Is Communism good or bad?
2018-01-27 15:39:19 UTC
Seriously be honest.
206 answers:
2018-01-31 01:19:41 UTC
Communism puts too much power into the hands of whoever is leading it. And I know, I know...communism (meaning the collective decisions of the community, as a whole) But if history has taught us anything, it's that the overall community under communism doesn't have a whole lot of rights for decision making. Everything is predetermined by governing forces. Communism is basically like fascism, with a different spin on it. Same thing goes for totalitarianism. All these 'isms'. And communism isn't possible without some form of a dictatorship involved. So all in all, communism is toxic. Tyrants have used and abused the communist system for years. And there's a lot of leftists preaching communism nowadays. And the funny thing is, if these people lived under a communist dictatorship, they wouldn't even have the right to protest or complain about anything.
2018-01-29 21:23:18 UTC
From what I've read of it many aspects of it are not good. BUT you'll need to ask a citizen of a communist country to get the most accurate answer.
2018-01-29 20:09:59 UTC
Unbelievably terrible in both principle and practice.
2018-01-29 12:37:05 UTC
This is hard to answer. You need to define communism. Ideological communism could involve people as different as Marx or Marcuse. Real application in the 20th century is basically the Soviet model becaus they funded world wide revolutions. So that would mean Leninism and Stalinism. It’s important to realize that these are all different ideas.
2018-01-29 04:37:10 UTC
Neither it's like asking what's right and wrong it's just a point of view what's paradise for one can be hell for another
Warren T
2018-01-28 15:49:36 UTC
Study the history of countries that are and where considered to be Communist and then answer your own question
2018-01-28 07:34:30 UTC
It's a flawed system. It's very good for those in power that can use their power and influence to benefit themselves, their family and cronies. It's a terrible system for the vast majority of the populace. Those in power refuse to relinquish power and control, because they live far better than the populace with luxuries the populace can never even imagine, better health care, money in banks outside of their nation, privileges the populace never hears about.

EDITED: Read "Animal Farm," by George Orwell, an allegorical story that describes the events of the Bolshevik Revolution and its aftermath, and exposes the myths perpetrated on the people that live like hostages.
2018-01-28 00:26:16 UTC
The only thing I like about communism is the extint USSR anthem.
2018-01-27 23:02:48 UTC
The Oracle of Omigod
2018-01-27 15:59:42 UTC
A good concept in theory but it does not work because of human nature. Very few people are really willing to work hard for the good of society without just compensation - that could actually be considered a form of slavery. Russian proverb - "We pretend to work and they pretend to pay us."
2018-02-02 05:36:56 UTC
In practice sure, communism is perfect and fantastic. Everyone puts in the same communal effort, and receives the same amount of gifts and foods. In reality communism is horrible because humans are "horrible". Humans are greedy and want more than bare necessity. We feel that a heart surgeon at a child's hospital should receive more praise and money than a garbage man in a rich neighborhood, where communism would make both equals. Communism only works in a perfect world where everyone can work as one, but being individual and free means communism will falter and fall to corruption. Don't believe? Read up on the USSR, Domino effect, and remaining communist countries.
2018-01-31 09:49:07 UTC
Absolutely bad.
2018-01-31 03:15:47 UTC
Nobody really cares. Why do you? We don't live in a communist country here. When we do then we'll worry about it. Next.......
2018-01-30 21:08:12 UTC
Well thats debatiable. A dictator in history has always fudged us up. But if u were to get a Good guy as dictator who would allow us to have rights that’s one way. But realistacly that won’t happen. So I’d probably say , No... it’s more like a bad idea in our current world realistacly thinking 🤔
2018-01-29 21:09:40 UTC
Humans are too selfish and greedy for real communism to work.

Even the USSR switched its economic system to capitalism under Stalin... with the one difference: there was only one capitalist: the State.

In the USA, we are moving the same way, but the one capitalist (actually an Oligarchy) is not even the state; therefore democracy has no control over the system. Zero. Nada. Nitchevo. Ziltch.

Lenin based his communism on the Acts of the Apostles, describing how people should live.
2018-01-29 19:22:39 UTC
The First Dragon
2018-01-29 19:06:08 UTC
If you judge by the results, Communism is bad.
Vinegar Taster
2018-01-29 16:01:32 UTC
It just doesn't work .
2018-01-29 15:08:15 UTC
depends on how it is administered remember that it is based on ideals but enforced by individuals so if the individuals that enforce it are corrupt or incompetent your perception is different then if you have fit leaders that are focused on the greater good
Maksud Rahman
2018-01-29 14:54:34 UTC
It's very bad
2018-01-29 06:06:19 UTC
neither good nor bad
2018-01-29 02:19:54 UTC
It does not work but is a good concept in theory of mind.
2018-01-29 01:05:25 UTC
I’m sorry I don’t know
2018-01-28 22:01:05 UTC
Communism is great!
Ronald 7
2018-01-28 20:05:57 UTC
It was never any good and so many people died for it
2018-01-28 07:16:04 UTC
In reality communism has proved to be as big a failure as capitalism.

