Obesity is an eating disorder. It's a mental disorder just as much as anorexia nervosa and bulimia. Those are all eating disorders and each of them is dangerous and can shorten lives or even kill but if it reaches a ''danger stage, '' then a really obese person can't get out of this without help just as an anorexic or a bulimic needs professional help to stop what they are doing... it's a ''mind thing''.
If you ever watched the 'Biggest loser'' you know that so many people can be obese and fall of the band waggon, it even happened to Oprah Winfrey to a certain extend when she hit 200 lbs. It can happen to anyone and sometimes there is more behind the reason why those people gained the weight than we know. Sometimes on the biggest loser some of the candidates in the past had suffered real tragedies or felt totally unappreciated and to camouflage the hurt and the pain, they took to comfort eating and ''added'' to their problems but it can be a vicious cycle...
It's a lot easier to do it in a group with other people who have the same problems. That's why candidates on the biggest loser are so successful losing the weight, because one needs the motivation and if one has others to compete against or who train you or root for you and teach you the best eating habits and how to change your mindset that really is the only tool that helps to beat obesity so that the weight stays off..
You are absolutely right. I agree with you totally. I blame myself that I have not lost the weight and I am definitely not happy with my extra weight.
It's not always so easy if one is on a medication and that medication causes total exhaustion and makes one want to sleep for hours. This is an anti-depressant I am talking about. I was slim and I was active until my doctor put me on Effexor. I don't suffer from depression but I have been diagnosed with GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder) and for that I was put on an anti-anxiety medication that worked really well for me for 7 years.
When one takes a medication over any lenght of time, the body and the mind become dependent on this medication plus one develops a ''tolerance to it'' meaning one needs more of the medication in order to get the same effect. My doctor did not want me to take more of this medication and told me that although I don't suffer from depression, that Effexor has some components that also help alleviate symptoms of anxiety... The big problem with anti-depressants and with ''Effexor'' in particular, is that one feels very sleepy and really tired and one feels too weak to do any exercise and one tends to put on weight... I am sure the pill doesn't make one gain weight in a direct way but it increases a persons appetite so it's indirectly responisble for weight gain.
I try to eat almost exclusively healthy foods but I have noticed that I eat a lot more than I used to..
If I want to focus on something else to take my mind off food, the thought about food is still not going away since I have been on Effexor, so I eat a lot more and even if I eat healthy foods and drink mainly green tea, I have gained quite a lot of weight and the sleepy feeling makes it really into a big task to get on the treadmill and run.
You have a good point and I understand that. Portion control, eating healthy foods and exercise are the only answer. Diets don't work. It has to be a total change for the rest of life in eating habits and in integrating exercise.. I don't like the way I look and I have to do something. Being fat is no fun and apart from that it is unhealthy. Diabetes type 2 and high cholesterol and other diseases can result from it.. that is even worse than not daring to go swimming or wear a bathing suit in public. I loved to go swimming, now I don't want to be seen by anyone in a bathing suit. I have to find some way or talk to my doctor if he can take me off the Effexor and try something else as this really is doing more harm than good..
Once one has put on quite some weight then it's a lot harder to lose it again. It's easy to lose several pounds...but several stone takes a lot of hard work and a lot of dedication and ''it's a ''mind thing'' more than it's a matter of physically not being able to do it''.x