I don't see any point in life?
2015-09-20 03:18:03 UTC
I suffer from anxiety and depression and last night I came the closest I ever have to killing myself...yep...I don't see any point in life anymore. I don't want to do anything anymore but sleep. That's it. I can't see any point in being alive because all we do is live to wait for death and all living is, is working at school then to go on to do more work at a job for the rest of your life . There is no point. At all. I get there are good and bad moments in life but is there really a point?
112 answers:
2015-09-20 15:18:37 UTC
That is what depression does to you. It robs you of the ability to find any enjoyment in life, any hope for the future, and it distorts your view of everything into something completely negative and hopeless. Yes, life is about work, work, more work and then more work after that. That is true. BUT there is also partying, fun, meeting a special someone, maybe having kids together, going on trips, seeing the beauty that is in this world, loving people and being loved. Depression won't let you see that. It only shows you the very worst.

If you are not already being treated for depression now is the time to go and get help. If you are, keep trying. See if there is a medication which suits you better. Don't make decisions about cutting short your life when you are in the grip of an illness that stops you seeing the potential in front of you.
2015-09-23 21:31:10 UTC
Does life inherently have a point? Of course not. We must all choose our own purpose in life because life won't make a purpose for us.

I realize that most of us will have spend most of our lives in school then work. I used to feel the same way. I didn't want to work, I didn't want to do anything hard. I tried my best to get out of work. I didn't get a full time job until I was 27.

Before then I was very depressed. Now? I hate waking up early. I slaving away at a desk. I love it. I love that I hate it. The more I hate it, the more my achievement is so the more I love it.

You need three things to be happy. The first thing is to spend time around other people. Not every waking moment but some of the day. Work and school aren't all sitting in silence. Both contain many opportunities to socialize. Anyone who can survive without conversation is either an animal or a god.

The second thing you need is something to keep you engaged. You need some task at work or school so that you don't have so much time to think. Idle thought is the enemy of peace. Instead you should have some task and you can think about that.

The third thing you need is achievement. I know that school and work are both unpleasant. I won't pretend that either of them are fun. They're both painful and exhausting. But the more painful and exhausting tasks are, the greater will be your achievement when you've accomplished them.

These three things are the secrets of happiness. A little bit of pain now will save a lot of anguish later. Take it from someone who's recovered from depression.
2015-09-20 14:19:59 UTC
I'm sorry you are anxious and depressed. These can go hand in hand so see your MD and get treatment. Most depression is a medical problem, like an ulcer. You'd would see a doctor if you had a stomach ache, wouldn't you? Your MD can determine what medication would be suitable for you. Medication can alleviate both your depression and anxiety so please call your MD tomorrow.

When you are feeling better you will have a different perspective about life. You are just learning about the world and how to make your way in it. School can be a problem for some kids but school is the foundation of the rest of your life. You have seen what happens when you don't go to school or don't graduate from school. Most drop out have problems all their lives because they can't get a good job. Your reading and writing skills are not good. Your math needs work. Just think about getting a part time job at a fast food place which may be good for a summer job but not for a lifetime. You need to interact with customers, make change, fill out papers, have manners (don't be like my granddaughter and swear at customers and get fired) and know a bit about cooking and cleaning.

Look for your purpose or point in life. Maybe you want to help children-become a teacher. Maybe you would like to work with the elderly-become a nurse. Maybe you like to write-become a novelist or write non-fiction.

If you are interested in stem cell research become a scientist or chemist and work toward a cure for lung, kidney or heart disease.

The possibilities are endless. Who knows what you can accomplish when you are out of your depression.
2015-09-21 16:20:46 UTC
I'm so sorry you have to go through this. You know, I'm pretty sure a therapist can help you. They're professionals in that kind of thing where you don't know what to do with your life anymore. It's better to get professional help than just from some strangers in the internet who will just be giving you their opinions/ thoughts and ideas on the matter. Also, keep in mind that suicide is a pernament solution to a temporary problem; so, it's not worth it!

Also, I suggest you talk about this with someone who's close to you; I'm sure your parents would like to help you! Do they know about this? You know, they can be just the solution to your lamenting problem. After all, they're your kinsman or are forever with you, you know? By nature, they love you no matter what (not unless they're physopaths which I doubt. I mean, that's rarely the case or else they would have thrown you away or somehting). So, I'm sure they would love to know what's happening in your life and within a blink of an eye help you. It's what family are for =) Trust me. That's what I would do at least :) You just have to open up to them... :)

Anyway, I really hope I helped, and I hope you will consider some of my suggestions. If not, then I will tell you this one thing which always cheers me up and inspires me:

"The World is three days: As for yesterday, it has vanished, along with all that was in it. As for tomorrow, you may never see it. As for today, it is yours, so work in it." Lovely, isn't it? So, don't give up!

Here's the link to it BTW: BTW, it's an Islmaic quote.

