Oh..That could be somewhat interesting when we both have the same personalities..aha..;)
But that could possibly be a real great restless adventure...Esp. when the tension goes h'ups, and hupps then boom!! It could be like an explosion of falling hearts on the galaxy of stars. Creating multiple brilliant colors of auroras. Absolutely a mystifying grandeur of twinkles and sparkles..That invites all the ETs around the inter galaxy space of eternity..
The universe will bind us and that makes it already a "regal" marriage..In our very own kingdom of hurts' (I mean flying hearts)..!
I love it, I love it...Oh gosh, I guess I am not real on this earth..I am ethereal!!!
So is there also a divorce in outer space?! However...No ethereal divorces.
We'll get together til' the martian's deadly gasses could tear us apart..
We'll live happilly madly ever after...
Love twinkles spooky doo..blah..;)))
Loved this too..