Hello group. My wife is bi-polar and is hypersexual. She is trying to stop some of her hypersexaul behaviors. Mainly being an exhibitionist to her lesbian gfs on the net. I am talking to a good psychologist about these behaviors, and she has some questions that i need to throw to you guys and maybe get some guidance. First my wife is on effexor xr 75mg(tabs in morning) and paxil 20 mg(1 at hs). The therapist wonders if the effexor increasing my wife's hypersexuality. The therapist knows it is an energizing medication, but she wonders if it might increasing her obsessional behaviors. Second is that since my wife also has CP(cerebral palsy), my wife might be better served with a neuro-psychiatrist. How do I find on? is ther on in hawaii? I tried to find one, but haven't found one. What else can you suggest? Anything would be helpful. Aloha and Mahalo.