seriously depressed. i NEED help. i dont want to live anymore.. please help me.?
2007-10-04 15:59:18 UTC
i am 16 years old.
and i am so depressed, its rediculous.
my mom is dying.
kiddneys failed.
heart problems (she had open heart surgery 10 years ago)
feet amputation (diabetic)
and she is dying right in front of me.

i am working through a rape trial.
(as in i was raped. 2 years ago)
because of that, i have lost my faith in God.
(i was raised and babtized catholic)

my grandma had a stroke yesterday.
she is in the hospital.

i broke my arm.

failing my classes, because i have been distracted by all of this.

and my boyfriend dumped me. last night.
we had been going out for almost three years.
and i think he dumped me for my neighbor.

i am having trouble seeing a reason to live.
suicide is crossing my mind.
i dont know what to do.
please help me.
43 answers:
2007-10-04 16:05:11 UTC
My sweet, poor child. I am shedding tears for you right now because I know how painful life can be. Please click on this link which will take you to the Girls and Boys Town Suicide Hotline page. They are there for you and you can talk to them on the phone for free.

Girls and Boys Town National Hotline


(TTY 1-800-448-1833)

Call With any Problem, Anytime

Open 24 hours a day, everyday

The Girls and Boys Town National Hotline is a 24-hour crisis, resource and referral line. Trained counselors can respond to your questions every day of the week, 365 days a year. We can help teens and parents with suicide prevention, depression, school issues, parenting troubles, runaways, relationship problems, physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, chemical dependency, anger and much more.

TV Show Leads to Life-Saving Call

Any problem anytime... the Girls and Boys Town National Hotline is here to help. In 2006, nearly 450,000 children and families were helped through the Girls and Boys Town National Hotline, and over the past decade, more than 7 million callers have found help at the end of the line.
2007-10-07 21:50:31 UTC
The best help you can get will come from yourself right now. You know that you have a problem, so 80% of your problem is solved.Suicide is never an option to any problem.Your next step is to find someone that you can talk to other than here on Yahoo.It should be an adult who is willing to listen, and is capable of providing you with a comfortable solution.

I am a Christian, so my first recomendation would be a Minister, but not my only one.A Doctor of medicine, not a psychiatrist would be my second choice.It is understandable why your depressed and a Doctor would prescribe an antidepresant.

One other thing thats going to help is many of these people here are going to be praying for you and your Mom as well.I know that we here at our house will be.God bless you child, and I am so sorry that you have to go through this.
2007-10-04 16:08:18 UTC
DONT DO IT. I know from personal experience the devastation of going through hell and having every support i have being pulled out under me, but i pulled through and used the experience as a self motivation. Simply see the situation this way, your death will bring no meaning whereas your life could hold so much potential. There is always kidney transfer and other organ transfer for your mom. I am not going to tell u that everything is going to be okay but love will find its way to you again, and simply sleep, rest, and talk it over with friends.

The key thing is to simply let everything that has being bothering u out, find a good friend to share ur burden. If u lack any of the two, you dont now because u just found at least one here, me and probaly other people too. so dont commit suicide, things will look up because when u are at the bottom the only way to go is up
lorenzo and lily's mommy
2007-10-04 16:27:45 UTC
the only advice is one you want to listen to , from the looks of it you dont really want to die because you are reaching out for help. take some time for yourself and see the good in your situation and find the positive things you can take from it.

I know its hard but try, when you see your loved ones going through medical problems the only thing you can do is be there and give them faith that what is best will happen. It helps you remember to take better care of yourself . If your boyfriend left you at this time when you would need him most hes a bastard and its a good things hes gone. consider yourself single and open to something new and exciting but done rush into the first guys arms who will offer them, take your time and be picky!!!

