Life is tough. Finding things that are meaningful to you helps. If music is meaningful to you, don't give it up. Why give up something that's meaningful to you?
Maybe you'll achieve everything you want, maybe you won't. Most people don't... even those who achieve a lot rarely achieve everything they want. It's the nature of ambition... you keep wanting more. Ambition is... well, I'm not really crazy about the concept. Most of what's wrong with society (social and economic inequality, exploitation, environmental degradation, etc...) owes itself to ambition. To quote a wise man, St. Thom of Yorke, "ambition makes you look pretty ugly; kicking, squealing, Gucci little piggie". But fine, whatever. Ambition can have its merits in some cases. But if what you achieve isn't meaningful to you, then what's the point? Many people are hugely successful but feel empty, because they realize the meaning they were searching for in their own life - is something they can never achieve through simply being "successful". Success isn't its own reward - never has been, never will be. So, try to be successful in a meaningful way at something that's meaningful to you. And if it's all about what's meaningful to you, then why give up something else that is meaningful to you (assuming music is)?
If you truly see music as just a distraction, and it doesn't mean anything to you other than cheap entertainment... then by all means, give it up. But if the reason you haven't given it up yet is because it's meaningful to you, then don't give it up. And good luck achieving everything you want (maybe you will), but make sure it's really what you what and what will matter to you (as a person).