Everybody on the planet has about the same number of brain cells. So, people that are very good at one thing intellectually usually suck at another.
I have been tested and told I had an IQ of over 180, but, I can't recognise any faces or images. I have almost no visual memory. If you look around, you will consistantly notice that people that are brilliant at one thing are almost disabled at another.
People that score low IQ's are usually very visual, and would make great designers or artists.
A lot of people with aspergers are highly intelligent and lack social ability. It really IS a consistant thing. So, nobody is really a genius. Individuals just have their talents. If you are talented at something and enjoy it then it might be worth getting a career in it. But, I wouldn't stress about it too much, there are no awards out there just for having a high IQ. The tests are subjective, and are designed to test the ability of an individual to succeed in a school environment. It isn't really related to total intelligence at all.
But, a high IQ means that you will probably do ok in school, end up with a degree, and then find out that most employers aren't really interested in degree graduates anymore. There are many many intelligent people out there, and, overall, electricians and plumbers seem to make more money than uni grads. There's not much work in pure physics and chemistry. Might be better to aim for something more practical, like medicine, nursing or geology or a trade.
And, the man that said ""genius is not without maddness"" is completely correct. Half my family is schizophrenic and the other half are literally genius. If you study more about ""genius"", you will discover that it is related to schizophrenia. It is a fine fine line. Even Einsteins son was schizophrenic. The two are inter-related.