Someone can't be there for someone else if the unhappiness the person needs to express can't be handled by that person. Obviously if the guy is deeply hurt and angry over what's happening, he needs an outlet, but he isn't simply going to turn on the emotional hose if he thinks (or has been taught) that either its guy inappropriate or simply not something people want to know about.
People who deal with things on their own do so because of their low level of trust in being able to share it with others. And you can't build up trust with this guy if your motives are doing double duty. You can't comfort him and try and seduce him at the same time. The guy will detect something 'fishy' and respond to is as you being insincere (their past history of mistrust) rather than you being comforting.
Also, if you are trying to 'push' him towards a certain type of relationship, that isn't going to help him now either. Since he just got 'pushed around' at work, he isn't going to respond positively to someone who is trying to 'work' him over in his downtime. What he wants and needs is validation of his work and his sense of self, so unless a brownie is how he sees himself or rewards himself, that isn't going to be much of a help right now.
If you want to get him a gift, get him something that validates his inner self. Don't do something like a 'consolation' prize, do something htat encourages the hidden part of himself. If he's always wanted to drive a certain car, you can get him something related to that. If he's had his eye on a certain movie that's coming out, make sure he gets one of the first copies. What you want to emphasize is 'yeah, this is bad, but there is always tomorrow for it to get good. Here's an example of it.' Its not about comforting or rewarding loss, its about keeping one's eye on the prize. And the more you help him keep his eye on his prize, the more you assist him in that, the more likely he will come to depend upon you for that comfort, and the more he'll see the difference between you and other 'girls'.
The way to a person's heart is through their ego.