when you're happy" get some help from a therapist, the best thing you can do for you self and your kids is to leave and start your lives as a unit of 3. You can do it. Please don't give up.
2016-02-23 20:17:36 UTC
Don't end your life, never attempt it! Fine let the idea of ending come across your mind occur. If you end your life you will have no chance at all to fix or have a chance at something; Ending yourself is ending opportunity, things really come to an end when your life ends.

I have experienced terrible experiences also, but I don't want to give up, but instead accomplish a better life that will make up for the excruciating past I had to go through. Even if you have 3 years left to live, don't give up, just do what ever you can to live.

Humans die anyway, but instead of waiting for that miserably succeed in a vision you have. Artists, political leaders live forever, as they are not forgotten especially when the whole school has to know about them.

Living seems terrible, I hate it also, but get to the point where you will love it. It should be worth it right. Contact me if you have anything else:
2016-02-23 01:10:16 UTC
Please, please please don't harm yourself!! You're suffering from depression and a situational crisis(husband).It's not your fault and you are loved. I've been there and have wished to be gone, every night too. I have a son as well and went through a horrible family crisis. Our thinking gets completely distorted and polarized when depressed. I am not negating your panic, your pain and the fact that your husband is being a dick. Those are all real and I am sorry you're going through this. But I swear it gets better. Please do call your parents,siblings and open up with them or go to emergency. If you're worried about disclosure, you can tell them you're having suicidal ideation, although you wouldn't "act" on it, but at the same time, I feel that might be a danger to yourself. Above all think how unconditionally loved you are by your babies. Please do get help. You deserve to feel better. Hugs
2016-02-23 19:11:28 UTC
Live, fight for your kids. If you have to move in with your family and take your boys with you. They can still spend time with their father if that's what you want and what they want. Though I'm sure they love you and you love them. Maybe you should move out go with with family separate from your husband live with your boys. Tell them how much you love them, but please don't do what you are thinking. That will not help them or you. Your husband is a jerk! Don't let him win. Try to better your life, don't just give up.
2016-02-23 19:43:50 UTC
It sounds like your husband is not very much help. You want more for your kids but you don't make enough money and the stress of this situation is forcing you to think about killing yourself to make a better life for your kids. Who else is going to care more about your kids than you? You are a Super Hero hanging around kryptonite and you need more sunlight in your life to balance the equation. Join a community out reach program or church. Build your connections to more financial opportunities by meeting and talking to more people. There are many opportunities but you wont know about them if you don't expand your social network. There are also work at home jobs that pay pretty well and all you need is customer service experience and a stable internet connection. Take charge of your life and your money. You manage it. If your other half isn't doing what is necessary then do it yourself. Go to school online, take vocational classes, look for discount shopping areas, soup kitchens, food pantry's, coupons etc, government assistance, have no shame in your game. He should also make his own money and contribute to the family not take your money and govern how it's spent. You are also his wife not his mommy or his step stool. You are responsible for making your own money and also contributing to the welfare of the family. You are not powerless and there is no law that says you have to be overburden and impoverish or make less money than your husband. Start by doing for yourself. Take better care of yourself and by doing so you will also be able to take better care of your children. On occasion when you have a little extra on the side treat yourself to a day at a nice hotel or spa and relax. When your fiances get better then aim at higher retreats like cruises and Resorts. Always pay yourself for all the hard work you do, you deserve it. Always motivate yourself with that in mind. You deserve BETTER! Impress upon your children that they are highly valued by being the example.
2016-02-22 08:31:01 UTC
At some point, you're going to have to realize that sitting around feelings sorry for yourself isn't the way to run your life.

You know your attitude is something that takes years to develop. I think you've been playing a victim for years and that until you start taking some responsibility and accountability for your own feelings rather than blaming others and your situation for're going to just be stuck having pity-parties.

Not tryin to sound like an @$$ here.....but I think you needed to hear it.
2016-02-23 10:10:16 UTC
You're not homeless. You got a job. You have 2 sons.

Why would you think the world is better off without you if you're a sweet person? Why should your husband stay on this earth and treat everyone rotten? It would seem that the world is better off without him instead. Your sons would rather be with you than him.

