I am a freshman girl in high school and am really into art of all kinds (I.e. music, painting, drawing, and poetry). So I was in an art class with a really nice teacher and he and I have become close. I have a notebook that I write poems in because I am often depressed and it helps me get my feelings into words. When I was five to when I was seven I was raped by a man I was supposed to trust. It really hurt me psych-wise, emotionally and physically. In my poems I often write about it or death. So I accidentally left the book in he art teachers room and she kept it for me since she knew it was mine. She didn't read it then but when she came to give I to me she said, "I didn't know if you wanted me to read it or if you left it here." Then I thought about how I would feel if she read it. I don't mind, but I was just thinking about her reaction. After class I asked her if he would like to read my poems and she said yes. So I gave her the book and asked her if she would tell anyone. She said only if I was gonna hurt myself or someone else. My parents know about me being raped and stuff so it's not like she would tell them. But teachers, or anyone I guess, what would you do if you read a students poems about rape? I also included one f bomb, so would you be surprised? Would you try to talk to me about it? What do you think will happen?
*sorry for typos I'm on a phone.