maybe you can join a rape victim group and help other girls be stronger and face the trials that come along with being a victim. Be strong and dont give up life is crazy when you are down you will surely come up!
2007-10-04 16:04:01 UTC
Think of it this least your having second thoughts. I've had a few friends who were bi-polar and actually commited suicide. Just remember, if your mother is suffering that much, you wouldn't want her to suffer SO MUCH MORE if you were gone. Times are tough and anyone that says they know what you're going through is full of Sh*t. They may understand the feeling of being alone and wanting to die, but they won't know how you really really are. I mean you're the one who's lived like this your whole entire life. If I were you, take in strides. Win your trial. Additionally, you mentioned you were raised catholic, maybe go to church or meet with a youth group. There are so many better things then giving up your life. You've only lived 16 years and have so much more to go. Good luck.
2007-10-04 16:16:26 UTC
Listen to me. Do NOT kill yourself. Just DON'T. It WILL be okay. I know it doesn't look like it right now, or that it ever could be okay. But you will live through this hard time. It doesn't matter that you're failing classes or that you broke your arm or that your bf left you. You're living. You're making it through each day and that's what matters right now. I know you're tired of being strong and I know you don't want to hear any of the crap about "being there" for your mom or grandma. But the truth is that suicide is a very permanent solution to problems that will work out eventually. Think of the impact it would have on your friends and family. And don't tell yourself that they wouldn't care. Because deep down, you know they would. Tell a friend, tell a relative, an aunt, a nurse at the hospital. Tell SOMEONE how you feel. Don't let yourself try to stand alone through this. It's overwhelming and it will push you down if you let it. Lean on your friends, lean on someone. Don't just accept help, ask for it. But please, please. Don't kill yourself.
2007-10-04 16:08:17 UTC
My heart cries for you. I am so sorry for everything you're going through. At times like this it's hard to realize why we should live at all. But there will be good times!

The first thing I'll say is that your boyfriend is a jerk. You're better off without him. If he really cared he would stay with you knowing what you're going through. He is selfish.

I hope that your grandma will be ok.

Be truthful and don't be afraid at your trial. Remember to breath and not be blinded by fear. All those people in the courtroom are just that, people. I'm going to law school right now...Attorneys are just as weak as everyone else in the world.

As far as for your mom, I can't express what you might be suffering right now. The idea of losing my mother instantly starts me weeping. Believe, stay will be ok.

Religion comes and goes. You don't need God to be strong. You have to believe that you can survive. And you can. Remember you have people that DO love you! And that includes your mother. If you leave her, SHE loses everything. And that is just sad.

Be strong. We love you.
2007-10-04 16:07:54 UTC
I will be very sad if you kill yourself. Don't do it. You never know whats gonna happen tomorrow. Your life could turn around in an instant. You could meet a great guy. Win the lotto. You never know. You just have to keep on hoping for something better. If you hold out long enough it will happen for you. Watch The Shaw Shank Redemption its a good movie about hope. And Joe Dirt and Cast Away. Ive been there. Ive struggle with depression. My uncle hung himself and it was a tragic loss to our whole family. It was painful. But over time you forget the pain. Depression goes away and life goes on...
Amy R
2007-10-04 16:07:18 UTC
I know how you feel. I think we've all been there before when we just don't want to go on anymore. You have to have faith in God. He can help you through all these problems. Years ago I went through a low point in life, and I sort of lost my faith. But once I regained it, things started to look up a little bit. Just know that when your mom is gone she will go to a better place were she won't suffer anymore. She is in pain, and you don't want continue to watch her hurt so much. As for your idiot boyfriend. Obviously you're better off with out him because if he's heartless enough to dump you when you're going through so much, then he's not worth it for you. You need to find someone who will be a friend to you as well, and will be by your side when you need a shoulder to cry on. Good luck with everything, and please don't do anything stupid. Nothing is worth taking your own life for.
G Doll 22
2007-10-04 16:18:53 UTC
the only way out from all of this is killing yourself right? well its not the right choice... i mean youre mom is suffering enough already that her knowing youre dead will add more to what shes already going thru and you dont want her to suffer any longer... think about your grandma... she will suffer too.

the ex... maybe he will feel guilty you died and think it was because of him. why give him the thought that you couldnt live without him when in reality he isnt worth it.

youre young and still have a whole life ahead of you. you meet a few wrong people before the right. you go thru tough times in life that you might not realize but youre getting stronger and wiser.

you lost your faith in God... have you ever felt that maybe hes trying to reach you... to turn to him and trust his faith?!?

we all have problems... maybe less or more or even equal to what youre going thru... we all have had thoughts of running away, wishing it would all go away and even there are those who think of suicide.