Well, that's all I can do... Good luck! And don't give up!
2015-09-25 21:07:30 UTC
Everyday I sit alone at lunch. I don't have many friends. Somtimes I feel like I dont matter . My parents are divorced which I'm sometimes feel like a burdan and a mistake for and yet I make some of the most dumb mistakes in the world. Now I really hope this doesn't sound like a suck it up statement of anything because life isn't something u should just have to suck it up with. But yet though all these diffuculetes I'm a farely happy preson. I know I sound like I should be depressed or something but not really, and to me life is incredible. The beautity of the human race how each of us are made in are own incredjible unigue way to help each other is beautiful to me. Maybe this will help I'm not really sure, but please don't kill yourself. And if u think no one cares about u well I kindof do.Now I cant care about u like a friend. I believe there is beauty in u God gave to help this world better. we all have it.
2015-09-24 15:00:05 UTC
I have felt the same as you Society makes people think a certain way I think life can be beautiful with a positive attitude Sometime it's the people who think that they are trying to help you who actually do worst I don't like saying this but most people have the same life they go to school go to college party and travel a bit have a relationship have kids get married and die I say get married after because now most couple choose to get married when they are old and done with having kids also there is a cycle of having a few kids by different relationships as this is becoming the norm anyone who doesn't live this life is known as an individual an outcast to society people are meant to have kids but are supposed to have them at the right time society argues that a couple in their early 20s are too young because they are expected to party while a 40 year old couple is seen as cruel for wanting to have a baby society is fucked up you need help that is a fact you should go to a psychologist remember you can go against society and break this cycle It is all up to you my main message here is don't live like the robot society expects you to live like good luck :)
2015-09-24 04:37:10 UTC
Around the earth, millions of persons are working hard and trying to find happiness in living. Yet there comes a time when people stop and ask, Where am I really going? It may seem that life is merely a matter of living a few short years, raising children to carry on the family name, and then the children in turn repeat the same cycle. Is there no greater purpose in it all?

3 Also, people know that, all too often, an economic upset, a war or some other calamity may wipe out a whole lifetime of effort. More sadly, to lose a dearly loved one because of sickness, accident or crime can make life suddenly seem terribly empty, aimless. Even at best, life seems so short. Compared to the ageless universe around us, a human lifetime is like the mere tick of a clock.

4 Surely there is something better in store for mankind, something that can give true meaning to our lives. If so, what is it? To answer this question we must first get the answer to an even more basic question: Is this universe and all life in it the product of a “Master Architect,” namely, God?And without a doubt we know that it is.So to answer your question,notice what the Bible says .Words stated over nineteen centuries ago by an inspired man to a criminal clearly point to a grand future. That inspired man was Jesus, who is widely recognized as a prophet and one of the greatest teachers that ever lived. The Bible identifies him as the promised Messiah or Christ, the Son of God, who existed as a spirit person before his being born a human. (Matthew 16:13-16; Luke 1:30-33; Philippians 2:5-7) To the evildoer Jesus Christ said: “You will be with me in Paradise.”—Luke 23:43.

Jesus’ promise to the evildoer is in agreement with statements in the Bible that the earth was made for a purpose. God “did not create it simply for nothing, [but] formed it even to be inhabited.” (Isaiah 45:18; Psalm 104:5) It would be unreasonable to suppose that God, having spent centuries in preparing the earth with such care, would destroy it or leave it a waste just because some people did not appreciate it. Really, the earth itself has the potential for being a most delightful place to live.I hope this gives you a measure of hope in life.
2015-09-25 09:49:13 UTC
It seems like you're having an existential crisis, whether this is related to your anxiety and depression I don't know. Although, maybe the best way to look at it would be that we only have so long to live so we might as well make the most of it, even if our acheivements do go on noticed, as long as we have our own sense of self-fulfilment. Think about it, if you don't go to school and get a job, you'll just be creating more problems for yourself and more difficult ones to deal with. I suggest you seek professional help, I'm sorry for your problems.
2015-09-23 08:29:25 UTC
Never do anything irreversible. Go to a public health clinic if you have no money (or your doc) - depression is extremely treatable. You don't mention your age but external and internal things change quickly. Put your depression, anxiety and discomfort into something CONSTRUCTIVE like school, work or public health - a depressed person even with medication needs to make internal mental changes from 'I'm not a good person' thought to 'I am smart, decent, and a good person.' Try to retrain your brain when you think negative thoughts follow them up with a constructive one like 'I'm a good person' - almost everyone feels the way you do at some point. You have pages of responses on why you shouldn't harm yourself. Retrain negative thoughts with positive ones. It's your brain to a large degree - use it.
2015-09-20 18:16:04 UTC
I used to have really bad depression and anxiety to the point I nearly ended up taking my own life on HOLIDAY, normally holidays are suppose to be fun and relax time but I was so depressed and down and didn't have a clue why at the time but now I know that it's a mental illness and a lot of people suffer from it. It was late at night & me and my family were suppose to be going to the night club but I was down and couldn't even be bothered to put clothes on so just said I wanted to stay in to watch a program because I didn't want to miss it (even though I could have watched it when I got home) but I was making up excuses and I was going to hang myself. I kept looking at the door and thinking about it but I just tried to keep my mind of it so I listened to music & then my mum came home not long after & we all went to bed & carried on like normal, this was last year and I'm so glad I don't do it my life has gotten so much better since then but at the time you don't think that but it does.
Emely Gutierrez
2015-09-21 19:39:56 UTC
That's because your not there yet. You are nobody now. But someday you will become somebody. Do you want to become a hero? A helper? Choose a career in life and force yourself to continue. Look into the future. Find yourself in the perfect life. House. Guy/girl. And work hard for it. Yeah, life can not be perfect. But at least you'll be happy. Your going to be happy. Do you really want to miss that day when it comes? What will YOU define yourself as? Who do you want to be? The question is.... Do you want to be there in the future to find out? Then continue your path. Trust me it's gonna hurt. Bad. But question is. Are you strong enough to face it? Or are you weak? Capable of falling down on your knees. Giving up on hope and happiness? Do you really think happiness is easy to find? Want to learn how to be accepted? Religious or not. Go to church. Trust me.I've been where you were. And I've never felt so accepted in a place like that. All you need is that.
2015-09-20 16:07:19 UTC
I want to send you so much love right now and I promise there is a point to life!