East Germany after reunification regretted it, missed the old days, as they were all in the same boat, had camaraderie, whereas after reunification it was all GREED all about money. They felt swamped by the changes.

Capitalism doesn't take into account the cost of the damage done to the environment. Which has long term consequences, for example global warming,
2018-01-28 07:04:15 UTC
Communism has been proven to be very beneficial. It makes all people equal.
2018-01-28 03:25:54 UTC
It never works, despots always gain control and murder millions to maintain control, so,,,,it's bad.
2018-01-27 19:15:24 UTC
Not good

Republicans on the other hand most of them chances are unfortunately they are all for it
2018-01-27 16:26:38 UTC
Bad. It's highly flawed. It's basis is simple. From each according to his ability to produce, to each according to his needs. That's it.

As defined by K. Marx, communism totally overlooks supply and demand. So if a company's ability is to produce railroad sized spikes, that's what it will produce...even if there is no demand for such spikes. And Das Kapital also treats labor as a commodity, which means workers are interchangeable. The spike builder can become a successful brain surgeon for example.

Then there is the last flaw, which is a flaw of human nature. There has never been a communist nation. They all morph into autocratic governments led by a dictator. True communism is run by the people for the people (sound familiar?). But instead over history we see Stalin, Ho Chi Minh, and Mao Tse Tung; ruthless dictators emerge in those countries that claim to be communist.
2018-01-31 13:45:03 UTC
I hear it's bad but I honestly know nothing about it.
2018-01-31 11:55:05 UTC
true communism is a hypothetical so is is bad
2018-01-30 18:30:03 UTC
very bad
2018-01-29 16:31:32 UTC
on paper it would seem a more responsible and all encompassing ay to run a society .sadly it fails to take into account human nature. thus doomed to failure and unbalanced economic and social benefits within the society it tries to run.

common to see those running it ( those in power) setting aside major rewards for self and family etc and ignoring or denying full transparency of accounts etc.
2018-01-29 06:19:00 UTC
In theory, Communism is a wonderful idea. Everybody is equal to everybody else. It would be a dream society. In action, however, human nature wants rewards for what it accomplishes. The engineer wants to be paid more than one of those people on the sidewalk flipping big arrow signs. The guy with the big arrow signs wants to live in a house just as big as the engineer. It's not greed, it's just human nature. That's why Communism always fails.
2018-01-28 23:59:11 UTC
Good and it never happened. Whoops just burst the bubble!
2018-01-28 18:33:32 UTC
On paper ?

Fantastic. The way forward for a united world.

Reality. - You're a slave, but unlike the western ideologies, you know you're a slave.

The up side is you'll never want for work or a home and the human benefits concerning health and general welbeing are a given.

Unfortunately, it clashed with the Capitalist ideology, where a single player can rise to the top, at the expense of others.

Then of course we have the protracted cold war, which was initiated by the Capitalist ideologies and the benefit to the Communist citizen was spent, trying to keep the country safe from an aggressor.

So far the Capitalist ideal has led to several wars and cost millions of innocent victims their lives.

So the single player can rise to the top.
da what
2018-01-28 17:28:25 UTC
Commies are Bad! but socialized medical could be a good thing implemented the right way. the problem with Capitalism is it also calls for medicine for profit. must have and needs should never be for profit. the United States has more people than ever that do not want to work. everything is easier and better when we all look out for one another. kick all slackers to the curb until and if they change. you have 3, 4 generations grandparents teaching their kids teaching their grand children how to get thru life mooching off of others. that has to stop. but it will not because once you give people free stuff they will not ever work for anything. finally, most in this country has forgotten just how close we came to being forced to speaking German and or Chinese. and the reason we do not is because the free world banded together. the educational system is rewriting history and not teaching the truth. education is paramount. as is the eradication of communism and dictator ship. all I should have said was look at "Cuba", "Venezuela"., "soviet union". Commies are bad!
2018-01-28 13:49:31 UTC
The concept is good, except that it’s virtually impossible to execute perfectly. If it’s executed anything less than perfectly (eg ussr, Korea, etc.) it turns to be very flawed and corrupt
2018-01-28 05:04:38 UTC
Thats what the Dems want.Hell no its not good.They already treat us like slaves with Part time jobs that don't pay enough to get by on.Bastards.
2018-01-28 04:34:58 UTC
Ask Venezuela
2018-01-28 03:36:10 UTC
Good! Just ask the soviet union. Oh wait...
2018-01-28 03:05:39 UTC
Communism guarantees those in power stay in power and poverty for the rest; while capitalism says there is a chance through hard work either mentally or physically one might climb the economic latter. Utopia doesn't come on this side of the grass. Thank human nature.