the only thing we can all do here on yahoo is give you comfort.



but the only real way to seek help is physical intervention... seeking help in your local area. also give your faith a chance and go to church and receive a prayer... prayers are powerful.

call teen help hotlines... visit one of their facilities. i know many people now who have done so and are greatful that they did.

please, suicide isnt the way out.

and if something were to happen, my heart would break :although i dont know you and the only connection we both have and other users is the internet....: just the thought that i tried to help a stranger and failed would break my heart.
amazingly intelligent
2007-10-04 16:14:33 UTC
Sometimes life comes at you all at once. You are very young to be experiencing so much tragedy and pain, but you need to hold on and talk to someone.

I am not a professional in this area, but there are many compassionate people who are available to talk to you. Call 1-800-SUICIDE. Do it now.

I will pray for your peace. God is still there. Don't lose your faith. He loves you and cares about what you are going through. Your journey in life is separate from everyone else's. Even the people you love. It is a hard concept to understand without faith, but each one of us goes through just what we need in our lives to perfect our souls for the God who created them. The best analogy I can give you is that we are clay being fashioned by a potter (God.) We have no control over the wheel (life) or over how we are being fashioned (God's will.) We just have to submit and go through the process until we are made into a vessel of God's design for his use and purpose. He controls it all. He knows what he is doing. What you see as defeat, misery and pain, he knows the outcome of in this life and the next. Hold on to God. He is the only one who can help you in both realms.

In the meantime, call the hotline. He has already prepared someone to say what you need to hear to be encouraged.
2007-10-04 16:07:00 UTC
It's tough to lose your mother, I feel you, but if only you knew how your mom feels about you. She would want you to be happy and healthy, live a normal life. How she had planned it when she descided she wanted a baby.

I lost my mother when I was 5. It took me 15 years to realize she was gone bacause she was missing for that long until they found her jaw bone in a river. To this day, no one has found her body. I attempted to kill my self on several occations, but I was kept alive for a reason. So just remember, if it's not your time don't go. Live your life to the fullest. Get a hobby, or do things that remind you of your mom, just like she will be thinking of you.
2007-10-04 16:06:18 UTC
please don't commit suicide, its not the answer, and believe me your life will get better. You should call a suicide help line and talk to a professional. Its confidential so no one would have no know about it. Is your dad around, or do you have any aunts or uncles that you are close to that you can talk to? I think you should tell one of your family members how you feel and see if they can help you get help. Seeing a counselor could help you so much! What you are going through is A LOT for anyone to deal with, especially a 16 year old. But you will get through it. Please try and get some help and talk to a family member so you aren't dealing with all of this yourself. Good luck!
2007-10-04 16:23:49 UTC
Catholicism believes that if you take your own life then you will go to hell. I empathize with you that these things happening would test your faith and your reasons for living. If you have a sliver of faith left then this is an extremely difficult test god is putting you through. If you don't then killing yourself means giving up. Your mother and grandmother are good people, and would never want you to kill yourself. I know they are good people because you wouldn't be this upset if they weren't good people. They don't want you to die. Your mother brought you into this world so you could live life. Its unfortunate that your boyfriend of three years dumped you, but you're young and boyfriends will come and go. I know you want to live because if you didn't you would have killed yourself already. Your problems, just like your broken arm, will heal. It takes a lot of painful healing time but it will pass. Killing yourself will only hurt your mother and grandmother more. Lead a life that would make them proud.
2007-10-04 16:11:28 UTC
Life is a long journey for everyone, your mothers might be coming to end, but yours is just starting in life.

On this journey you will walk a path on your own, but your soul will shadow on every step you take, and the two angels that have watched over you since you were a baby will guide you on this path of yours.

People come and go your journey, but you are forever until the end. The path we are all on is to learn from our life and make us better people. This experience feels over whelming, but you will become stronger in the end, and help others in the future with this need to make it all stop.

Spend as much time with your mom as you can, and ask her all the questions that you wont be able to ask her after she passes away.

Your mom has lived through so much, you should look up to her for strength in understanding a journey in life.