Depression is something I can't explain however, I truly know what you are going through! I have been on medication for depression for a while and it does help if you find the right one however, I think speaking to people is key. You have taken a huge step speaking out about your feelings which means you are extremely strong. I think realising your feelings is very important and you seem to understand yourself right now even if it's not in a positive way. Realising the way you feel and speaking about it is the first step to change.

Life will get better it takes time but trust me somehow things will start looking brighter! Please know there are so many people who love you and you are truly unique in all ways never forget that!! X
2015-09-20 14:26:56 UTC
Hi there. I came onto this section actually wanting to ask a question but I saw yours and thought that I could have written it myself. I was diagnosed with clinical depression when I was roughly 13 or 14 and have attempted suicide three times. I never believed people when they said "life get's better" and other phrases to that effect. But it does. Don't get me wrong, my depression never fully went away and I am in this section because I'm in a bit of a rough patch at the moment. But the fact that you are on here, asking for help shows that somewhere in you, there is hope. I know it may not seem like it now and getting out of bed is one of the hardest things in life, but if you live for each day, each hour or even each minute; life becomes a little easier. Try not to focus on the 'bigger picture' because it can be overwhelming. If you can get through one minute or one hour, that will soon add up to being a day and that day becomes a week and before you know it, you are starting to feel like you are lifting out of the darkness. Have you spoken to anyone? Family or a professional? It is essential that the people around you know what is going on. Sometimes all I want is to cry and to be hugged. The worst part is when you don't even know why you are low, but you just are. It is times like that when you really have to examine the good things in your life and try not to let the negative take over. It all sounds easier said than done and it is. But you must try. I have found that being on medication has helped me tremendously but it isn't for everyone. Being outside with nature is a wonderful thing. Getting away from distractions, technology and noise can do amazing things. To be in the fresh air, hear the birds and feel the wind on your skin. It can be very peaceful and gives you time to think or just day dream. Try to take some time everyday to go for a walk, even if it is just a short walk. Exercise as well as just being outdoors always helps me. It may be hard to pull yourself up to go outside, but it will be worth it. You may not notice at first, but it will hopefully help. And always remember that you are never alone. There will always be somebody, somewhere who wants to help you and who sees how wonderful you are. Keep going. You'll make it through. xxx
2015-09-22 13:50:12 UTC
Well sometimes life can seem pointless but there's a different point of life for everyone. For some people it's to have kids and for others it's to their life long goal.

Yes, going to school sucks but if you get good grades and graduate from college you can get a job YOU like. Trust me, things get better not matter how long it takes you will find happiness sooner or later and if you ever need someone to talk to I'm here . :)
2015-09-21 14:27:25 UTC
There is a lot to look forward to in life. I think you need to be on some medication, believe me I know what it is like to not feel good mentally. You need to reach out and talk to someone. God is always with you, and just don't do something you can't take back, I am telling you it can get better, ok?
2015-09-21 00:10:49 UTC
First know that none of us live to wait for death. People after reaching a stage that is the old age may think of death when they are suffering with all sorts of pain in the body. Otherwise healthy people never think of death in day to day life. Look around you and observe how people are busy with various activities to achieve and accomplish something. These works are the motivation for living life. An idle life is always disastrous. Haven't you heard the adage, 'an idle life is devil's workshop?' Be positive and start doing something to make yourself active. In the beginning just make yourself available for all your work such as cooking, cleaning, washing etc. Change is bound to come in you. Don't be coward. Do not think about death at all, it will come when the time is ripe.
2015-09-22 12:42:44 UTC
OK that's when u need to go c someone and get prescribed something...

Chances r that "point" which varies person to person is what will require the most work from u. that point is the thing u strive for. it's what will make life worth living.

depression sucks a huge bag of dicks and anyone who undermines what u r going through can stfu. also, anxiety is just as bad. there r SSRIs that work for some people but they take a few weeks to kick in and there are benzodiazapines which work almost instantly and r great as long as u don't abuse them.

i'm sending u a powerful beam of pure light energy from my heart focused entirely upon you. when ppl bring u down or step on u or push u around or judge u, know I got u. I know the real u is strong and charismatic. I know the real u has a lot to offer and is a great person with depth and character. u r not ur depression or ur anxiety. u r a beautiful dancing sunflower who moves and speaks with the cadence of love and harmony.
2015-09-22 04:54:44 UTC
Well that's very sad to hear that you have these particular feelings, but at the end of the day there is an achievable opposite to how you are feeling right now.

There is a point to life, you just need to discover what your particular point is. It is there, but your depression is blinding you to it. Depression is all in the mind but can manifest in to the body. It can be as easy as changing your way of thinking.

From my experiences I would suggest Mindfulness Therapy; I had it and it was my enlightenment.

