Can laughter really help you get better?
2007-01-04 12:43:22 UTC
I am doing a science project in school, and i was wondering whether laughter or any other psychologically pleasing emotion, can actually help you heal faster.
If you find any information please state your sources.
317 answers:
2007-01-04 12:46:00 UTC
Laughter IS the best medicine
2007-01-04 18:02:33 UTC
I can only speak from my own experience. Laughter does help me every single day! I had a stroke ten years ago caused by stress and have a condition of epilepsy. Some people think I'm crazy, but I know better! Laughter does heal! If I had not laughed when the neuro told me I had a tumor of the brain ten years ago and decided to laugh it out until I had pain... Which did not arrived yet! And I learned last year there is no tumor! ( The doctor had mistakened the blood clot from the stroke for a tumor...This is what I think! And I had signed to get an operation !...The surgeon did not want to touch it and here I am today. Where would I be now if I had panicked instead of laughing ?... Every day, I find something to laugh about... Even at myself !... There is a movie about this phenomena that came out a few years ago with Robin Williams! I can't recall the title of the movie though.

Good luck in finding what you are searching for.

I'm only an ordinary person but I do know Laughter does help the healing process from my own experience.

Happy new year to you
2007-01-04 23:59:05 UTC
Milton Berle (who was way back beyond your time) once said, "Laughter is an instant vacation." I take that to be true. There was also a recent article in the paper about how giving to others makes certain parts of the brain light up parts of the scope (you'll have to find that citing yourself). Laughter and giving are both pleasing, and bring much light to the ones who give, as well as the ones who hear it or feel it. And try healing without it! I've been through genital surgery, emergency appendectomy, and other assorted problems, and believe me, without laughter, I would have died long ago. And you can add on to all that that I'm manic-depressive, and believe me when you hit the depressive part of that cycle, laughter saves your life. I do believe you could find all kinds of sources that support that on the Web. Obviously, most of my sources I've talked about here consist of myself, except the study I mentioned above. And never ever forget the endorphins released by chocolate! What's really funny is that when I was trapped in a blizzard in colorado, and I tripped over an extension ladder and split my ear into two parts, ripped open my thigh, and broke my nose, and the only option was to laugh. And I'm healing up just fine! So yes, laughter helps healing--and besides, it makes you feel good.
2014-11-02 17:33:09 UTC
Laughter does help me every single day! I had a stroke ten years ago caused by stress and have a condition of epilepsy. Some people think I'm crazy, but I know better! Laughter does heal! If I had not laughed when the neuro told me I had a tumor of the brain ten years ago and decided to laugh it out until I had pain... Which did not arrived yet! And I learned last year there is no tumor! ( The doctor had mistakened the blood clot from the stroke for a tumor...This is what I think! And I had signed to get an operation !...The surgeon did not want to touch it and here I am today. Where would I be now if I had panicked instead of laughing ?... Every day, I find something to laugh a
otisbaba the great
2007-01-06 06:32:47 UTC
Laughter or any other psychologically pleasing emotions can heal our mental man faster than administering oral medication. Laughter is medicine to the mind or soul as food or nutrient is medicine to the body. As the saying goes: desperate needs, need desperate actions so likewise desperate emotional wounds will need desperate emotional healing process to alleviate them. These healing process could be by watching an hilarious movies, going to watch the comedian live on stage, going to a new environment for a change to meet new and interesting people,going to the beach, visiting a psychologist and above all keeping a positive attitude about life which can keep one going and heals all wounds.

Don`t get me wrong? Not because laughter helps healing doesn`t mean with any little wound you go around every where laughing like a mad man/woman. Peolple will actually think you`ve started taking crack!

Hope the above relieves you a bit! Bounafortuna... Ciao
2007-01-05 16:23:44 UTC
Laughing actually releases endorphins, which is a neurotrasmitter that creates a sense of good mood and well being. It actually does not only that, but it also helps your immune system. Exercise as well as eating are other things that releases this neurotrasmitter

"laughter stimulates the body's natural painkillers and "feel good" enhancers, known as endorphins, helping relieve stress and heal the body."