Good Luck.
2007-10-04 16:10:54 UTC
Call 1 800 448-3000 right now! I've lost my dad a few years ago,and lost my mom 3 yrs ago, and now have been diagnosed with cancer, but I still believe that I am here for a reason and I will find out if it takes the rest of my life, being short or long....NOW GO & CALL, PLEASE!
2007-10-04 16:01:30 UTC
You don't really want to kill yourself, you want the pain to stop. I have been there. I know how badly it can hurt.

A bunch of yahoos on Yahoo can't help you, including me. The most you'll get here is sympathy. You need in-person intervention from a trained professional.

If nothing else, talk to your guidance counselor or a school nurse. They will take you very seriously.

Counseling. Get it. NOW.
2007-10-04 16:12:38 UTC
i think if you lose more than you gain you will always feel that way, if you are hurting you need some one to make you feel better. the only way to make it better is to gain more than you lose or fill what you lost. it may be the hardest think to do but making new friends good friend's and meeting new people could possibly change your out look on life.
Krazy K
2007-10-04 16:04:31 UTC
i cant say that i know how u feel cuz i dont but i can say that sometimes i feel like so many bad things r happening to me there cant be a bright side. Dont give up on urself. Ur only 16 trust me there is a reason to live.
2007-10-07 21:53:12 UTC
Sweetie God hasn't forsaken you. Please know this. He Is right there. Just reach out and He will comfort you. Honey I can feel your heart and how It;s broken. You're free to e-mail me. Please ask Jesus Into your heart repent and he Is faithful and just to forgive you of your sins. Just reach out ....Ask Him to reveal Himself to you and He will In a way that you'll have no doubt In your heart. I'm praying for you...Bless You In the Name Of The Lord ....
2007-10-04 16:05:51 UTC
You have plenty to live for...please dont give up....i see you are a kitty lover do you have cats? they need you too...cats are very dependent...I know its hard to have your mother pass in front of your eyes mine did too...but it is better than her suffering dont you think? i miss mine alot but I know she is in a better place and dont lose your faith in God because of what a devil did to you at a time like this prayer really will help you please pray...I pray all the time and it truly helps ...sometimes I feel my world crashing on me and I pray and it makes me feel better and calm...Please hang in there!!! dont worry about the b/f he wasnt all that to begin with if he left you at a time like this
2007-10-04 16:03:29 UTC
Well.. You should see a trained person that helps people that are having problems like that.. but if you just want someone to talk to I'm completley willing.. you can email me if you want..
2007-10-04 16:07:05 UTC
do think about killing your self just because god was not on your side does not mean he fort got about you go to the police department and ask for help the will be happy to help you solve your problem your mom will get better and if things happen for a reason only god knows why so what ever you do don't hurt your self also ask a school canceler just don't hurt your self
Bob Thompson
2007-10-04 16:05:20 UTC
I have been there too... Everyone's problems are different though. You are so young, so much life to live.. Call the suicide prevention line, 1-800-273-TALK (8255). Folks are there to help.
2007-10-07 23:15:51 UTC

i feel you

**** happens

im realllly sorry

im sixteen too and i feel you

being a teenager is hard

especially when you have all

these expectations

things will get better soon i promise
2007-10-04 16:04:30 UTC
Hey, will be OK. Please call somebody right now and get help. Suicide is a permanent solution to temporary problems

Life has hit you HARD right now...take it one thing at a time. Prioritize...and forget the boy...he was just baggage is the time to focus on yourself.

Please, call somebody, you're life is worth saving.

2007-10-04 16:06:14 UTC
Our youngest son is studying to be a pilot. Three days after he received his initial pilot's license Joseph invited his dad and I to a nearby airport for a "flight." Now I must tell you that I'm claustrophobic and don't like small planes, but I was determined not to let my fears stand in the way of celebrating our son's accomplishment. Tom and I met our son at a rural airport and made our way to an old, tiny plane. Tom climbed in the back seat and I beside our son in the co-pilot's seat.