The key though in the meantime is to be compassionate and non judgemental towards ourselves and each other. This life is but a spec of dust in the history of existence. We don't have much time at all to make the most of it and that is my incentive to make the most of life. Sure depression exists, but so does Happiness; chase it!
2015-09-22 16:55:20 UTC
Death is not the way out of life. I know that depression is a challenge I have had it before and it's not fun. Don't give up on your self and live life in the fullest. Clear your mind and don't think about the problems that your facing. You should meditate/yoga or try running to release your stress that is contained inside you.
2015-09-22 13:08:28 UTC
GOOD GRIEF! You're talking like we're living in the Dark Ages! I grew up in the Great Depression and was always "jumpy"--Really ON EDGE! As a child, my Father did get a job, but it was a NIGHT JOB, and he had to sleep during the daytime. Mom's job, then, was to keep ME (a toddler) QUIET! To achieve this, whenever I got too loud (either too happy; or too unhappy crying or yelling, Mom would lock me up in the tiny, dark bathroom--until I stopped crying and was QUIET! I grew up a NERVOUS WRECK! Life for me was tough, as I never really knew when I was going to be locked up! And I was jumpy,! As a young woman, my anxiety grew worse. I lived in Berkeley (thank goodness), as people there were more attuned to mental illness, etc! I went to the Community Mental Health Agency, and got help! The doctor Rx'd a medication that really worked for me, and I've been on it ever since! It is inexpensive and effective! AND, it has enabled me to live a GOOD LIFE! And I'm 86 yrs old and still on those meds. And that's OK by me! (I don't have my glasses, so I'm not really able to read what I'm writing...So I HOPE I've written clearly! OH! Did I add that I'm 86 yrs old? --- WE HAVE TO MAKE OUR OWN POINT IN LIFE! THANK GOODNESS THAT NOBODY ELSE MAKES UP THE POINT IN MY LIFE! --- My life began in Kansas; got my first BIG job in Washington D.C. with the National Security Agency. I ended up in the Vietnamese Section and learned how to break low-level codes of the Vietnamese! This was B.C. (Before Computers), and we had to do our OWN WORK! Then, I was able to live in Japan for a year when my husband was in the Army and stationed there! I learned to read and speak simple Japanese, and traveled over the island where I lived in southern Japan. a number of years later, I went through a divorce; I borrowed student loan money and went back to college. I got a degree in Guidance and Counseling and worked as therapist with very troubled adolescents for 20 years before retiring. (I repaid my total loan by the time I retired!) I'm 86 now, and am busy getting together some 40 or more stories of my life that I'd written in a writing class.-------I don't know WHERE YOU GOT THE IDEA THAT SOMEONE IS GOING TO TELL YOU THE "POINT OF YOUR LIFE!" It WON'T HAPPEN! AND THANK GOODNESS FOR THAT! I'D HATE TO HAVE SOME BODY TELL ME WHAT THE POINT OF MY LIFE IS!---GO FOR IT! THE WORLD IS YOUR APPLE! MAKE THE MOST OF IT--AS IT CERTAINLY GOES FAST!
2015-09-21 18:21:11 UTC
I feel very sad for you, because I know just what you're going through. I will make this short because I know you've gotten many answers. Depression is an illness and it must be treated. If you have felt this low for an extended period of time (two weeks or so) seek help. You would call the doctor if you had a persistent cough that interrupted your sleep for two weeks, wouldn't you? Depression is no joke, been there. Ask your parents to help, ask your school nurse, ask your medical doctor, pastor. Get help.
2015-09-23 18:44:54 UTC
You don't seeany point in life because you don't realize that the only point in life is the one YOU make! Stop sitting around and WAITING for something good to happen - Likely it never will. If you want something good to happen YOU have to MAKE it happen! The more you sleep, or sit around waiting the less likely anything will happen. Happiness comes from within. You sound like you had things handed to you when you were younger.
2015-09-21 13:20:48 UTC
Too much to live for, get out of negative town and go to positive town, you can see life in two ways, as life is how you see it, stop seeing it negative, positive is so much better, plus life is a gift given to us, I really don't believe in depression, I believe that you could just be really sad, doctor's are always coming out with new terms to keep us on pills. Plus that's your opinion on life, other people don't think so. we all hit low points just get out of it, go to therapy, Find a good therapist, you can get out of it, I was in a situation once where I thought it was the end of the world for me too, but REMEMBER this THERE ARE OTHER people in this world who have it worst then you or as I did. Feel better soon.
2015-09-21 01:16:52 UTC
Hey please don't harm yourself i know life is a total b**** and the feeling of wanting to sleep it away but give life another chance yes life will always try to treat you like trash but just try to hang in there i too have way too much anxiety right now i feel like im about to have a panic attack im falling behind in school the medicine i took for my type 1 diabetes and my poor care for my teeth for 6 months have ruined my teeth i will brush my teeth and feel parts of my teeth missing IM 15 I SHOULDN'T HAVE THESE PROBLEMS ugh im a hypocrite for telling you to life will get better when i too feel like i have no point in living but its been two months since my teeth have started falling apart and i no longer have nightmares of my teeth falling out of my mouth or biting something and my teeth shattering so your wounds will heal with time but i mean d*** im only 15 and my dentist said i have a condition that 60 year olds get ill probably have dentures by the time im 40 maybe sooner *sigh* might as well not sugar coat it life is going to f*** you over more times than not but you have to hang in there be strong life is an a**hole even if you do not belive in God Christians more times than not will try to help you the most go talk to someone at a church or maybe a Christian website they will probably encourage you the most Jesus be with you friend
2015-09-21 07:55:39 UTC
I feel the same way. You could just stay alive until the people who run around the world like they know what their doing and have a great time realize the same you thing you already discovered.

