2010-03-03 01:25:02 UTC
If you're going to answer, please put your life aside for a second and put yourself in their shoes to get a clear understanding. I'm not trying promote sympathy for these people, I'm just curious about others SERIOUS input on the subject.
To be honest, this subject is making me pretty sad.
From my understanding you either have one of two types on this subject that are strongly related:
A: The people that never learn from their mistakes yet are capable of doing so.
B: The people that want to fix their mistakes but just don't know how, and never learn how to get out of their problems. The people that need help, but can't or don't know how to get it. The people ruled by bad influences, judgments, and horrible decision making skills.
Speaking about option B is the one I find sad. Life is a one time thing, and it's sad to see people that struggle and in the end die before they get the chance to live their lives. In some situations, solving a problem can be as simple as changing a mind state. However, a lot of people have proved that it's a lot more difficult than that, or harder to convince.
Anywho, besides it being a depressing subject, what's your take on things? Some people just can't be helped, even if they aknowledge that the help is there. Some people want the help that's there, but their other life problems interfere.
I guess all I'm really asking is if I'm the only one who finds it this depressing, and are there any words of reasurance. I grew up with a lot of problems and I understand where most of these people are coming from, but it's heart breaking to see people just like me who weren't as lucky as I was too get out of the cycle before it was too late.