Edit: Some say it has never been tried - it violates human nature.
2018-01-28 02:38:38 UTC
Very bad.
2018-01-28 01:01:57 UTC
Bad 200 million dead
2018-01-28 00:44:21 UTC
bad for it's citizens. you won't have the freedom you have now
2018-01-27 16:29:55 UTC
Bad. It has never done any good for anyone.
2018-01-27 16:07:14 UTC
Good on paper, bad in practice.
2018-01-27 15:42:50 UTC
If it would work, it would be the superior social system.
2018-01-27 15:40:41 UTC
Communism has resulted in multiple millions of deaths . To me , that seems " Bad " .
2018-02-01 14:37:50 UTC
2018-01-31 11:29:57 UTC
it think good
2018-01-30 11:04:16 UTC
2018-01-30 10:52:12 UTC
Horrible, there's nothing good about communism.
2018-01-30 06:27:00 UTC
Bad. Did you forget to listen in history class.
2018-01-29 18:15:50 UTC
2018-01-29 13:11:16 UTC
No never good, Democracy is good.
2018-01-29 09:41:05 UTC
it is good
2018-01-29 04:20:06 UTC
Worse than bad. It never works and only makes the leaders rich. Just like Socialism -- as Marget Thatch said, "you eventually run out of other people's money."
2018-01-29 01:26:08 UTC
2018-01-28 23:12:07 UTC
Communism bad. Socialism good.
The Donald
2018-01-28 21:06:40 UTC
It is an atheistic regime and believes the government should own everything and dole out pittances to the population.
2018-01-28 15:50:14 UTC
Communism is good for the government, but bad for the people. If you combine Communism and Socialism, it can contribute towards a good system. It can work, but only with smaller countries that are successful. An example of when a Communist-Socialist government can work is if Hawaii became its own country. Hawaii is small, has a small population, and has an economy that thrives on tourism. Hawaii could afford to horde money and in return dish out to the people. Cuba could probably manage with a Communist-Socialist government as well since the country is also a tourist destination and has a relatively smaller population.

Someone who answered this question said there has never been a pure communist country; that is incorrect. Cuba was 100% communist once Castro started turning into a tyrant. He started off getting Cuba to improve, but then he went total commie and Cuba started declining.
Mir Quasem
2018-01-28 13:10:27 UTC
Previously it was good-- now bad.
2018-01-28 00:33:13 UTC
2018-01-27 23:29:39 UTC
Communism was bad !
2018-01-27 21:30:07 UTC
It's an idea of an idealistic utopia that attracts a lot of soft hearted intellectuals and manipulators craving power that ends in disaster whenever it's tried. Read any Orwell book to lean more about how communism works especially Animal Farm
2018-01-27 21:29:50 UTC
I agree with Gorbachev: there never has been a real Communism. Hence this question cannot be really answered, at least not in a nationstate-wide application. It works best in small communities (like old Christianity, where Jesus and his disciples shared everything/materially), but should be on a voluntary basis and/or where the society only consists of an homogenous society (only working class). I think the problem with real Communism is that it is rather difficult or maybe even impossible to establish (due to human nature) rather than good or bad.
2018-01-27 16:05:12 UTC
Well, if you had two cows, the communists take both and occasionally give you some milk.
2018-01-27 15:41:33 UTC
4/5 small businesses fail in the first year. In contrast, communism has a much better track record.
Mars Mission Australia
2018-02-01 06:19:35 UTC
No way known thanks democracy all the way

Is better although not enforced by bloodshed

Instead by trade sanctions.

And enjoy just today

Very best wishes


Source:) Personal views sited.
2018-01-31 02:33:27 UTC
Utopian societies are impossible, which is what communism strives (and has failed) to create.
2018-01-29 20:53:52 UTC
2018-01-29 19:52:17 UTC
2018-01-29 15:50:20 UTC
2018-01-29 15:49:28 UTC
1 of those.
2018-01-29 11:47:30 UTC
As with most "-isms", communism properly practiced has its good and its bad points. Nowhere in the world has communism ever been properly practiced. The current "communist" states, chiefly China and North Korea, are really "dirigiste" states with a communist veneer.
2018-01-29 11:39:17 UTC
2018-01-29 10:02:45 UTC
Communism is the epitome of evil. It can be summarized as "I breathe therefore I deserve stuff I didn't earn. Shoot all that disagree."
2018-01-29 09:12:09 UTC
It's good for people who are too lazy to get a job.
American Patriot
2018-01-29 02:28:36 UTC
The USSR was communist, China is communist, North Korea is communist, Cuba is communist, Venezuela is socialist leaning to communism. What do you think?.
2018-01-29 00:35:17 UTC
2018-01-28 21:00:17 UTC
Educated friends say it is only good when a country is on the bottom.
2018-01-28 20:53:48 UTC
Bad. It's never worked for any country and never will work.
2018-01-28 19:12:35 UTC
Communism is bad. Capitalism gets a bad rap because it requires a lot of hard work on everyone's part. But it allocates rewards justly to those who work the hardest and the smartest. Communism only rewards their elite, their very few well-connected insiders. Their productive class get a few scraps. If that much.
2018-01-28 17:07:58 UTC
Don’t know.
2018-01-28 07:47:48 UTC
If you go to Eastern Europe, despite the fact it’s been 30 years without communism, you can clearly see how completely undeveloped it is compared to Western Europe.
2018-01-27 21:22:53 UTC
I theory it has some good points, in practice it is useless.
The Taxpayer
2018-01-27 16:20:51 UTC
Good for those in government or in power. Bad for everyone else.
2018-01-27 15:39:34 UTC
2018-01-31 17:18:53 UTC
No government is perfect.
2018-01-31 04:12:53 UTC
it's hell on earth. it claims to make people equal. truth is, it's just the opposite. it makes the elitist gangsters that run it rich, makes the common people suffer poverty, oppression, and even murder at the hands of their own government.
2018-01-31 00:09:55 UTC
Communism, ideologically on paper, is "good" but when it was put into practice by nations such as the Soviet Union and North Korea, it is bad. Authoritarian tendencies arise on the far left but the same can be said with far right capitalism when it turns to absolute corporatocracy or fascism. Balance is key for a long term functioning society.
2018-01-30 09:10:37 UTC
2018-01-30 02:42:06 UTC
Although the beginning thought of it sounds well planned and in order, we’re all humans and they can’t change us and keep us in a straight line because it’s not natural for human nature. My opinion is that it’s bad.

