Is it possible to overcome your basic subconscious stupidity long enough to affect positive change?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Is it possible to overcome your basic subconscious stupidity long enough to affect positive change?
Four answers:
2006-01-04 08:27:31 UTC
Yes. Learn about the power of the subconscious mind and then practice the exercises necessary to change behavior. Also, study the Bible and what it teaches about the power of the mind when put under the authority of God. Wow! Now that is an end to anything stupid!
2006-01-03 03:24:40 UTC
I would say that something pretty out of the ordinary would have to give you a hard kick in the metaphysical ***, ideally kicking you out of your environment, out of your routine, out of everything you know so that you HAVE to make progress, so that you have to stop making stupid errors in judgement, stupid mistakes. Necessity is the mother. You gotta find yo' mama. Or wait until something finds you which is all up to the greatest F word of all: fate. Good luck.
Anuj B
2006-01-03 02:36:33 UTC
yes, it IS possible.

when you consciously start doing something for a long enough time, then it gets imbibed into your subconscious as well.

but this takes time, it's not a 24 hour phenomenon.

sometimes it takes days, sometimes a couple of months and in some cases even a number of years.
2006-01-03 02:50:12 UTC
Yes because actions are implimented through the concience part of the brain- you have to consciencely put one foot in front of the other to move. A person would have to be pretty brain dead to not be able to put positive change in their life at least for a few minutes. Isn't merely inquiring about this affecting positive change for you? Or would positive change for you be turning off the computer and going to bed :-)

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