It was fascist. That is way different from communist. The wealth stays with the elite. Not that the failed communist regime in Russia was any different, but ideologically it was supposed to be different.
What spawned the thought of genocide? Scapegoat-ism. If you can get everybody to agree to hate one thing in common, you have a team effort. Go team!
It takes no education to hate. In fact, it is the LACK of education that inspires hate. But to be more specific, the Jews were better off than most people, they were good with money. Now if some body politic were to say it was okay for you to take that money by force, you can see how a lot of undereducated goobers would jump at the chance.
What type of media? They did have newsprint and radio in those days. Not much different from how the black man was depicted in the racist propaganda of the U.S. media in those days, the caricatures of fat lipped ugly looking Africans ready to rape your white innocent 18 year old daughter.
How could humanity be so cold hearted? Obviously, you have not seen the REAL photographs coming out of Iraq. You know, the ones with bodies and their heads missing or the power drill holes in some tortured victims before they were likewise decapitated.
The Nazi/Jew scenario and the Japanese/Chinese scenario has its similarities in that both races viewed the other as inferior.
Albert Einstein was of Jewish descent, and one of the wisest people that ever walked the earth. You in all likelihood would not be using a computer were it not for Uncle Albert, who turned time on its head and enabled science to go forth. He may not have agreed with quantum theory, but he sure inadvertently opened the door to such ideas.