Also, just think of North Korea’s situation. They’re a communist country and the people inside the country are all oblivious to anything that’s happening outside. They think they’re are the most powerful country, they all cherish a leader that is killing their friends and family. They don’t have the freedom lots of countries do and they obviously aren’t doing any better than a poor country without communism.
2018-01-30 02:23:15 UTC
It is not bad. Most people in this country are very ill-informed when it comes to Communism. We live in a Capitalist society. The people who benefit from the capitalist system are the richest ones. The ones in power, the ones who own the media, the ones who invest in universities, etc. Who clearly have it in their best interest to slam communism and do everything in their power from preventing a communist nation. In this country we never hear any of the good things about communist or socialist nations. Only the bad. That is why so many people feel so strongly that it is so horrible.

As you can see, most of these people don't have a clue what they are talking about.

1. Communism is not different than democracy. They could go hand in hand. Communism is an economic system that is the opposite of capitalism.

2. Communism does NOT put power in anyone's hands but the PEOPLE. If you dumba**es actually knew what it was, you'd know that.
2018-01-29 22:09:09 UTC
not good at all
2018-01-29 20:04:50 UTC
Communism is a theory or system of social organization based on the holding of ALL property in common,actual ownership being ascribed to the community as a whole or to the state,a system of social organization in which all economic and social activity is controlled by a totalitarian state dominated self-perpetuating political party. BAD!
2018-01-29 01:38:14 UTC
very very good bad
2018-01-29 01:11:21 UTC
2018-01-28 19:55:13 UTC
2018-01-28 19:18:19 UTC
It depends on how you view it. From a view of someone who didnt grow up under communism I dont agree with it. But if you ask someone who lives in a communist country they may disagree and says its good or bad.
2018-01-28 16:13:48 UTC
To each his own .....
2018-01-28 09:21:00 UTC
2018-01-28 08:42:53 UTC
Communism or Marxism (same thing) has never existed or been practiced and it never will. The so called "communist" countries back then was socialist just as most countries today are socialist.
2018-01-28 07:08:40 UTC
The ideology controlled almost a quarter of the human population at one point or another during the twentieth-century. It FAILED to provide a basic standard of living for anyone in the system except the high-ranking politicians and bureaucrats. To maintain control it's secret police rounded up an murdered 150,000,000 of the criticizes living under their rule (and that does not count the tens of million people they killed seizing control in the first place). Do the math. Communism is as bad as it gets...!?!?!
2018-01-27 16:37:55 UTC
It is neutral. All systems of government depend on the motives of the people running them.
2018-01-27 16:11:04 UTC
Communism is very good ........ for those at the top.

The leaders and families receive the best food, clothing, housing, holidays, employment, motor vehicles and event invites.

Everyone else gets what they're given and they had better like it or else, so for them it's extremely bad.
2018-01-27 15:57:11 UTC
It is terrible.... Communism has NEVER worked, is not working now (check out Venezuela for all the proof you need), and will never work no matter who the liar saying that they can lead the moochers to 'utopia' is.

It results in those who actually are useful and productive being dis-incentivized to continue to make any effort (Why would anyone bother making an extra effort if they were only going to receive the same as all the useless, lazy moochers?).

It also encourages lazy, useless moochers to become even bigger lazy, useless moochers.

The svengali's who promote that scam always sell it with the premise that "Everyone will be equal". What those liars fail to include is the simple fact that everyone will be EQUALLY MISERABLE (except, of course, for the cult leaders who run the scam. They will live high on the hog). They just know there will always be way more lazy, loser mooches then there will be useful, productive people who just want to be left alone to provide for themselves. They play on the envy and sloth of the lazy, loser moochers.