I think you should look at it like you are free to build a life, from scratch, without any influence from anything or anyone else. There's nowhere to go but up from where your at...the hardest part will be not falling back into these self-destructive thoughts.
2015-09-20 12:27:00 UTC
First of all, there IS a point in life. If you feel no point in life, make one! Ask God for guidance and help. Don't let that depressed feeling take over you. Also seek help from a counselor. Each one of us will reach a point where he/she is depressed and anxious but you should figure them out. And there is a quote that says "if life gives you lemons, make a lemonade :)" Whenever you feel negative thoughts coming, try to get rid of them, involve yourself in something. This is a test from God, and you should be strong. Get a pet, get into a hobby, socialize, do anything fun! :) You will soon see that life HAS a point. I suggest thay you seek counsseling . Always feel positive and remmember, God will always help you :)
2015-09-20 05:28:40 UTC
I don't know what the point of life is for you, but be assured that there is one. There is one, and you're going to find it and have the happiness you deserve. In the meantime, I'd consider seeking counseling if you haven't already, and if you need someone to talk to I'm there. :)
2015-09-22 21:17:23 UTC
Try to avoid these Kind of thoughts, don t watch or read any depressing books, TV shows, News and Movies. Life is the most beautiful and important thing on earth, imaging and think of God, no matter what religion you

follow. There will be problems, there will be loneliness, there will be people, there will be the Family and there will be a change BUT thats what makes the life awesomely wonderful and makes it life, makes it infinite, why to end the most precious, the most expansive thing in the UNIVERSE.

Think about the people who wants you their, what about them once you are gone, no-matter how people and family behave s and fight with us, every human beings in general has feelings, by taking one step without

thinking of others around you could hurt lot of people. I have noticed in my life time that peoples do say out loud mean things to others but afterward they found guilt in them so never get hurt from other people its all about moods.

I believe, always try to be positive and hopeful for better tomorrow, thats how the world is running. The whole world is running on hope and see where are we now 7 Billion huh what an development, I can t wait to see more development. Try to be happy, try to make others happy-smile, never turndown anyone and yourself.

We get One and Only One Life, the Big guy haven t given us any other Options in that department, So be it, Never commit a sin, avoid negativity, maintain humanity, be respectful, be faithful and be Joyful, ENJOY our each and every second because the life counts.
2015-09-22 02:08:52 UTC
It doesn't matter if there's no point in living. Just continue to struggle until you find a reason why you should continue it. Life may get better or worse. If you nullify it by ending your own life, all of your hardships would go into waste, including your resources.
English Fanatic
2015-09-22 13:39:32 UTC
You are an extremely intelligent person. The answer to your question is nothing but Islam. Islam says that life is nothing but a test given to mankind and the real life starts after death. Start reading glorious Quran and follow the man called Dr: Zakir Naik. Islam will awaken your imagination and will answer your each and every question logically. To know the answer of your question in detail, get in contact with me on my following skype ID: englishteacher1a_

Don't commit suicide ever and especially before studying Islam thoroughly from an educated scholar.
2015-09-20 10:43:49 UTC
Yes there is no point in life if you are just waiting to die. There's no point in eating breakfast if your just gonna get hungry later. Yes there's no point to anything. But you are born to live. You are born to find what your want in the meantime. If you can make yourself the happiest person alive everyday then you would want to see tomorrow. And when you are about to die, you can just look back at all the memories and the fun times you had. And just laugh it off as you fall into endless sleep.
2015-09-21 08:40:26 UTC

So, you're not alone. i know it may feel pointless to wake up everyday just to repeat the same thing you did yesterday, But, i promise you that every time you see your family or see your friends you're making their day. i know exactly how you feel at the moment, I've been there many times. Ive been dealing with depression for a long time and its gotten to the point of almost no return, But let me tell you what helped me when i got there.

Everyday when you wake up, try to make a new goal for yourself. Since you feel there is nothing worth living for, start giving yourself a reason,. so, make little notes for yourself. Like "smile more" or "make a new friend" it sounds super lame i know but it really helped me pull myself out of depression just enough to keep going, some days even now it seems unbearable to keep going. sometimes i want to put a bullet in my head. But then i look at the little notes ive made for myself and keep trying, Believe me, ending your life isnt the answer to your depression, It will not only hurt your soul but it will hurt those around you that care and love for you,

i really hope this helps you. coming from someone who is walking in your shoes. Believe me when i say there is always a reason to keep fighting. Dont let depression run your life, I know its easier to just give up, Just try a little harder. You can email me anytime. Im always willing to talk! youre not alone. i promise.
2015-09-20 05:50:42 UTC
You are correct. There is no point in living for yourself or other people, because when you die you will lose it all, and it would have been for nothing. All labor is vanity and vexation of the spirit. BUT, if you live for Jesus Christ nothing is meaningless, everything has a purpose. Your body will die, but your soul will live on in God's eternal kingdom.

God doesn't want you to suffer, he loves and cares about you, accept Jesus into your heart today he will heal you from all your hurt and suffering and you will not be disappointed. God Bless you friend.
2015-09-20 03:45:24 UTC
yes, there is a point in life- to begin with...

it sounds to me that you urgently!! need the professional help of a psychiatrist-in real life-in your area -someone skilled in treating people of your age- with no further delay if possible...especially due to your suicidal thoughts and/ or attempt/s... inasmuch as you feel that bad GET NOW to the Emergency Room...yeah...

until proven otherwise - it might /all be about some chemical imbalance within your brain- making you feel the way you feel-and- if so- it's highly' s NO ONE's fault...and it's treatable....yeah...

do not neglect-please- for your own good...

please-inasmuch as possible- immediately let your parents/ closest family exactly know what you're going through- ask for and timely get the help you need...
2015-09-20 11:47:45 UTC
I am really glad that you are reaching out for help. It sounds to me like you are going through a lot due to your depression and anxiety. Many times with depression, you find yourself with the inability to find happiness in this world. You sleep a lot and don't feel motivated. I would encourage you to seek treatment for the depression and anxiety. You can call a crisis hotline and they can give you some referrals to a counselor or therapist in your area. The most important thing is for you to keep yourself safe. You deserve a chance to be happy and to be able to have the life that you enjoy. Take care of yourself.