Go find a counseling service for low income people... or somebody who provide free counseling... call 411.
Pat Brown
2016-02-22 16:44:38 UTC
You're wrong, the children would not go to your family, they would be with their father -------

If you believe your family would be good to the children, that means they would be kind to you AND the children. Tell them how you feel and ask for their help in divorcing and moving on.

You are in a dreadful situation and your thinking has become disordered. You are not thinking clearly.

Have your family help you move on. Get a good attorney and file for divorce. Find a supportive counselor or therapist (psychologist, social worker, minister, whatever) and stick with the work until you have your feet soundly under you. You are doing this for not just yourself but for your children, so they have a chance at a good life. Be a good parent to them and make plans for life, not death.
2016-02-23 00:07:07 UTC
But why are you punishing yourself and your kid by committing suicide. Kick him off your life. Remember even before he came in your life you were alive and much much happy. Stop feeling poor me types. These days lsw id much with women infact file for divorce and screw his life. Let him repent fot all his misdeeds. And be yourself. Make new friends go out for movies with your kid.. Enjoy as if he didn't existed. God forbid but if there is any situation wherein your spouse isnt alive in such situations would still be crying... No u'd live your life. So let him be dead in your heart n thoughts n move on. Live your life you get it only once. N its your life dear. Nobody can live it 4 u. U have a reason to live n its ur kid. You blessed many people aren't. So just be yourself. Live your life. It shouldn't be dependent on anybody.
2016-02-24 17:02:57 UTC
You shouldn't. You're amazing and every breath you take has meaning. If you want professional help call a suicude hotline but if you want more private help you can always talk to me I'd be happy to help you. I may not know you but I know your life has great meaning in this world.
2016-02-22 11:16:02 UTC don't commit think your children will be better with your family but they wont be...because only a mum can understand and care for her own other person will...

You should leave your husbands house for a few days..and see if he misses the children.. That will give you a fair idea whether he is involved with the family...

You married very young maybe because you thought you were in love but the guy wanted only sex..its sorry but it happens a lot...

Go to your are only things you like don't think about death...fight for yourself and fight your children..remember there are people who love are my age so yes you can do it..good luck
2016-02-23 11:18:07 UTC
It is a good thing that you are reaching out for help. Suicide is never the answer and certainly not a legacy you want to leave for your children. Talking with a Mental Health Professional, such as a Psychiatrist and/or Psychologist, can help you better understand and deal with what you are going through.

If you are unable to keep yourself safe call 911 or go to the ER for immediate assistance. You can also reach out to a Crisis Hotline in your area and speak with a trained counselor anytime.

Take care of you and know there is help available.

Stay strong,

Counselor AH
2016-02-22 08:07:51 UTC
Call the Suicide Hotline at 1 (800) 273-8255

EDIT: The suicide hotline is anonymous. Therapy isn't, medication isn't, but there would be no reason for them to take your children just because you're depressed.

I want you to consider something more serious though. You think the worst thing would be not seeing your kids everyday. There is something worse. What if you wait so long to get help that your depressed thinking goes from "I am better off dead" to "we are better off dead." Get help now, before that happens and before you are a danger to them. Good luck.
2016-02-25 20:36:42 UTC
I would go to therapy. Call your local mental hospital and see if you can do a program there. Maybe get on some anti depressants in the mean time.. This isn't going to go away with a phone call on a hot line.. I have had those thoughts myself as a single mother. This is what I did.. And it helped.
2016-02-22 07:42:30 UTC
So why don't you just move out and file for divorce? If your family is so wonderful they would certainly take you in and give you and your children a place to stay temporarily. It sounds like you work so you should be able to support yourself and your kids.

And why would you want an abusive man in your children's lives? Is that what you want your sons to learn from growing up in a house with your husband -- how to abuse women?

And if you think your parents would get custody over your husband, you are smoking crack.