"When Norman Cousins was diagnosed with the debilitating illness ankylospondylitis, the doctors told him they could no longer help him and that he would live in excruciating pain befor ehe died. Cousins checked into a hotel room and rented every funny movie he could find: the Marx Brothers, AIrplane, The three stooges, etc. He watched and rewatched them over and over, laughing as hard and loud as he could. After six months of this self0inflicted laughter therapy, the doctors were amazed to find that his illness had been completely cured - the disease was gone!"

"Endorphins are chemicals released from the brain when you laugh. They have a similar chemical composition to morphine and heroin and have a tranquilizing effect on the body, while building the immune system. This explains why happy people rarely get sick and miserable but complaining people often seem to be ill."
2007-01-04 20:07:38 UTC
I have no written documentation to prove that laughter really

helps one to get better but I certainly feel I have concrete

evidence in the way I feel when I am enjoying laughter or

whatever. I feel I could almost be called an expert because I

am almost 74 years old and have had everything under the

sun wrong with me (heart attack, asthma, etc) and spending a

short time enjoying a funny book or a joke always makes me

feel on top of the world and that I can face whatever it is I have

to go through next. I hope this is some help to you and Good

Luck with your science project.
2007-01-04 22:45:20 UTC
I'm not entirely sure if laughter can make you heal from an illness faster, but it definitely makes you happier. In fact, even just smiling when you're down will make you happier. When you use the muscles in your face that enable you to smile, your brain releases endorphins, which make you happier. So in essence, when you smile, you're convincing your brain that you're happy--and once your brain is convinced, you actually do become happier. What laughter does is that it adds another element to the mix, by increasing your oxygen intake, which can also make you happier. I can't state my source off the top of my head, because I learned all this from my AP Psychology textbook during my senior year of high school. Try looking at Lester Sdorow's psychology textbook though, because I know it had a lot of the same information. You might want to check my spelling of his name, too. Good luck!
2007-01-06 06:39:43 UTC

I work in a hospital, and from personal experience, I can tell you that those patients who can keep a good sense of humor during their stay usually recover faster from their illness or injury. Also, though I can't cite any definitive source for you, I have heard of some hospitals actually providing cartoons for adult patients in order to get them to laugh. Laughter has several health benefits: it makes you breathe more, which increases the level of oxygen in the bloodstream. That can promote faster healing. Laughter also burns calories, which is good for patients who are bedridden by their illness and cannot exercise. Also, laughter releases endorphines, which can help to improve a patient's mood. With a good attitude, patients can rest easily as their body is not under physical stress, such as a fast heart rate or increased blood pressure, caused by mental stress. And as everyone knows, rest is the key to a speedy recovery, whether it be from a common cold or major surgery.
2007-01-06 07:45:10 UTC
I have heard that from many people... but laughter has helped me heal physically and emotionally.Knowing that you're happy inside sometimes makes you feel better on the outside. Sometimes it depends if you are laughing at or with someone or thing.Healing faster, well I do not think that is possible, just like how time passes by quickly when you're having fun. So actually I think that it just takes time, but it's "faster" when you are having fun! I hope this will help you in some way. =-)
2007-01-05 05:31:09 UTC
Truly it has not been scientifically "proven" that the endorphines and hormones released while in the physical state of pleasure can actually aide in a faster recovery for someone who is either physically or mentally ill.

However, there have been plenty of studies that have shown that

the pysical state of "pleasure", (POSITIVE ENDORPHINES) creates a more health chemical balance in people.

I have a wonderful idea for an experiment that you could run yourself on this. . . and then I'm sure you'll conclude that it seems as though science proves the endorphines but, what science can noit prove are the unseen factors that lead the soul

to healing.


contact me @ if you'd like to talk about possible such experiments.
2007-01-05 02:24:54 UTC
Yes. It improves the blood flow, thus it is good for the vascular system for the same reason exercising is.

