2012-12-07 11:25:26 UTC
What defines if we are good/bad people...if we all make mistakes and have instrusive/bad thoughts at times.
Are we who we are because of our brain chemistry...(neurotransmiters etc...genes etc)
or are we who we are because of our soul inside our bodies...
let me pick your brain a bit:
Lets say your depressed...your doctor will aruge that you need to take more serotonin,provide you eigther anti depressents to stimulate your brain..or increase your intake of folic acid,vitamin B,Vitamin C and serotonin. However, if you go to a priest he will tell you to pray,to meditate,to try to clense your soul,to tell yourself positive affirmations etc.
Like people who kill they have a bad soul..or is there brain chemistry just out of whack..or both
Can you have a good soul and bad thoughts/
My question to you yahoo answer
1. What do you think about what I just said?
2. Have you ever had weird thought/perverted random thoughts/awful..intrusive thoughts...Can you please share.(with strangers/loved ones?)