In a way, yes, font can affect the ability of people to learn new information. It has a direct effect to their ability to read the information, thus affecting their learning ability.
Some fonts are easier to read, as you should know, since cursive can be really hard to read.
Some fonts can also be distracting, for example with me, a graphic design student, font is very important and it really ticks me off when people use serif fonts (fonts like Times New Roman or Georgia that have ticks on each letter), since they are old fashioned and usually look unattractive. The same goes for alignment, but I'll keep that for another time. I will focus on the negative aspects on the font, or get so ticked off by the font that I will eventually give up trying to read the text or paragraph. I am a very picky, so my case may be uncommon.
I have learnt that there are certain fonts such as Century Gothic and Comic Sans which are sans serif fonts (more modern and do not have flicks or serifs on the letters), come in very handy for those who are dyslexic as they find these fonts easy to read. This affects their reading and learning ability positively. It also kind of shows that though we may not be dyslexic, the font does have an effect on how we read, thus affecting how we learn. The better you read/the less you struggle, the better you take in the information.