Kinda like the demoncraps....
2018-01-27 15:41:11 UTC
2018-01-31 09:04:32 UTC
2018-01-30 21:55:36 UTC
its another form of religion. most of its doctrine are interpretations from the bible. like talmud.
2018-01-30 11:10:49 UTC
Good in theory, unworkable in practice. Therefore bad.
2018-01-30 10:32:26 UTC
Communism is outdated
2018-01-29 17:57:53 UTC
2018-01-29 15:51:27 UTC
In a communist country like the North Korea everything you own belongs to the state you have absolutely no freedom at all or civil rights you do what your told the military and police watch everything you do they listen to all your phone conversations they can arrest you any time for any made up charge and throw you in jail.

Obviously not good!
2018-01-29 09:20:39 UTC
Theoretically good, but actually bad.
2018-01-29 06:25:06 UTC
It is the best form of government on paper but the worst when implemented with real people who have different wants, needs, and abilities. Communism would work perfectly if implemented by robots.
2018-01-29 01:48:08 UTC
Don Taylor
2018-01-29 00:49:13 UTC
We can look at the track record. This is a great video about this topic.
Steven C
2018-01-28 22:54:12 UTC
It is likely to collapse completely at some point. It was stronger one hundred years or so ago, harder to subvert people nowadays.
2018-01-28 19:39:46 UTC
I don't like it. They've killed millions.

Decades before I was born my family escaped from Laos - neighbouring Thailand and Vietnam. In the mid 70's a communist group started killing everyone, tortured the King and queen in a camp until they died. Exiled the remaining royals whom fled to France. The country was always poor with many village people, but the new government have basically taken away basic human rights and many live in poverty. I wish Laos could become as developed as at least Thailand one day.

When i was in Laos they blocked my search engine twice just for searching the King/queen.

Similar things happened to China and Vietnam and Cambodia. Not sure about Cuba and North Korea. I wish communism could end. Even Russia dropped it
2018-01-28 18:32:06 UTC
Bad it is un American
Ford Prefect
2018-01-28 17:45:22 UTC
Communism started off as a real effort to let the people rule themselves, but soon it became a state ruled by a single group of thugs cashing in on the wealth. Power corrupts
2018-01-28 16:30:06 UTC
It's ok for those who like to be kept. Of course, it's not what USA is about. Most of us choose to pick our own path.
2018-01-28 09:12:31 UTC
Good idea based on a incomplete understanding that was more acurate than that of other economic theories, terribly exicuted.

The plan in the manifesto, which was intended to start with Germany, could have worked , however the various reworkings for parts of the world that were at completely different points in political and economic development were far from perfect.
2018-01-28 04:42:58 UTC
I spit on the red flag

I hate commie scum!
2018-01-28 02:43:07 UTC
It depends on the format. It theoretically could be good.
2018-01-27 15:54:27 UTC
Bad, State slavery is as bad as Alabama 1850
2018-01-27 15:43:16 UTC
Bad, very bad. Communism has been responsible for more deaths in the 20th century than any other system. Look, communism presents itself as a system in which all have what they need and so on. Well, it never works out that way. It proves to be a system in which those who are at the top have all the wealth and control. And since communist disarm their subjects, they are the only ones who have the ability to enforce anything. The common person has no ability to enforce or fight.

You can say that capitalism is the same, yet you would be wrong. At least in the capitalist system, people have the ability to grow and move into and out of differing economic levels.

Look at all the countries which have tried it. How did it work out for them and for the people who lived under it? Communism has been an abject failure in every country it has been tried in. Plus any system that has to prevent it's people from escaping it should tell you something. The U.S. will allow you to leave it and never come back, with no penalty or issue. The Soviet Union used to shoot your butt from trying to leave. It is was so great, why did people want to leave and why did the system chose to shoot you instead of allowing you to leave it's rule? Those are questions you need to answer in your own head.

People are people. The more power and authority a person or group has, the more they want to protect that power and authority. In the communist system, it is incredibly hard to defend against those people or groups who have the power.
2018-02-02 11:05:09 UTC
Very bad. It's just as bad as capitalism. In capitalism you get overworked and underpaid by a corporation and in communism you get overworked and underpaid by the government. In capitalism you get bossed around by a tyrannical boss and in communism you get bossed around by a tyrannical politician. Communism and capitalism are both very bad.
24/7 blazer
2018-01-31 01:18:27 UTC
In theory, communism is a great thing. But it's ideas are easily taken in by corrupt dictatorships.
2018-01-29 17:52:26 UTC
2018-01-29 16:16:00 UTC
It is evil so i say bad.I give the same answer about socialism!
2018-01-29 12:24:52 UTC
2018-01-29 09:36:05 UTC
how is this even a question? Yes its absolutely horrible.
2018-01-29 03:41:51 UTC
Communism is ideal utopic idea.
2018-01-28 23:41:17 UTC
2018-01-28 21:29:07 UTC
2018-01-28 21:06:45 UTC
It’s a utopian ideal which Marx suggested would evolve naturally through time. It failed because people forced it to happen when the world wasn’t ready, plus for communism to truly work, all nations need to be communist. It’s ideally, a really nice idea but practically I don’t think it’s good because it stifles progress and innovation, I think it’s ok to have a world which allows people to aspire and create wealth as long as we also ensure that others don’t suffer poverty.
Atheist Evangelist
2018-01-28 20:35:17 UTC
Communism is very bad.