Counselor, SG
2015-09-24 23:43:00 UTC
You could do something really "insane" (hehe) like moving into one of those godawful tiny houses or joining a 4h club (the horror). I don't really have enough experience to tell you if life will get better or not, but I assume that it's kind of a crap-shoot.
2015-09-21 21:53:14 UTC
Hi Buddy..

Every life is having its own purpose and reason. If our parents think in the same way, then we might not be on this earth. My point is Life always looks beautiful when someone loves us or if we love some one..Please think who is that someone in your life..Might be that is your parents or wife or son or daughter or a true friend or a person who always makes smile on your face from your childhood..Just think...I am sure everyone have such persons in our lifes. If you believe that person...Then i think depression is the easy way to control our self..Its all depends on our love and believe towards god or a person.Hope i made you clear what i am trying to say.

No one can control our thoughts but only our self. You should control your thoughts because there is a hidden purpose of your life ahead.Just think about it I am sure and strongly believe you will find your destiny.
2015-09-24 22:32:58 UTC
You can see it that way, but it is a pointless way of thinking. I have experienced trauma to where it would seem like I should have killed myself along time ago or never tried, but I'm not like that. For me to make me see that the experiences went through to have at least a the best life worth living repaying the things I went through. So you can waste years of life thinking life is pointless, or instead try and try and work and work till you have a made someone of yourself and no one will forget you.
2015-09-23 20:41:02 UTC
Finding love and making life. If not finding a purpose within life and not around it. What I mean by that is there is plenty in life to live for but not solely what you can get out of life itself. Like things you cannot get with money, simple pleasures in life. Sea life, painting your walls, your favorite shoes, friends, family, lovers, your children, art, singing, driving, seeing someone you get excited to see or talk to. Then if you let go of that. Think about all those things in a room full of light with an open door. Once you shut that door you are left in a room with less than even light attached to it. That door is closed and you may never open it. Think about what you have in that door open it and walk in. The key to that door is your life. Pick up your key and see what you can do with it.
2015-09-23 03:13:05 UTC
wow there's a lot of paragraphs here. Just remember your mom didn't gave birth to you to kill yourself. You're old enough to do whatever you like. Live, Love, Laugh. Some people they just died intentionally, and they regret on wasting away their lives. You can't come back to life after you die. Think twice.
2015-09-23 18:14:43 UTC
Do something out of the ordinary then than just working an ordinary job and going to school. You gotta find some higher purpose than that. You're understanding something about the way reality works you're just not realizing it yet. Live creatively.
2015-09-22 10:05:23 UTC
Your health and emotional state could be biologically based and not just "all in your head." I would recommend getting into a health regime. Detox, avoid sugar and processed junk some people call food. Start exercising even if just running in place, jumping jacks, etc... push ups... Eat lots of fruits and vegetables, green salad and leafy vegies raw. If you don't start feeling better then and only then...go see a Dr. The purpose of life: is to submit yourself to Our Creator, to please and worship, rely and care for others around us, especially our family and then our community.
2015-09-20 10:09:03 UTC
Hi, I hope that by now you have a more positive look on life. There was a point in my life that I felt more or less as you have previously expressed. I later found something that gave meaning in my life and brought amazing and uplifting relationships to me. I believe that life is about the right relationships. If we isolate ourself from looking for these relationships and being open to them we will slowly self destract. Open yourself to life and to people. We hold the secret to our life inside of us and it won't come out unless we engage with life and we let go of fear. In the following website you will find much uplifting material be open to it my friend
2015-09-22 06:51:19 UTC
Yes my dear friend nobody knows the exact point of life but as we all have taken birth in this beautiful world and all have got some powers such as power to think, power to speak, create something new. So don t think too much just enjoy the life, try to help others, have some ambition in life or take responsibility of doing something to the society, if not for society for your parents you can do something. As I have suffered from this thought many times but I have visited one place called Shwaasa in Bangalore and there I got personal counselling and Yoga therapy by Yoga guru and these sessions really helped me getting rid of all my stress, depression.

Here is the link you can visit.
2015-09-21 17:54:14 UTC
That's not true , that's not what we all do. I build a shed every summer . from the ground up I build the shed all by myself ,using a hammer and nails all the materials that are used to be able to put one up . it's not easy for everyone to do , but I've built so many that it is for me . it takes a little money to buy the stuff . Have to punch in for that stuff . but the shed is all me . I made it .
2015-09-22 16:35:54 UTC
And so You decided to come to Yahoo Answers for a solution to Your problems ? Ever think to see a Doctor or visit a Hospital ? They are the one's I would see if I had Your problems. You should try it
2015-09-22 20:30:05 UTC
lol i hate life I'm seriously thinking about committing suicide i hate my family they don't treat me well my dad hates me my mom hates me and i have made no sales on etsy, I'm bullied a lot at home, my parents refuse to let me move out or get a job i can't take it anymore. my dad keeps saying shut up to my face when i ask to move out, its like I'm not part of a family
2015-09-20 09:26:21 UTC
Find something to do with it? I bet you see in your room all day, never socialize, complain about everything.

