I think I can help you somewhat...but you have to understand that you can never be perfect or you can't match what you idealy want to be like.
Here is my background, I was born with light features( blue eyes, white skin and blond hair) in a culture thats olive/brown skinned....unfortunately I got molested by my neighbour when I was a kid. My dad was a sociopath/psychopath that beat me and terrorized me daily like you wouldnt believe. I was a short and skinny kid so I got beat the **** up at school and I didnt even know how to defend myself at all, worst of it...got a black eye from a girl two grades below me and I never heard the end of for 7 years. So i am only telling you this to see where I am coming from, on top of that my dad was so strict on me that I never developed any social skills that you require to form strong relationships or meet new people.
lol so dont feel so bad man, there is always someone that has it better than you. I hit rock botton and i am not perfect yet but i am doing sooooo much better right now, even though i still have low self esteem but I am not depressed anymore.
THis is what I did:
1) got a university education
2) graduated and got a job, then paid for braces
3) took out a loan on my credit card so i can pay for a personal trainer.
4) whitened my teeth professionally
5) read books about improving myself
6) spend a lot of hours with a psychologist
7) I have a beautiful diet, eat very well
8) took salsa lessons to learn something new
9) got back into soccer, i excel at it and i am always the best player on the field, this boosts my confidence
10) took kickboxing lessons to defend myself
11) from my boxing, soccer and personal training...i opened up my own personal training business
So now I am doing 1000 times better, money in my pocket, my family is good and so are my friends. You have to accomplish things in your life that will make you feel good about who you are....I wont lie to you, i am not perfect and deep inside I still suffer but I can manage to wake up in the mornings.
I am going back to see another therapist because i have a low self worth when it comes to women. I still feel that i am not good enough for them no matter what. So you know what i do, i stay away from them cause they are my cryptonite man...they are my weekness. Also you shouldnt be a downer with your friends, they will reject you so only complain to a therapist.
what you should do is buck up and get a job. You get disability so keep it but get a job under the table and make like 2000 a month and save it. Then do what ever you need to improve yourself