Oh...and spare me the 'I do really love him' bullsh--. No you don't. You're just too much of a coward to admit to yourself that you married an abusive scumbag. Own up to your mistake and do something to fix it.
2016-02-22 08:11:41 UTC
First of all, getting kids away from the surviving parent is very difficult and takes time. You may be sentencing your children to living with that man for up to a year after you have escaped through suicide. Be a Mom, and divorce the creep and get out of there. You have been suffering verbal and emotional abuse, so contact your nearest woman's shelter and they can help you make the break.
2016-02-24 18:29:41 UTC
I have enough of you losers! Go ahead and do it, nobody commanded you to go and **** a son of a *****. 22 and two kids? Why can't you whores wait until you're stable, until you have a good paying job, and until you find a good man? I have more than enough of you females, going around sleeping with bums, and then complain when things gets ugly. Life is hard, why bring kids into the picture when you can barely feed yourself. That's selfish, and I hope they take away the kids! It's that "Yolo" crap right? Lol.
2016-02-24 14:04:31 UTC
Please read...someone's there for you.

A few years back I also was going to do the same, so I know what you are feeling. People think they can understand, but they can't. Only you understand. But think about it; it is selfish; your children need you. If you have nothing to live for, than think of others. That is what I did. Besides you don't need to do that because someone already died for you (CHRIST the just for the unjust). He is the same who died for me. That's why I didn't do it. We love him because he first loved us.

John 3:16 KJV

[16] For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

I Am not trying to proselytize to you, I just want you to know He loves you and died for you. You need someone who is always there for you; He will always be there.

I'd like to say I understand, but no one does. Only the person themself can. You need Christ for love and guidance.

2016-02-22 07:43:58 UTC
Well your kids probably don't like their father and u have been the only parent that their dependent of and the one they trust sense their father is the way he is they probably don't have as much of a connection with ur parents as they do u so if ur gone they will feel lost and will have issues growing up without their mother. I'm 14 and if my mother died i would lean towards my dad but if that cushion is not there they might go down the same path u took.
2016-02-22 10:16:37 UTC
I don't think you realize that your husband would get automatic custody of your kids, not the other members of your family. Stay alive for your children and give them all your love. That's all you need to do. In time, you may come to like yourself better, but right now, it's your children who need you.
2016-02-25 17:29:07 UTC
Dying kills your worry but births a pain and heartache your kids will live with for the rest of their lives.

Life isn't over for you, it's just begun. So live it. Make the change for you kids, ask your parents for help, and make the choice to give your kids the life you always dreamed of.
2016-02-25 02:14:20 UTC
i'm a single mother too, im 25 years old, i did not completed college, the father of my daughter is irresponsible and verbally abusive as well.we are not married.. i decided to break up with him even he is threatening me that he will bring my child with him. i seek help to my family, and they did not fail me. i look for a job, my salary is not that high , but its enough for my daughter's expenses. My mother , looked after my child while i'm at work. but i also bring her at work when my mother needs to go somewhere. its hard but i set my mind that i can do it, ans so i did.

Now, i got a new better job, with good salary. i can pay my daughter education and pay bills.

All im trying to say is, its not gonna be easy at the start, but set your mind that you can do it alone, your the only one who can help yourself and your children, don't be threatened by your husband. he is worthless according to what you say.

If you need help, try asking your family. Family will always be their for you, we all know that.

Be brave. You can do it.
2016-02-22 16:26:23 UTC
Don't do it. The worst thing for your sons is to have their mother die. It'll hang with them for the rest of their lives because they will feel like they could have stopped it, but didn't. Just don't.
2016-02-23 09:31:21 UTC
Your husband needs grow up. You need to get out of this marriage.

Call your family. I am sure they would help you get out.

You want to see your kids grow up and be happy....

Look call a safe house they help women and kids all the time

Get away from men that hurt them... They can even help with a place to stay. Talk to a Pastor.. They may know where the safe house is..

I am sure you would love to meet your grandkids one day.

Think about that not suicide.
2016-02-25 09:39:00 UTC
Please don't leave your sweet, helpless children without their mother!

They love you and they need you.

Show them how to be strong and how to overcome difficulties.

They need to see that even when things became unbearable, you stayed because of them.

You're the adult; they are just children and they won't understand if you kill yourself.

