How do you identify a genius?
2012-12-09 23:14:53 UTC
Hello. I'm 13.5 years old male. I have a 146 IQ (from a real IQ test, not those rubbish computer tests), I am an excellent student (90-100 in every subject except math). I am pondered by physics and chemistry. I am an exceptional athlete (I run 14 miles a week). From young my family and friends noticed that I catch on to things very, very quickly and master them before my friends even get the hang of them (i.e. poker, card throwing, dog training,writing,psychology, running, volleyball, handball, precision shooting and more). My friends have always called me a genius, and lately my family has been doing the same. I know I am a cognitive genius (146 IQ), but I would like to know if I am a genius in other ways. I do not wish to be a genius. The very thought of it frightens me. Please tell me what makes someone a genius (not cognitive).
Seven answers:
2012-12-10 23:21:37 UTC
Well i identify genius by their hair lab coat and laugh. If it sounds like Muhahaha and give a lot of monologues to yourself. you are a genius.

Wait no that's evil scientists.

Well intelligence is mission specific. Lets say you can take in more cognitive information. will mean you would need more processing power to process that extra information. So your learning speed may be slower in certain cases. You may have difficulty with multitasking as you are thinking more deeply about one problem.

Intelligence is someone who takes more cognitive information and have the experience to sort that data quickly.

And IQ test depend on age. Just because you are a prodigy today does not mean you will stay a genius tomorrow.

Here is a article which shows us how calling someone a genius is harmful for them
2012-12-10 01:34:09 UTC
Everybody on the planet has about the same number of brain cells. So, people that are very good at one thing intellectually usually suck at another.

I have been tested and told I had an IQ of over 180, but, I can't recognise any faces or images. I have almost no visual memory. If you look around, you will consistantly notice that people that are brilliant at one thing are almost disabled at another.

People that score low IQ's are usually very visual, and would make great designers or artists.

A lot of people with aspergers are highly intelligent and lack social ability. It really IS a consistant thing. So, nobody is really a genius. Individuals just have their talents. If you are talented at something and enjoy it then it might be worth getting a career in it. But, I wouldn't stress about it too much, there are no awards out there just for having a high IQ. The tests are subjective, and are designed to test the ability of an individual to succeed in a school environment. It isn't really related to total intelligence at all.

But, a high IQ means that you will probably do ok in school, end up with a degree, and then find out that most employers aren't really interested in degree graduates anymore. There are many many intelligent people out there, and, overall, electricians and plumbers seem to make more money than uni grads. There's not much work in pure physics and chemistry. Might be better to aim for something more practical, like medicine, nursing or geology or a trade.

And, the man that said ""genius is not without maddness"" is completely correct. Half my family is schizophrenic and the other half are literally genius. If you study more about ""genius"", you will discover that it is related to schizophrenia. It is a fine fine line. Even Einsteins son was schizophrenic. The two are inter-related.
2012-12-09 23:27:41 UTC
Let's think about how the word is used:

"Oh my god! You are a genius!"

People usually consider you a genius when you are capable of being an original person and can come up with unique ideas. A genius can put a logical conspiracy theory together and can revolutionize how something is done. Little things like combining different tastes in food, creating a new drawing technique, or finding a new way to play an instrument can aid in making yourself a genius. A genius is someone who is not afraid to step outside of the box and stay there.

Being a genius is a blessing! Embrace it! Invent something! You shouldn't be ashamed of being a genius but rather humble about it. No one likes someone who is smart... AND big headed.
2012-12-09 23:45:07 UTC
First of all, one of the main characteristics of genius is prolonged childhood trauma due to parental neglect because you were different and they either were scared of you, didn't know how to accomodate your basic needs, didn't understand you well enough to recognize that you have different needs, or didn't ever give you a chance. This generally leaves the child feeling confused, terrified, angry, unvalidated, ashamed, humiliated and helpless and can result in apathy and social withdrawl along with many other things including something known as complex post traumatic stress disorder. Sufferers of this "disorder" may feel unworthy of love, may suffer from a burning self hatred, probably are misunderstood by everyone, and may feel embarassed by intimacy. I'm not trying to freak you out, I scored 158 on the real deal IQ test with most of my abilities being focused on the math/ science area. I have suffered from night terrors since I was a small child and sometimes watching certain scenes of certain scary movies (mostly Stephen King films) will trigger what is known as an emotional flashback from an early life event. They tell you to talk to a therapist if you are suffering from any of these symptoms, but this often makes the subject feel either scared or more misunderstood. I can tell you what worked for me and that's psilocybin mushrooms. NEVER smoke weed (marijuana) if you suffer any of these symptoms, you may never come back again. Mushrooms on the other hand create a beautiful exerience. Don't trust me? Check out some of the studies they've done and how they affect the brain, it literally reverses the negative effects of trauma of all kinds with virtually no negative side effects. They will teach you how to love yourself again, really love. Real love. By the way, do you know your MBTI (myers briggs type indicator) type? I got INTJ. If you really are a genius, then chances are, you will either be an INTP or an INTJ. Best of luck.
2016-10-17 12:54:02 UTC
IQ is measured by way of standardized tests, yet they are rather biased. there's a curious correlation between the relativity of the social upbringing context of a individual and the social foundation for the textual content fabric... purely, that's like a minutiae know-how attempt the place all solutions are frequently, even with the reality that some makes extra experience given the context of the assessment. in case you will take the attempt on your 2d language, you will loose rather some factors. So, rather, IQ attempt purely coach how far you correspond to a social archetype of what's an clever individual and if we could disclaim solutions based unto the prevalent public opinion for his or her bias, we could additionally deny the fee of IQ tests. Scientifically, IQ tests are beside the point. And, no, having a extreme IQ would not make you a genius...
Pillar of Autumn
2012-12-11 11:49:23 UTC
Knowledge is paralyzing. Ignorance is bliss and smarter people have it harder due to pessimism.

I agree that being a genius isn't being better, happier, more successful.

Hint- Dont boax. Problem solved
2012-12-09 23:30:56 UTC
I've met one. She had remarkable eyes, they were extremely shiny, like they had little lights inside them. Her parents were famous mathematicians ( both professors ) and her grandfather was a famous poet. Brilliant woman, but crazy...ha ha I think genius is not without a touch of madness.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.