Get a job, get a hobby, meet good people. Get over it. I'm tired of wasted life, people have it a lot worse. Realize your values
2015-09-22 08:16:14 UTC
Just stop thinking about suicide, go to psychiatrist and talk with him, tell him everything you said here. Remember that the depression is the one telling you that you have no reason to live anymore, not you. After you get rid of it, you will surely not regret you didn't killed yourself, just like someone above said, suicide is a permanent solution for a temporary problem :)
2015-09-20 03:24:54 UTC
Yes, there is a point. If you kill yourself, you will never get to see it.

Please, PLEASE reach out for help. There are many anonymous helplines (you can find a list here: or talk to a friend or someone you trust.

Everyone feels that way sometimes. Life can feel pointless at times, but if you end your life, you'll never be able to truly discover the meaning and true beauty of it.

Stay strong :)
Hey you
2015-09-22 18:01:32 UTC
I use to think the same thing until I found Yahoo answers.

I soon found all of answers to life's questions, were now within my reach.
2015-09-22 12:18:31 UTC
You are right! There is no point! Isn t that great???? You get to decide what YOUR point is!

So many possibilities.

If the only thing you are grading life on is the fact that it ends, well, you are ignoring 99.9999999% of life.

Your life is exactly as worthwhile as any president, king or billionaire.

You are in the exact same situation as everyone else, death is the great equalizer, not the destroyer.
2015-09-22 00:06:16 UTC
I hear you. The thing is, life does not come with a point. There is no meaning that is inherent to life, just the meaning you create. For some people, it s their family, or friends, that gives them meaning. For some people, it s a pet. For some, especially for those of us who be deconstructed life down to "there is no point", it s the thought of getting to a place in our lives where we can smile and feel good about ourselves.
Admiral Smith
2015-09-21 15:37:52 UTC
Yup, it happens. You have to look at your life and honestly I hate mine too. Don't kill yourself it is just the adventure to the bottom of the slide. Keep a positive light on yourself.
2015-09-21 21:47:43 UTC
Why do you have to see a point in life?
2015-09-22 14:34:53 UTC
Find your goal. I feel bad for everyone who has experienced depression. Also, the ads that say "overcome depression" DON'T TAKE THEM. I hope you make it through. My advice is to have close friends who can support you. Friend are amazing. Also, laughter is the best medicine.
2015-09-23 09:45:05 UTC
Yes, life has a purpose! "The God that made the world and all things in it. .. gives to all persons life and breath and all things. For by him we have life and move and exist. " Acts 17:27

We have been created to live forever here on the earth...please go to jw.or and read more about the purpose of life!

Someone will even help you😊
2015-09-22 09:56:18 UTC
Have your thyroid checked. If it gets out of whack, it can lead to depression. Request the doctor do a complete thyroid workup. Sometimes the preliminary test doesn't tell the whole story.
2015-09-20 03:43:03 UTC
Yes. The fact that you feel the way you do is directly related to your anxiety and depression. The solution isn't to end your life but rather to get treatment to end them.
2015-09-22 19:28:54 UTC
there is a point for life because one day life will get better I promise it will so don't kill yourself because you can always tell yourself it will get better
2015-09-23 05:50:07 UTC
Is all part of your brain if you feel bad is becuse that pattern has stick to your brain start see the positive in every situation.The only person who can help yourself is you dont give up because give up is for losers.There is always a light in the dark my friend and all bad situations leads to determination and make us stronger.
2015-09-23 18:56:32 UTC
You know things can change in a heartbeat I mean this is the only life u have. You could become a billionaire one day then be living in paradise but still have problems everyone has problems
2015-09-20 22:53:27 UTC
Please don't hurt yourself! this will pass one day and you have purpose and you have meaning in God. PLEASE don't kill yourself!

I too suffer from depression and anxiety and chronic pain, but I find ways to make a difference in others lives.

what if you kill yourself and face a very sad afterlife? don't take that chance, please!

I pray you are better and better. GOD BLESS YOU

and remember, people love you
2015-09-20 16:05:27 UTC
YOU are the point of your life. Life is a game you just roll with the punches and never take things seriously. Life is too short
2015-09-24 00:36:12 UTC
The cure is simple... EVOLUTION! The saddest people are the brightest and the damaged the wisest! What you should do is take revenge of whatever caused you this sadness and do not punish yourself because you may rest but your soul will NEVER forget! Fight and resist! Say not today to whatever tries to take you down and with the sword of your TRUE willpower kill it and walk forward!
2015-09-22 09:56:24 UTC
I feel exactly the same as you. I also suffer from depression. Just please don't end your life, try and get some help.
2015-09-23 20:40:31 UTC
Life is pretty awesome. You just have to see it. And it sucks to have depression, but keep pushing through, try to find something that makes you happy, and go eat some cake for me :)
2015-09-21 00:03:16 UTC
Think about your family. Are you really just going to let this thing beat you? You need to fight back and remind yourself that your life path is unique and you have a purpose.
2015-09-22 10:23:39 UTC
Point your mind in a constructive direction and start living again.Change to a positive thought pattern and move forward.
2017-04-09 19:35:35 UTC
2017-02-20 05:22:05 UTC
2015-09-22 12:51:48 UTC
Life is only as good as you believe it to be. You need meditation. Research about Buddhism. It will teach you the ways of realizing life for what it is.
2015-09-26 00:47:28 UTC
No, there was never a point, your born then die, that's it.
2015-09-20 07:41:22 UTC
You should not jump into any hasty or wrong conclusions on vital matters pertaining to your life.