"In two US studies, doctors have found that 15 minutes of laughter a day is good for the vascular system. They found that the blood flowed more freely in 9 out of 10 people while they were laughing, with average blood flow increasing some 22 percent. The physical benefits of laughing were similar to those people get when exercising, without the aches and pains."
2015-12-10 06:46:40 UTC
I can tell you that those patients who can keep a good sense of humor during their stay usually recover faster from their illness or injury. Also, though I can't cite any definitive source for you, I have heard of some hospitals actually providing cartoons for adult patients in order to get them to laugh. Laughter has several health benefits: it makes you breathe more, which increases the level of oxygen in the bloodstream. That can promote faster healing. Laughter also burns calories, which is good for patients who are bedridden by their illness and cannot exercise. Also, laughter releases endorphines, which can help to improve a patient's mood. With a good attitude, patients can rest easily as their body is not under physical stress, such as a fast heart rate or increased blood pressure, caused by mental stress. And as everyone knows, rest is the key to a speedy recovery, whether it be from a common cold or major surgery.
2007-01-06 01:23:54 UTC
I read in Psychology Today a few months ago that laughter releases endorphins, the same chemicals released that give runners their "high". These endorphins can temporarily block pain and boost the immune system giving white blood cells a time to multiply and fight infection or injury. The same chemicals can be released by the relaxation caused by deep tissue massage. Some hospitals offer alternative medical treatments such as massage, meditation etc, along with more traditional methods.
2007-01-06 00:03:00 UTC
Laughter is the best medicine. You tell me. When your alittle down, don't you feel better when someone or something makes you laugh or giggle? C'mon? Of course laughter helps if not heals. Crying can be the only emotion that releases more stress than laughter. Of course there is also violence. Choice is what makes it interesting. Our experience in life from childhood guides us in our decisions. I know that it feels very good to laugh. I can't get enough of it.
2007-01-05 16:27:06 UTC
Another researcher who is very serious about the health benefits of humor and laughter offers this explanation: "With deep, heartfelt laughter, it appears that serum cortisol, which is a hormone that is secreted when we're under stress, is decreased. So when you're having a stress reaction, if you laugh, apparently the cortisol that has been released during the stress reaction is reduced," says psychologist Steve Sultanoff, PhD, who is president of the American Association for Therapeutic Humor.

Laughter Therapy: What Happens When We Laugh?

We change physiologically when we laugh. We stretch muscles throughout our face and body, our pulse and blood pressure go up, and we breathe faster, sending more oxygen to our tissues.

And laughter appears to burn calories, too. Maciej Buchowski, a researcher from Vanderbilt University, conducted a small study in which he measured the amount of calories expended in laughing. It turned out that 10-15 minutes of laughter burned 50 calories.

Provine says that the most convincing health benefit he's seen from laughter is its ability to dull pain. Numerous studies of people in pain or discomfort have found that when they laugh they report that their pain doesn't bother them as much.
2007-01-05 01:06:49 UTC
Yes definitely! Before I say anything smiling or laughing does not have anything to do with healing faster in particular, but did you know that smiling drastically changes the way how your blood flows?

It is the expression that a person makes on their face that enables a person to truly feel an emotion. For example, when a person believes it is time to get mad over something, the first thing that person would allow themself to do is to frown. If a person is able to prevent themself to emit the body language of frowning in the first place then they will deifnitely reduce great amount of anger within their ownself. In fact, it is impossible to consider someone angry when they don't have that silly little wrinkle between their eyebrows. The thing about making an angry face causes your blood flow to start building up cloggs in the blood veins including the heart. Which is why people have hearts attacks.

Now let's say for example, when it is an appropriate time to be mad about something you smile instead. It's impossible to feel the anger when your smiling; rather, you are feeling happy even if you are forcing yourself to laugh and smile. You would think that's crazy to be laughing during a situation when you smile or laugh because you're on denial. Actually no, that's not quite true. This is a very healthy method of preventing cholesterol clogging up in your heart. In fact, smiling dramatically changes the way how your blood flows, whether it's an appropriate time to be mad or happy about something, and laughing (smiling and laughing are different), will ultimately be responsible for giving a person a very healthy heart.

Bottom line is that I have no idea whether or not laughing can help a person heal faster from being sick or wounded, but laughing will rid you of any downside emotions even if you are forcing it. Laughing can help a person build up a basic optimism in general for those who lack it. You will also rid yourself of cholesterol that has been building up in your heart. If you laughed a lot all your life then you don't have to worry about dying from a heart attack. You can just go ahead and worry about dying from something else. :]
2007-01-04 21:20:37 UTC
It's an enjoyable things to do, belive it or not, it's the cheapest and the easiest terapist to our body to be more healthier.