It was a perfect day for flying; clear blue sky and not a cloud in sight. As we taxied down the runway and took off I could hear my son talking over the headset to ground control (just a man sitting at a desk... I told you it was a rural airport) giving our coordinates and flight plan. What a proud moment for parents! We had only been up in the air ten minutes when my son looked at me from the corner of his sunglasses and said over the headset, "Hey mom, I'm going to show you a maneuver the FAA required me to do before giving me my pilot's license." At that moment Joseph pointed the nose of the plane straight toward heaven and stalled the engine. You can guess what happened next, the nose of the plane didn't point toward heaven any longer, it pointed straight down to the ground. Now, I've never spoken in tongues before but let me just say that day, knowing my son could hear everything I'd say and not wanting him to hear my fearful prayer fest, I took off my head set and then began praying in every tongue imaginable for the Lord to send his largest and strongest angels to rescue us from certain death!

After a few seconds that seemed like minutes I noticed my son pulling levers and turning knobs, and before I knew it he had righted the plane and returned us to our proper altitude. Once my heart had taken its rightful place back in my chest I opened my eyes and began to look out the window and I saw some pretty amazing sights. Rock quarries, deep and brilliant azure water surrounded by sparkling white rocks, incredible farm land untouched by housing developers and miles of towering pine trees. It was absolutely breathtaking. I've traveled the highway running parallel to all of this land literally hundreds of times yet I never knew these breathtaking sights even existed. Soon our flight was over and we landed at the tiny little airport. We hugged our son, expressed our pride in his accomplishment and headed home.

All the way home I heard the Lord speaking to my heart, "Zoe, I know your life appears to be spinning out of control just like that tiny plane." Just like your son knew how to recover the plane's engine; I know exactly what I'm doing in your life. I see and know the things you are going through, but if you will begin to see your life from a different perspective you will notice there is beauty even in the midst of these difficult days."
*october girl*
2007-10-04 16:06:04 UTC
You are young and have so much promise for good things in the future if you continue your life. Pray....
2007-10-04 16:02:29 UTC
I think this isn't the best place to go for help, I would seek someone in the medical field.
2007-10-04 16:02:21 UTC
You need to see a psychologist to get evaluated and possibly prescribed antidepressants. Things always seem to go wrong in life but that doesn't justify quitting because things can always improve.
2007-10-04 16:05:17 UTC
you should take a break from school just to work your problems out, and go get some counselling, because that would help you through things.
2007-10-04 16:13:26 UTC
Killing yourself is not going to solve it you need to talk with someone professionally about the situation please lets just rule out suicide ok im praying for you and god bless
2007-10-04 16:18:41 UTC
god is trying to tell youhold on.

i am saved filled with the holy spirit.

i know whats right do not kill yourself i promise you your life will get better.

god is telling me to tell you this please dont kill yourself please you dont want to burn in hell for the rest of your life.

do not give up on him now just cause every thing is going bad.

im praying right now that u dont please i beg you

i just might have save ur life.

if you need to talk u can email me.

i thought about killing myself before but i relized how much i love god.
2007-10-04 16:04:05 UTC
Fist off i know wat ur going through i was once depressed(got over it by talking to someone and music...hendrix) u should not kill ur self thier is sooo much to live for u should see a counsler or u could even e-mail me if u want to i'd be happy to help u get through it!
2007-10-04 16:07:28 UTC
thats the last thing that should be going therw your mind its ture your going therw a bad time who doesnt all you have to do is belive in god and he would help you
2007-10-04 16:03:12 UTC
tomarrows a new day.

you need to think of all the people that would be devistated if something would happen to you.
2007-10-04 16:02:43 UTC
I read somewhere that if you're thinking about suicide, you should call 1-800-SUICIDE.
2007-10-06 09:09:19 UTC
You don't want to die. You just need to feel loved and happy. You need to meet Jesus ;)
2007-10-04 16:03:04 UTC
aww honey,

cheer up its okay...

life can be so hard sometimes, but

when you get over it, you will look back and say

what did happen to me yesterday? u know... ? :)

just have some faith and believe in urself!
2007-10-04 16:01:53 UTC
Get a pet, read a good book, call a friend or parent and talk.
2007-10-04 16:03:26 UTC
Please contact me privately and I'll try to help you.
2007-10-04 16:01:50 UTC
you need to meditate...get to know your inner self..and u will be guided to peace and happyness...also meditation can heal your kidneys ..
Mr. J
2007-10-04 16:02:46 UTC
Please call a HOT Line - NOW!!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.