It will cause them pain and yes, it will hurt them for life.

Be strong and fight for your life, your family and your happiness.

Please call a suicide hotline or go to your local church and ask for help.

I wish you all the best and hope you find your way. *hug*
2016-02-23 17:37:03 UTC
First of all, YOU ARE WORTH LIVING! You belong here! I dont know if you believe in God or not but God loves you. Yes I know you are going through a tough time! But have faith in Him and he will help you. You might be wondering if God loves me why is He not helping me? Why is He making go through tough times? I dont know the answer of that but I just know that he does things for a reason, that we don't understand why He does it at the time. Find a church or someone who goes and ask for prayer. Go to Wgts 91.9 and click on prayer works and put exactly what you put here and they will pray for you and email you encouraging messages and help you and give you advice. I HAVE USED IT and it has helped me in my most difficult times. DO NOT I REPEAT DO NOT kill yourself! You think that your children will be better off without you, but in reality they wont! They need love from a mother! No one can give them that love but YOU! I have a friend who's parent committed suicide and she's suffering more than ever! If your husband is verbally abusive leave him! You dont need that right now! You need to surround yourself with family and friends that love you. I know you said you love him but does he love you? Is it worth being in a relationship with a guy that is constantly putting you down? I know its hard but you need to do this for YOU and YOUR CHILDREN! If he sees you leave maybe that will be a reality check for him and might fix himself up. He doesnt help you financially anyways! If you dont believe in God but are willing to hear about Him or want me to pray for you contact me @ and we will talk more. Hope you listen to me and dont commit suicide! You are beautiful and worth living!
2016-02-24 02:48:49 UTC
It sounds as though your partner has a personality disorder ( quite possibly malignant narcissism )

The most important thing here is to remove this 'man' from your life. You simply have to get rid of this highly toxic and dysfunctional individual for the sake of your mental health and the well being of your kids.
2016-02-22 18:43:26 UTC
Text "Hi" to 741-741. You'll be able to talk with a free crisis counselor immediately. Stay safe, love. You're in my prayers.
Linda R
2016-02-22 12:02:18 UTC
Pack up your things (and things of your children) and LEAVE! As a mother - you must ALWAYS think of the safety of your children FIRST. Move in with family or other relatives but do NOT let him know where you're at.
2016-02-26 00:44:48 UTC
Life is worth living and struggling not to mention you have responsibility of two more life on you. Don't give up on your life, think of all those people who are in more terrible condition then you are, think of those who are dying and what they will not give to live another day with their love one. Do something you are best at, engage yourself with it, you will get out of this in no time :) "One step for man, one giant leap for mankind" Good Luck beautiful :)
2016-02-22 07:29:22 UTC
He is their father and would get custody before anyone else would .

So you see , you plan of offing yourself wouldn't accomplish what you want.

Oh well looks like you'll just have to continue living so your kids are well cared for .
2016-02-24 11:17:35 UTC
Your selfish. You have two kids and they are going to grow up without a mother and have a in and out father that's a loser living with your parents. Your parents are not responsible for your kids, you are. I know someone that is a loser and gets drunk and high, banging men and meanwhile her two kids live with her parents. Eventually they will grow up.
2016-02-23 16:18:55 UTC
Suicide isn't the answer! I know that life is very hard, it seems very horrible, and all that but there little moments In life in which you will be happy. Just never give up in life!
2016-02-25 10:10:02 UTC
Plz dont do that. Ur commiting suiside for better future of ur kids. But when u attemt suiside. Life of ur kids will be a living hell. Bcoz no 1 is like mother. Moth only mother bknow a child before his birth and rest know all of us after our birth. But mom knows us since we were not even existed so plz dont die lol love u

er can never be replaced. What mother can do for her kids can be never done by any one for the other. See i also some times feel to die but when i think of my mom i can never attem for that. Bcoz i know my mother she ll just in a living hell. So u should be alive for the better future of ur kids. And. One most. Important and best thing that mother has can not be given by any one in the life of human being i.e
2016-02-22 10:32:05 UTC
There are plenty of options for help. You can call a psychiatrist, go to the ER, try getting admitted into a mental health care unit, or call your local suicide hotline.