I've read somewhere that a minutes of laughter can pumps our heart faster and ease our stressed nerve, it almost like having an excercise, no wonder some people will get sweat after having an enjoyable laughter. Go try it, you will find your body more fresh!

Check out these sources i've found for your reference for your study, Good Luck!
2007-01-04 17:20:44 UTC
The Stress Management and Health Benefits of Laughter

From Elizabeth Scott,

Your Guide to Stress Management.

FREE Newsletter. Sign Up Now!

The Laughing Cure

Research has shown health benefits of laughter ranging from strengthening the immune system to reducing food cravings to increasing one's threshold for pain. There's even an emerging therapeutic field known as humor therapy to help people heal more quickly, among other things. Humor also has several important stress relieving benefits.
2007-01-05 14:08:58 UTC
It would seem that laughter really can have a positive effect on health, as noted by research from the University of Maryland which found that laughter is good for the blood vessels and is correlated with a lower probability of heart disease

Other researchers say that the physical movements involved in laughing are a sort of "internal jogging" and play a role in helping the immune system. Laughter has also been shown to increase the number and activity of T cells, gamma interferon and immunoglobulin A, all integral parts of the immune system.

(Interestingly, they found that faking laughter will do the same thing.)

Mirthful laughter has also been shown to exercise the cardiovascular system by raising and lowering the heart rate and blood pressure; improve coordination of brain functions, thereby enhancing alertness and memory; lift depression; reduce stress; bring pain relief; aid ventilation and clear mucus in the respiratory system; increase blood oxygen by bringing in fresh air; and strengthen internal muscles by tightening and releasing them.

This comes from a quick scan of 3 separate articles found by googling "Laughter" and "best medicine."

There were over 600,000 results from google.
2007-01-06 12:23:10 UTC
My dad was diagnosed with leukemia, fortunatly the docs found a 98% for the bone marrow transplant, his cousins ranged from 92-95%. My whole family helped him get through by making him smile and laugh.

Laughing helped us all and my dad through those tough 2 years of transition in and out of the hospital.

It has been proven that laughing an average of 15 minutes a day is good for the heart, both spiritually and medically.

Laughing shakes the body; depending upon the intensity of the laugh, it may help to clear blood clots, depening where they are (close or far from the lungs/stomach)
2007-01-06 07:32:27 UTC
i have an autoimmune disease which is characterized by flare-ups and remissions, and when i had a friend who worked at the Improv comedy club I used to go there all the time. Before I started going I was almost continuously sick, but after I started going to live comedy every week or so, (and since then started to incorporate laughter into my life on a daily basis, which includes getting dogs and generally making it a point to have fun & laugh) I have been sick hardly at all. Yeah for laughter!
2007-01-05 14:06:46 UTC
Laughter is absolutely the best medicine. The reason we feel better when we laugh is because our brain releases a hormone called Serotonin which makes you feel good. Laughter also causes blood vessels to expand allowing for better blood flow which in turn increases the oxygen levels in the body increasing our "feel good" mood. This extra blood flow and oxygen decreases stress. So Laughter really is great for combating stress related illnesses, as well as depression!! Yayness for laughter.
2007-01-05 10:39:47 UTC
Well once you see the results of test drugs in which the placebos help people heal (sometimes in the same amount the actual medicine does) you start to realize that the mind plays an important role in the health process.

A good example of this is Patch Adams (the movie is based on a true story).

UCLA is conducting some serious studies and getting good results, try this website
Dan H
2007-01-05 08:26:43 UTC
Yes It certainly can. A good read is "The Definitive Book of Body Language" by Allan Pease (Author), Barbara Pease (Author).

Laughter releases chemical endorphins that give you a natural high. This natural high is what drug users and people dependent on alcohol are looking for as they can not get it naturally.

In the book I mentioned they talk about experiments where they gave some people in hospital comedy videos to watch which actually sped up their road to recovery.

If you get a change buy or rent this book its very good.
2007-01-05 06:37:31 UTC
Yes laughter helps to generate positive energy ( May be because we take more oxygen & better circulation of blood). This helps to heal faster.

