No, suggestion works, framing works, but subliminals are too hidden to be acknowledged.
An example of suggestion is(there's a great simple video explaining it in the link):
An example of framing is(I couldn't find a link, so here's an explanation, and an example):
To present facts with an angle, to give people 'facts' in a way that you know they'll be likely to make a specific choice about the issue.
An example of that is the bombing of Borussia Dortmund's player bus a few weeks ago, it was presented as 'possible terrorism', so people expected a Muslim, or at least an Arab man to have done it. Turns out, is a was a Russian gambler who ordered the attack, to manipulate the stock-market of BD.
By framing the issue as terrorism, most people blindly blamed Arabs, and hardly anybody knows it was really a form of Stock-Manipulation, by a very white Russian.