Call 24/7


It is strictly confidential and at this point what do you have to lose by calling.

Here are some resources which may help you:

* The Partnership for Prescription Assistance has a Free Clinic Finder if you type in your zipcode you will find clinics in your area.

* The U.S. Department of Health and Human Resources also has a listing of free clinics in your area. Plug in your geographic location.

* The National Alliance on Mental Illness may also provide information of where to find treatment or mental health care in your area. You may call them toll free at 1-800-950-NAMI

How to get Mental Health Services with No Money and No Insurance

For abuse: National Domestic Violence Hotline. Staffed 24 hours a day by trained counselors who can provide crisis assistance and information about shelters, legal advocacy, health care centers, and counseling.

1-800-799-SAFE (7233)

1-800-787-3224 (TDD)

Suicide devastates those you leave behind leaving permanent scars. Your children will not see it the way you do. They will blame themselves and think you did not love them enough to stick around, tough it out, and that you just abandoned them. Trust me, they'd rather have a depressed mommy instead of no mom. No matter how bad your financial state is, your health is more important.

There are many medications out there a physician can prescribe to alleviate your pain and discomfort. Everyone experiences being miserable from time to time and some of us have had a series of misfortunes but you never know what tomorrow will bring. You could be the next million dollar winner in the lottery, etc... Hang in there. This too shall pass.

UPDATE: No, they cannot take your children away unless you are abusive or a harm to them. You clearly love your children and are trying to get well and be the best you can be for them. You have their best interest at heart and it shows. Don't ever underestimate the love and bond between a mother and her children. Many people have depression and mental health issues and still manage to raise their children in a healthy environment, giving them lots of love and attention. You would be surprised just how many people walk around with mental health issues. What's important is that you get the help you need to get well. Professionals see it as a plus that you know and want help. Therefore, you are one step ahead of the game. However, if you decide to be admitted into a facility and your children have nowhere to stay other than your husband, you cannot mention that he is in any way abusive to your children other than the domestic violence group. They will not allow children to stay with an abusive father but if you can get other caretakers for them while you're away there will not be any problem. This is ONLY if you chose to be admitted. In your case you are capable to get treatment through out-patient services so you can still be at home with your kids and keeping them safe. This is YOUR choice to decide what form of treatment you want. In -patient or out-patient and even if YOU desire in-patient, chances are that they will only give you out-patient. This is due to new policy laws that only in the most severe cases will they admit you to a facility. Severe meaning you want to harm your children, which you do not- You love your children. Getting help shows just how very much you love them.
Mr. Shawn
2016-02-22 07:31:35 UTC
You're husband has destroyed your will to live. He is the problem not you. Dump him and ask your family if you can come live with them. If you kill yourself do you really think that won't affect your kids? Of course it could destroy their lives.
2016-02-23 12:58:38 UTC
My mother and friend are gone and it was not good for anyone, it ways on you heavily when a loved one does this. Go to your doctor and ask for help, do what they say and make sure your very upfront with how serious u are. Your sons may have this depression also in tbeir gene make up, show them how to empower yourself by getting help. I respect your pain and need for relief. I am praying for you now. Please hold on to hope. Hugs
2016-02-23 00:30:56 UTC
Stop blaming everyone else and take control of your life......there is hope in the future. Talk to a Pastor of a good Christian Church near your home. Many can provide counseling and pray for your situation. Set up appointment.
2016-02-24 09:26:34 UTC
Nobodys gonna take care of your life. If you need to talk about it you've already taken the first step.
2016-02-22 22:34:46 UTC
Talk with your family about a possible Divorse first. If they tell that they are going to help you go for a divorse and dont afraid. If they are not going to help you ask social services how they can help you. Never tell anyone about your thoughts and never think of suicude. Try these two and if you dont find solution talk to me again!