In India there are" laughter Clubs" . During morning time the members meet either in a garden, sea shore etc. & laugh together ( enforced forcible laughter) which keep them in positive spirit/energy through out the day. They observe this prevents depression/negative thought through out the day.
2007-01-04 21:48:14 UTC
What a great idea for a science project. It is quite interesting and the responses you have recieved thus far, are fascinating to read. In my opinion, I feel that "laughter or any other psychologically pleasing emotion, can actually help you heal faster". My reasoning for this is two-fold. First, if you look at it in the opposite sense, say for example, you were gravely ill. Wouldn't the first emotion be great sadness or depression? When you realize that you won't live to be with loved ones, see what life has to offer, and so on. That in turn, would lead to anger and denial. When one is in those emotional states of mind, it seems as if there is a feeling of hopelessness, despair and that it doesn't matter what you should do, as you will be dying anyway. It would only make sense that those feelings and attitude would make the condition worsen as you may refuse medical treatment and such. Now take the same person with the same illness who chooses to face this differently. Instead of crying tears of sorrow there are tears of laughter. Instead of words of anger or pity, there are recollections of funny stories, jokes,puns. Not only does it release chemicals in the brain but it creates a diversion for the both the ill person and those around him/her.

I remember reading a story of a woman who was going thru cancer. Her first visit for chemo. left her sick, depressed and so on. From that moment on, whenever she had a treatment, she decided to make it fun not only for herself but for others. She got help from her family and friends and together they made each session more of a party...funny hat day, 60's day and so on. Pretty soon, the rest of the patients began participating. There was laughter in the room, smiles, jokes and so on. Not only was this good for them, but it helped the hospital staff, family and friends. If memory serves me correct, the writer did go on to beat the cancer as did others. For those who succomed to the illness, they were remembered for their smile, laughter and jokes. Personally speaking, that is how I want to remember others and definetly how I would want to be remembered.

The second part of this, is it has been proven that people are able to die from a broken heart. I was even witness to this. So, if it has been proven that you can die from a broken heart, whose to say, that you can't be healed from laughter or any other pleasing emotion. "Mind over matter" seems to work best, if you include postive thinking, and large doses of laughter.
2007-01-06 12:04:10 UTC
Alan, I am a cancer survivor, as is my brother. If it weren't for laughing through all the sadness we encurred over the past 3 years (our family experienced one serious crisis after another), neither of us would have survived. I could feel a difference when I laughed (and still do). My mood improved, my pain lessened, my outlook on life was more cheery and even though it hurt like crazy, I would feel more like getting up/out and getting better. Laughter is very much the best medicine. Nana
Sayehan A
2007-01-06 09:13:17 UTC
Laughter is a good way of lifting the spirits and improve the positivity in your lives. Scientists have found out that laughing reduces stress levels, open up air vessels, allowing more oxygen into lungs, heart and blood, improves respiratory and blood circulation and protects the heart too! Also, consider the fact that laughing promotes longevity. Go figure!
2007-01-05 16:08:07 UTC
I was told that laughter was good for the soul and whenever I think about laughter and all, I think about the final scene from It's a Mad,Mad, Mad,Mad World, where Ethel Merman leads the group of women into the men's ward and starts barking orders as though she's in charge, and somehow, she slips and falls to the ground and every man in the room(and most of them are in traction) just fall out laughing some of them are in some pain but it's just the thought of it all. Classic laughing scene.
2007-01-05 09:10:55 UTC
yes laughter helps you get better. The holy bible states that a merry heart is good medicine for the soul. I just attended a class on the very subject.

I am a nurse and i work with hospice, it is called redirection and distraction, it reduces anxiety and fear better than a Valium.

Yes laughter is my drug of choice.