The Soviet Union was originally an idea for a Communist country on earth. Millions died and it ruined the lives of one billion.

China became Communist at one time, while being run by Mao Zedong. Mao ALSO had millions of innocents killed in China.

North Korea is technically Communist and Kim is pretty much a dictator over there since he can launch nukes in any direction he wants to.

Venezuela's economy is collapsing right now BECAUSE of it being communist.

Bottom line, the reason Communism never works is because COMMUNISM. NEVER. WORKS. And anyone who wants America to become Communist basically wants death to come to America.
2018-01-28 13:51:11 UTC
It's bad. Mainly because the leaders have too much power and become corrupt.

And usually because it was a lie from the start. Also because instead of nurturing

the private citizen to be in business, the government wants to own all the businesses.

Privately owned business are always better than government run monopolies.
2018-01-28 13:49:24 UTC
Flawed concept. It failed to account multiple key variables and worst - failed to make adjustment in the face of poor results.
2018-01-28 11:55:08 UTC
It is good in small groups with a common objective. There are many communist villages were I live. They show you there field, there livestock, there school, there church, there community center were they eat, there store. This is a hold over from the Spanish. Who when pulled out the people just stayed & continued. Many have construction company's. Or such. Were they bid on jobs & do the labor. All wages go to there village. So as such good. But they today have a problem. There brightest go to college. Once done they get jobs outside the community. First pay check they become Capaltalist. Brain drain happens. As there bright ones do not return. They do vote in the elections. As a group. But it does not work for large groups or Countries. To many different ideas there.
2018-01-28 05:21:19 UTC
On paper yes but reality no
2018-01-28 02:40:48 UTC
Bernie says its good. No it is not it is evil
Blue Skies.
2018-01-28 02:39:58 UTC
I have seen Communism up close in countries around the world that were receptive to that form of Ideology.

Most of those countries are complete failures to some extent or other. Freedom is not just a word. It is

and should be a treasured way of life.
2018-01-27 18:53:06 UTC
Perfect communism would be good but until man loses greed you'll never see that perfection implemented!
2018-01-27 16:14:22 UTC
Collectivism like communism in practice has been brutal, oppressive, murderous and spiritually destructive to those forced to live in it and under it. It denies and conflicts with human nature. "Animal Farm" is a good analogy of how it has performed in reality.
postal p
2018-01-27 15:44:44 UTC
In theory it is good. In reality it is bad. The countries that have adopted it, past and present, have abused the system. For example, Castro has lived a lot better than his people. The same with the other dictators.
2018-01-30 05:46:40 UTC
Be sure about communism.
2018-01-29 21:34:29 UTC
Not bad.
2018-01-29 18:26:09 UTC
It is good until you don't live in it.
2018-01-29 16:59:28 UTC
Communism is very good for the working class and the poor. bad for the rich and big business.
2018-01-29 16:52:24 UTC
In the real world, it's bad. And the real world is where we have to live.
2018-01-29 13:05:59 UTC
If Communism was so great, the entire world would be embracing it. Communism enslaves it's people to a dictator and is responsible for millions upon millions of deaths via tyrannical dictators, starvation, imprisonment, and executions. It's the only form of government where lethal force and tyranny are used to keep it's citizens within it's borders.
2018-01-29 12:08:51 UTC
Not good at all. It disturbs the entire economy of a country
2018-01-29 11:20:09 UTC
2018-01-29 08:26:03 UTC
Communism and it’s cousin Socialism has been responsible in the past century for anywhere from 200,000,000 to 300,000,000 deaths. No one really knows.
2018-01-29 06:21:35 UTC
It seems to be working for the Chinese Communist Party. Fairly well for Vietnam. Not so good for North Korea. So-so for Cuba.... that being the extent of our communist countries.
2018-01-29 02:05:41 UTC
Those who fail to remember history are always doomed to repeat it. Look at every liberal\leftist\Marxist (but I repeat myself) "utopia" throughout history and they always eventually fail. Even soft communist countries which libs\leftists love to use as examples such as Denmark, Sweden and other Scandinavian countries will eventually fail as well (it just takes a little longer) since they will eventually run out of everybody else's money.
2018-01-29 01:44:06 UTC
It relies on human good will and generosity. So, it is simply accepted by naive people.
Fort Erudite
2018-01-28 23:47:19 UTC
Communism is when the government owns a farmer's cows and gives the farmer milk to drink as payment.
2018-01-28 19:56:15 UTC
2018-01-28 16:47:06 UTC
How dare you say that to communism? What has communism ever done to you? As a matter of fact, Communism enforces equal rights, So if you hate communism you are a homophobe. It's clear that your nostalgia for capitalism has brainwashed you to the point where you actively reject all alternatives, You transphobic bigot. As i am speaking right now i am calling my secret network of commies across russia to trace your netvalue so you better prepare for the crash, Capitalist, The crash that destroys the pathetic thing you call your money. You're ******* bankrupt, Kid, I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Russia Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable *** off the face of the continent, you little ****. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your ******* tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will **** fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re ******* dead, kiddo.
I care
2018-01-28 04:59:29 UTC
Not end up being good.............the Leaders so many times don't consider their people.........just as N. Korea.......

