There are plenty of options for help. You can call a psychiatrist, go to the ER, try getting admitted into a mental health care unit, or call your local suicide hotline.
Call 24/7
It is strictly confidential and at this point what do you have to lose by calling.
Here are some resources which may help you:
* The Partnership for Prescription Assistance has a Free Clinic Finder if you type in your zipcode you will find clinics in your area.
* The U.S. Department of Health and Human Resources also has a listing of free clinics in your area. Plug in your geographic location.
* The National Alliance on Mental Illness may also provide information of where to find treatment or mental health care in your area. You may call them toll free at 1-800-950-NAMI
How to get Mental Health Services with No Money and No Insurance
For abuse: National Domestic Violence Hotline. Staffed 24 hours a day by trained counselors who can provide crisis assistance and information about shelters, legal advocacy, health care centers, and counseling.
1-800-799-SAFE (7233)
1-800-787-3224 (TDD)
Suicide devastates those you leave behind leaving permanent scars. Your children will not see it the way you do. They will blame themselves and think you did not love them enough to stick around, tough it out, and that you just abandoned them. Trust me, they'd rather have a depressed mommy instead of no mom. No matter how bad your financial state is, your health is more important.
There are many medications out there a physician can prescribe to alleviate your pain and discomfort. Everyone experiences being miserable from time to time and some of us have had a series of misfortunes but you never know what tomorrow will bring. You could be the next million dollar winner in the lottery, etc... Hang in there. This too shall pass.
UPDATE: No, they cannot take your children away unless you are abusive or a harm to them. You clearly love your children and are trying to get well and be the best you can be for them. You have their best interest at heart and it shows. Don't ever underestimate the love and bond between a mother and her children. Many people have depression and mental health issues and still manage to raise their children in a healthy environment, giving them lots of love and attention. You would be surprised just how many people walk around with mental health issues. What's important is that you get the help you need to get well. Professionals see it as a plus that you know and want help. Therefore, you are one step ahead of the game. However, if you decide to be admitted into a facility and your children have nowhere to stay other than your husband, you cannot mention that he is in any way abusive to your children other than the domestic violence group. They will not allow children to stay with an abusive father but if you can get other caretakers for them while you're away there will not be any problem. This is ONLY if you chose to be admitted. In your case you are capable to get treatment through out-patient services so you can still be at home with your kids and keeping them safe. This is YOUR choice to decide what form of treatment you want. In -patient or out-patient and even if YOU desire in-patient, chances are that they will only give you out-patient. This is due to new policy laws that only in the most severe cases will they admit you to a facility. Severe meaning you want to harm your children, which you do not- You love your children. Getting help shows just how very much you love them.