. Go to nursing sites and ask~ I use laughter ! know that it reduces stress hormones it is anti-aging., reduces anxiety and fear, a relaxed laughing patient is not overdosing over pain medication! there is aw-some research on this Got a friend who is a nurse?Check back issues of nursing magazines for helpfufl articles. God bless, I hope you get a A plus!!!!
2007-01-06 10:03:07 UTC
Laughter relieves stress and causes the release of the hormones that cause happiness in your body, which in some strange way also increases your bodies effectiveness to heal for a short time. So in a way, yes it does help you get better.
Jeffery W
2007-01-05 17:38:58 UTC
In the stressful environment that I work in, I find it helps everyone in the office if I can make them laugh at least once a day. Laughter releases endorphins and provides a calming effect. In my position, laughter makes for a great communicator and tends to bring everyone to the same level.
2007-01-05 13:00:50 UTC
Laughter promotes physical healing (Proverbs 17:22). Recent studies confirm what King Solomon was inspired to write 3,000 years ago, “A merry heart does good, like medicine.” For instance, laughter reduces levels of certain stress hormones. This brings balance to the immune system, which helps your body fight off disease.
2007-01-04 22:59:49 UTC
A merry heart does good, like medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones. Proverbs 17:22.

Laughter releases endorphins which are the body's natural painkillers. Laughter also boosts the body's immune system, keeping one healthier.
2007-01-06 10:31:58 UTC
the immediate answer would be : yes! difficult to back scientifically as there have been no scientific studies done on laughter (or smiling) per se. laughter or smiling (when not used as a defensive mechanism) is the externalization of a particular positive emotional state. when we laugh we show others that we are glad, happy, amused, pleased, etc, we project a healthy emotional state. healthy as opposed to unhealthy, ie when we are sick we seldom if ever laugh. our face projects our inner state: our happiness and health., our unhappiness, etc. external and internal are interconnected in humans (all animals) and so if the outer can so very potently portay the inner, they why shouldn't the outer be able to influence the outer? we rea told to smile in the face of difficulties, hardships, etc; we are to to laugh at ourselves and our mistakes, not to take ourselves too seriously, etc. studies have repeatedly shown that patients in hospitals who have a positive outlook heal faster and such people will generally smile more. Smile at a stranger and you will make him feel better (minor healing), smile at yourself and your outer state will slowly touch your inner state. there is no pure scientific study showing that laughter heals, but every day life proves that laughter makes us feel better and thus heals minor wounds, possibly preventing larger ones from forming.
2007-01-05 12:35:20 UTC
The sound of roaring laughter is far more contagious than any cough, sniffle, or sneeze. Humor and laughter can cause a domino effect of joy and amusement, as well as set off a number of positive physical effects. A good hearty laugh can help:

reduce stress,

lower blood pressure,

elevate mood,

boost immune system ,

improve brain functioning,

protect the heart,

connect you to others,

foster instant relaxation, and

make you feel good.

"Doctor I have a ringing in my ears." "Don't answer!" - Henny Youngman

Laughter activates the chemistry of the will to live and increases our capacity to fight disease. Laughing relaxes the body and reduces problems associated with high blood pressure, strokes, arthritis, and ulcers. Some research suggests that laughter may also reduce the risk of heart disease. Historically, research has shown that distressing emotions (depression, anger, anxiety, and stress) are all related to heart disease. A study done at the University of Maryland Medical Center suggests that a good sense of humor and the ability to laugh at stressful situations helps mitigate the damaging physical effects of distressing emotions (see References and resources for more details). Some other specifics about laughter’s affect on the body are listed below.

Laughter lowers blood pressure. People who laugh heartily on a regular basis have lower standing blood pressure than the average person. When people have a good laugh, initially the blood pressure increases, but then it decreases to levels below normal. Breathing then becomes deeper which sends oxygen enriched blood and nutrients throughout the body.

Humor changes our biochemical state. Laughter decreases stress hormones and increases infection fighting antibodies. It increases our attentiveness, heart rate, and pulse.

Laughter protects the heart. Laughter, along with an active sense of humor, may help protect you against a heart attack, according to the study at the University of Maryland Medical Center (cited above). The study, which is the first to indicate that laughter may help prevent heart disease, found that people with heart disease were 40 percent less likely to laugh in a variety of situations compared to people of the same age without heart disease.

Laughter gives our bodies a good workout. Laughter can be a great workout for your diaphragm, abdominal, respiratory, facial, leg, and back muscles. It massages abdominal organs, tones intestinal functioning, and strengthens the muscles that hold the abdominal organs in place. Not only does laughter give your midsection a workout, it can benefit digestion and absorption functioning as well. It is estimated that hearty laughter can burn calories equivalent to several minutes on the rowing machine or the exercise bike.

