Candy S.
2011-09-06 17:47:34 UTC
Okay. My love life is really screwed up right now. I am approaching 30 and the only guys attracted to me are teenagers or guys in their early 20's. I know that I look young but I cannot see myself ever giving these boys the time of day. So... if I don't attract the 21 year old I attract the married man or the man in a serious relationship. I would not tolerate this type of dating anymore than I would tolerate dating the "barely legal". Where oh where are single men in their late 20's or early 30's? Have they been kidnapped by aliens? Alright, I know they haven't been kidnapped by aliens but they sure don't live in my state!
Another aspect of my problem is that only one type of man (regardless of age) approaches me. He is always a tall, athletic, dark, Italian type. This is not a problem for me because I don't discriminate but I am African American and I would love for a black man to approach me. Just once.
Yet another problem. I have never been in a relationship that has lasted more than 1 year. They always end after a short time. The guy always proposes marriage after like 2 weeks or some crazy crap like that so I have to break it off. Or, the guy is super shy and I am really outgoing (he wont speak in front of my friends or he won't dance in public) so we clash in that respect.
Finally and MOST horribly my friend's boyfriend falls for me, tells my friend about it, they break up, he's calling me and my friend thinks I want "him" when I don't so I lose a friend and I break up a relationship! Terrible right?? Example: One friend was always sending me emails asking hows my day and sending me links to jokes... one evening her, her boyfriend and I were out to dinner and she says "I have to give you our email address so that you can email those pics" I say to her "I already have it" she says "What do you mean. I have yours but you don't have mine" I say "I must because you've been sending me jokes and stuff. Isn't it" She's like "Yeah that's our email but I NEVER sent you links or jokes!!!" WOW that was awkward and needless to say they are no longer together and we are no longer friends. And that is just one of three examples!
Okay. I know this was long. That was a lot I had to get off my chest. Thanks for taking the time to read and respond.