Please reconsider. Is it necessary. Give a deep thought. You should be a visionary.

Moreover if you deliberately close your eyes, everything will be DARK.
2015-09-24 15:55:50 UTC
there may or may not be some profound point in life as we know it , but you are here and have the opportunity to do something with yourself. what would you prefer the point of life to be? when your life ends it is final, and forever.
2015-09-21 10:34:16 UTC
Dont give up life is pointless but its actually so pointless you may aswell make a point
2015-09-24 11:46:49 UTC
You do not try hard enough to find a purpose.

Helping others less fortunate will leave a good mark.
2015-09-21 22:50:16 UTC
There is always a reason to live, be it for your loved ones, your courage, knowing that you can make it through the good times and bad times. Suicide is never the answer!!
2015-09-21 02:48:27 UTC
Please do not feel this way. Well, you are a little depressed now. You need to find a life purpose. For example, try to live better to impress everyone that used to underestimate you.
2015-09-20 09:07:21 UTC
whats your purpose in life. Have a goal then chase it. Lifes gonna hit you in the mouth but your why has to be greater than your knockout
2015-09-20 08:35:07 UTC
Consider that when we are dead in this world,we may then exist in another that is even worse.Why take that chance? Unpleasant as it is,tough it out until the natural end.
2015-09-20 06:10:25 UTC
You need a purpose in life as well as talk therapy and medication. Tell your folks.
2015-09-21 07:46:15 UTC
See a doctor.
2015-09-20 17:07:23 UTC
I feel the same bro. Just keep your heads up and look at the best things in life.
2015-09-23 18:38:48 UTC
Bang the hottest girl in the block and get money, thats the meaning of life m8
2015-09-20 23:27:15 UTC
you make your points in life.
2015-09-23 06:50:01 UTC
The meaning of life? Choices.
2015-09-20 21:29:20 UTC
The main point to life is to reproduce.
2015-09-21 11:54:09 UTC
farrukh s
2015-09-21 09:20:56 UTC
read English Translation of Quran. you will be relax InshAllah.
2015-09-22 10:59:26 UTC
well if you die you definitely will not see no poi in ntdeath But h


ell everlasting death without sex or childrens
2015-09-22 14:20:58 UTC
Just be creative. Make up one.
2015-09-22 17:57:36 UTC
2015-09-23 02:58:23 UTC
death is not the answer. i feel what you feel so much or even worse, but you can stop your life. it is just a gift from God.
2015-09-24 11:34:57 UTC
Read the book titled "Cider House Rules" to learn about everyone has a purpose - please find yours - the movie is a little slow.
2015-09-22 11:11:27 UTC
if he did not pick a best answer now did he probably did kill himself just saying
2015-09-22 03:05:13 UTC
2015-09-22 13:08:06 UTC
Go on a cruise ship and in the middle of the ocean, preferably at night and just jump off the railings.........bye ! bye !
2015-09-25 08:02:20 UTC
Im sorry man
2015-09-20 03:45:35 UTC
well hate to break it to you but there is no point to life BUT hear me out.

life has no point but you can make a point to this life.

you know one day you will leave this life leave this planet leave this world.

so why dont you make the most of it.

you see we all have dreams, dreams of going to this place and that place, dreams of meeting this person, dreams of having this thing and that thing, dreams worth having and dreams worth becoming true.

we are all going to die and there is no escape from it but i know that once i die i want to fullfil all my dreams, on the day i die i dont want to regret not doing the thing i wanted to do i dont want to regret that i haven't met the person of my life i dont want to die a sad and lonely death i dont want to die a forgotten death.

i want to die while leaving behind stories to be told i want to die and leave a legacy behind me, i want to die after i have achieved my goals, on the day i die i want to die with a smile knowing that i lived a beatiful life.

it doesnt matter if you work in mcdonals or if you work as a ceo of a massive corporation at the end if you have dreams you can AND hopefully will fullfil them. you know i personaly find fun in everything if it is studying/working.

besides why are we working? so we can have a place in this retarded society with its retarded ideals, why do we need to be part of this rotten society ? we dont "need" to be part of this society we need to fix it after all i want to leave behind me a legacy, iam now studying medicine and once an injured person comes to me and gets helped i know that i left behind me a legacy and that person will always remember that i was the reason he is still alive and the reason he is achieving all his goals.

i just left behind me a legacy in that scenario.

you see life has no point but we as individuals or as a society, we make a point to it.

leave your life to the fullest so once you die, you dont die in regret, you want to die with a smile on your face knowing that you have lived your life to the fullest

have hope in me have hope in yourself and have hope in this society :D
2015-09-24 09:54:20 UTC
2015-09-23 02:29:49 UTC
I feel exactly the same.. You need professional help.
2015-09-20 15:20:23 UTC
me neither, whats hr freaking point?
2015-09-25 03:55:22 UTC
call freddy fazbear pizza to send freddy to kill you
2015-09-22 04:50:31 UTC
listen to katyperry
2015-09-20 10:53:42 UTC
2015-09-23 19:30:52 UTC
God is always with you
2015-09-22 12:47:02 UTC
Live stream your suicide
2015-09-20 08:10:56 UTC
go out and **** someone asses bro lol
2015-09-21 07:55:21 UTC
2015-09-22 21:40:30 UTC
You might as well kill yourself!!!
2015-09-20 11:51:25 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.