The Freedoms are tighter for all concerned......try to not be part of this..(locate a place that doesn't practice this) .......bless you.
2018-01-28 02:14:22 UTC
No, it's not good. Humanity needs to learn the lesson of the bearers of false gifts and broken promises.

Why does the Human race keep trying to make this communism thing work? The Human Race has had well over 100 years to perfect communism and it's failed time and time again. The closest humanity has come to making it work is Denmark but the reason Denmark is successful with it is because they make enough money off natural resources to cover the debts it creates.

Emotional Reasoning is the answer. Communism sounds good. People don't want to worry about how they are going to make ends meet and all this sounds fantastic to the poor. The only time communism has ever gained any traction is when people are at odds with their options going forward.

In the past I studied basic human reproductive psychology, which is more or less dating material. Humans are biologically hardwired to only work as hard as they need to. It is possible for people to overwork themselves which can cause stress and poor health. This is why these communist countries have used oil painting propaganda to use nationalism as a source of motivation. Most people only do what they need to do to survive. If they don't think they can advance then they will scale back and not work as hard. People cap themselves. Basically, Freud is correct in saying that a majority of the decisions people make are based off their survival and reproductive health. Communism stifles this ability by placing a person in a fixed spot they can move from, so a person becomes stuck.

America doesn't have the natural resources or the means to make communism work. Communism stifles innovation and it thumbs it's nose at anyone who has the ability to get ahead by undercutting any resources they could use at their disposal.

The bottom line is I just don't think humanity is smart enough to see the pitfalls of communism or socialism. Schools need to spend more time teaching kids to think critically and discerning from facts, fantasies and opinions.
2018-01-28 02:05:08 UTC
A great ideology.
2018-01-28 00:01:59 UTC
Hillary loves it,and she is BAD....soooo.....
2018-01-27 16:22:29 UTC
Communism is a step up from imperialism. When China, for example, went from having an emperor to having communism, this meant that millions of Chinese had a government that tried to help them survive, instead of an emperor who didn't care at all. Democracy and capitalism would go even further toward emphasizing individual rights and power.
2018-01-30 19:41:40 UTC
Not sure
2018-01-30 02:01:53 UTC
2018-01-30 00:59:06 UTC
After reading "The Great Leap Forward" about China going from Capitalism to Communism - many people starved. Overall it's probably not good!
2018-01-30 00:54:41 UTC
Any system that infringes on peoples' freedom is wrong.
Dr Jello
2018-01-29 19:12:20 UTC
Great system if you like a gun pointed at your head and be told what to do. If you like this type of life, then communism is the system for you.
2018-01-29 14:53:22 UTC
it depends on you do you like being equal?
2018-01-29 11:35:53 UTC
"All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others." - Napoleon, Animal Farm
2018-01-28 22:42:42 UTC
depends on which end you are on.
2018-01-28 20:20:54 UTC
Anne Campbell
2018-01-28 14:55:51 UTC
It preaches equality but in truth it says 'Some are more equal than others.'
2018-01-28 14:18:35 UTC
I'm Afghan, let me tell you, it never exsisted. The whole phony idea that the people work together and rule together and prosper together was a bullshit idea . The commie culture/lie was to make it seem like that, when really they would be killing/tortuing many officials and leaders and powerful an wealthy people on the low(many of which were in my family before the revolt happened) .

Let me put it this way, it's fascism, under the fake pretence that it's something completely the opposite!

Communism is something from the past and doesn't really exist today and should be forgotten about. Only reason communism fell was coz they ducked with the wrong people .
2018-01-28 12:50:37 UTC
2018-01-28 01:12:58 UTC
If Hitlery had won, you better believe it is good, or a panel of three NKVD agents would sentence you to death on the spot.
2018-01-28 00:38:13 UTC
The theory is fine. The disappointment is that it was never tried anywhere. Ulyanov ("Lenin") cobbed up a pretend-communism that was really only state capitalism. He did that not because he cared about the other people of the Russian Empire. He just wanted to have a system that he could con the largely uneducated public with. His real interest was to overthrow the government & system that hanged his brother.
Joey Jordison
2018-01-27 22:32:33 UTC
No form of government is good or bad. It just depends on how it is run. Vietnam for example is Communist, but are they a bad country?
2018-01-27 20:44:15 UTC
Really really bad. It goes into two directions and niether are good.