2016-02-23 00:45:27 UTC
2016-02-24 07:24:10 UTC
I am a survivor of chronic depression and suicide. I will tell you what I tell myself when suicidal thoughts come: Trouble never last always. There are no hills without valleys; there are no highs without lows. Me and my cast will help you live on my show tonight. All shows are recorded and archived.
2016-02-23 11:34:42 UTC
Have you considered spiritual therapy? Many feel death is the only way out when they are really starving spiritually. The next time someone approaches you about spiritual matters, listen. It may very well be the thing you are yearning for - not death.
robert x
2016-02-22 10:12:30 UTC
so you kill yourself.. all that does is ends your torment.. and leave hubby to carry on exactly has before. if you are so down trodden , you really need a break from the life you have, perhaps a chat to your mom about the situation , and talk about whether you go stay with her for a while.. killing yourself is not an viable answer..
Gaia’s Garden
2016-02-24 14:20:28 UTC
He doesn't love you, he loves the power he has over you. You don't love him. You love the image you had of marriage with him. Please get help leaving him.
2016-02-24 09:20:09 UTC
This is very critical situation just tolerate it and please think about the future of your kids it will be destroyed if anything bad happen please stay silent and tolerate it and ask your heart what to do now love your children's think about them first then anyone else
2016-02-24 13:57:13 UTC
call suicide hotline, NEVER commit suicide because if you do, you will be lead to a pit of great heat, and unquenchable fire where your body would be on fire and you won't be able to breath, and demons will be beating you up and throwing spears into you for eternity
Adelaide B
2016-02-24 17:17:27 UTC
There are two consequences to committing suicide and remaining with your abusive husband.

If you commit suicide your children will feel you abandoned them. They will blame this on themselves and live the rest of their lives feeling ashamed for causing their mother to kill herself.

If you remain with your husband the psychological damage he subjects your children to may destroy your children forever changing them for the worse. My mother remained with an abusive man for many years, and I abandoned her on my 18th birthday and haven't or will ever speak to her again.

By remaining with him you risk your children leaving you someday never to speak to you again. Mothers are supposed to protect their children, even if that means against their own father.

Reach out to your awesome family for help or speak to Welfare about seeking financial assistance of some sort so you can leave. But please, for the sake of your children, remain strong and leave that abusive man and show your children they are number one in your life.
2016-02-23 12:17:54 UTC
In USA? A county mental health clinic.
2016-02-24 13:07:45 UTC
Do not kill yourself! You are worth so much and valued so much, your boys need you, you are their rock. Talk to someone about it and get all the negativity out because trust me you will feel better. xxxxx
2016-02-22 09:13:49 UTC
Suicide will damage your sons Permanently - I have suffered through a sucide in my family and it changed who I am for the worse.
2016-02-22 10:10:18 UTC
If your husband is as bad as you said he is, then killing yourself will only make things worse. Your kids will be stuck with him and there will be no one to protect them with you gone.
2016-02-24 15:15:53 UTC
The end does not justifie the means, killing yourself in order to give your family a beautiful existence is still murder!.
2016-02-23 10:40:23 UTC
if u do follow through with it, make sure u stay alive long enough to kill ur soul after u're dead. jk babe.
2016-02-24 18:35:48 UTC
you have to get away from him..if u really love your kids then you would do it..he is only going to destroy your world if not he has already..go to your parents and dont look are not the problem he is
2016-02-24 08:57:22 UTC
suicide is a DIY project. the person who helps you commit suicide can be charged with a crime. how hard is it to jump off a tall building.
2016-02-22 16:33:41 UTC
seek professional help
2016-02-23 07:58:57 UTC
do it your life is not worth living video it and put on facebook
2016-02-24 15:24:37 UTC
2016-02-23 07:49:44 UTC
Don't suicide.
2016-02-24 03:26:09 UTC Start looking there~!
2016-02-23 19:49:16 UTC
Suicide hotline
2016-02-22 07:37:01 UTC
start with your primary doctor
2016-02-23 05:39:56 UTC
why not consider divorcing the c*unt?
2016-02-23 20:17:38 UTC
Please call 911. They will send immediate help.
2016-02-23 00:39:33 UTC
what the
2016-02-25 12:16:39 UTC
Don't do it please.
2016-02-23 22:05:42 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.