One, ruled by a dictator like in Russia with Lenin in command which if you visit back then, things for show would look good on the outside, but on the inside if you expressed indifferences or didn't follow whatever your dictator wanted, got sick for week, he would have you murdered where he would burn your body leaving no trace left of you, so you live under fear of dying all the time if you are around him, cross him, and he had slaved spies of everyone against their wills or they die from not reporting it.

In two, you got elitist who like Leninism control your everyday life controlling what you can and cannot say or you get the death sentence for disagreeing with the narratives as you fear your opinions will lead to your execution and they give you money not to buy what you want, but to buy what they tell you to against your will as they themselves raise taxes, borrow money from other countries, the economy goes
2018-01-27 17:02:27 UTC
Thunderous Barbarian
2018-01-27 15:42:02 UTC
Good for the rulers, horrible for the ruled. (ask them)
2018-01-27 15:41:51 UTC
2018-01-27 15:41:16 UTC
The ideology of it can be good, and can work. The problem is that they system is very easily corruptable by human greed and ambition. And it is because of that greed and ambition is the reason why it always fails. The problem with communism is that it gives the power of the entire nation and all of it's assets to a select few in the goverment.
2018-01-31 23:15:48 UTC
Read George Orwell's Animal Farm. The author showed what happened in the dictatorship totalitarian government which was formed. The true story was told using animals to depict the characters. Karl Marx actually had different ideas than what happened when it was decided his book would be the basis of Communism. He wanted better conditions for the working class.

I prefer a free society. A communist society is not free. You will have a better understanding of Communism after you read

Animal Farm.
2018-01-30 20:36:23 UTC
I think this is very difficult to answer
2018-01-30 05:11:52 UTC
Communism is neither good nor bad, same with every form of government. All forms of government have pros and cons. Communism's greatest strength is that the government can easily direct the economy of the country which, in theory, would bring wealth to everyone. In reality, communist governments attract less than decent people who corrupt the systems in place and redistribute wealth into their own pockets.

So is communism inherently bad? No. Is communism bad for people? In the long run it's a resounding yes because Communism is basically dictatorship but citizens are allowed to vote (within the state-mandated single party, mind you). That's why Kim Jong Un always gets 100% of the vote in North Korea, there's no one running against him.
2018-01-30 03:00:20 UTC
I am from Russia, a former socialist country. I am going to judge communism by my country’s experience. First of all, communism is good and bad at the same time, depends on how you look at it. It’s pros are the fact that all people are equal and the government takes care of everything, including the business. In USSR people didn’t fear tomorrow, because they knew the government would always help. There was no way you would go down the drain like in U.S. The cons are the fact that you cannot own your own business the fact that you don’t own anything, the government does. It mean that if the government wants to demolish your house today, it can, since it belongs to it, not you. It is also worth mentioning that no socialist state ever reached actual communism, since communism is virtually impossible and is a sick idea for a perfect robot world. The closest country to communism was the USSR, which was going essentially the right path until Perestroika partially caused its destruction. Even though perestroika gave us democracy, we should have never allowed private businesses in our country, since it caused its destruction.
2018-01-29 04:41:39 UTC
On paper its thee best system of government ever devised

In reality it is pretty much one of the worst ever devised
2018-01-29 00:05:15 UTC
Good concept righteous concept in theory but bad in action.

Communism holds us back from inequality, these inequalities are what lead to competition, hence leading to technological advancement, economic advancement, freedom of ideas and politics.

Without these inequalities, it'd destroy the current economic system, No more large companies like nike and apple and no more luxury items.

Little old selfish me, earns for these things, and i'm sure others do too and there's nothing wrong with that.

Either way, communism without tyranny isn't possible.

2018-01-28 20:52:05 UTC
2018-01-28 18:23:01 UTC
It isn't a question of "good or bad". Find a communist country that has been successful. There's your answer.
2018-01-28 17:59:02 UTC
2018-01-28 17:30:03 UTC
Communism makes Nazism look pale when it comes to mass murder. Communism does not discriminate, they kill everyone.
2018-01-28 10:14:32 UTC
Well tons of N. Korean soldiers keep defecting because they love it and it’s unflawed
2018-01-28 08:54:09 UTC
Only fools need to consider this - it is very bad.

1) Who run those big companies in a real communist country??

They are government officials, then there is no way to stop them to steal money from

their "own" companies.

2) In the USA, there are two powerful classes, rich people and politicians.

In communist countries, the only powerful people are politicians.

So Mao and Pol Pot and Kim can kill and rape anyone they want in their countries.
2018-01-28 07:14:41 UTC
I am serius and i say yes
2018-01-27 22:00:15 UTC
Looks great but has never helped the people who have lived under it
2018-01-27 16:56:14 UTC
Bad. Communism is anti-Christian
2018-01-27 15:53:30 UTC
It has never been tried, so no one knows.....

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.