Humor improves brain function and relieves stress. Laughter stimulates both sides of the brain to enhance learning. It eases muscle tension and psychological stress, which keeps the brain alert and allows people to retain more information.

How does humor improve mental and emotional health?

Humor is a powerful emotional medicine that can lower stress, dissolve anger and unite families in troubled times. Mood is elevated by striving to find humor in difficult and frustrating situations. Laughing at ourselves and the situation helps reveal that small things are not the earth-shaking events they sometimes seem to be. Looking at a problem from a different perspective can make it seem less formidable and provide opportunities for greater objectivity and insight. Humor also helps us avoid loneliness by connecting with others who are attracted to genuine cheerfulness. And the good feeling that we get when we laugh can remain with us as an internal experience even after the laughter subsides.

The Doctor says "You'll live to be 60!" "I AM 60!" "See, what did I tell you?" - Henny Youngman

Mental health professionals point out that humor can also teach perspective by helping patients to see reality rather than the distortion that supports their distress. Humor shifts the ways in which we think, and distress is greatly associated with the way we think. It is not situations that generate our stress, it is the meaning we place on the situations. Humor adjusts the meaning of an event so that it is not so overwhelming.
Wicked Good
2007-01-04 21:09:38 UTC
Absolutely. When my Mother was dying of cancer for 5 weeks in a hospice, we used laughter regularly and it was encouraged by the nurses, etc. My Mom had lost so much weight even with the air flow bed she was on she would feel every wrinkle in the sheets, we would joke about how this was NOT the way to loose weight, etc. It helped her smile, the book and I wish I still had it to quote from for a source, but the book the hospice gave us in helping her cope, etc. Stated to remember funny times, etc. It always made a difference in how well she did on any given day.

It also helps with grief.

Good luck on your project!
2007-01-06 05:00:16 UTC
Yes, actually. Let's have an example...:

You just bought a cute little puppy. After 5 days, it died. You are very very sad and disappointed because you love it very very much. You cried the whole day. Then, your friend came and ask you ,"Why are you crying?" You told him what happened and he knows that you are sad. The next day, he bought you a new dog. It looks alike to your dog before. You are very happy and thankful to your friend. After that time, you are cheerful again. So, that is the proof that laughter can help you better :)
Dr. Ackmadia
2007-01-06 04:51:44 UTC

Laughter relieves stress and stress is a notorius killer, however the act of laughing as a health enhancer goes beyond the chuckles and jokes. Laughing releases endorphins which aid the body in several tangible and intangible ways.

SEE Source and google more for yourself
2007-01-05 16:05:14 UTC
"A merry heart doeth good like medicine" - Proverbs. There have been many studies on laughter and its influence on our health. It would stand to reason that laughter and a happier disposition would increase blood flow, heart rate and extend life. I wish I had the sources for you - but you have access to the internet -and there are plenty of sites that discuss laughter - even "laughter clubs".
2007-01-05 13:09:42 UTC
Sorry i don't have any scientific answer to your question but i can tell you that that laughter does help. when you sit down and think about how good you really feel when your done laughing you realize you used muscles and you usually take a few deep breaths after wards.And have you ever noticed that people who laugh alot seem to be generally healthier than those who sit around with a scrunched up face. they aslo ted to be alot more happy in thier life from day to day.good luck with your project.
2007-01-05 08:55:01 UTC
The answer is YES. There are chemicals in the body called Beta Endorphins. They are huge stress reducers, and stress is the root of many illnessess.

There are only two activities that a human can preform that will increase the bodies production of these Beta Endorphins. One is excercise, the other guessed it.....LAUGHTER!!

Isn't that amazing, that something as easy and enjoiable as laughing can actually help the human body!!
2007-01-04 23:38:23 UTC
In USA they have in Orange County California


Laughter Medicine : Corporate Stress Management Training & Laughter Therapy

I just saw it on the news, I guess it's been around awhile. People say they feel lighter and better afterwards.

this should help on your research:

Laughter Yoga Ireland : Home

Laughter Yoga is a blend of yogic deep breathing, stretching, stimulated ... WELCOME TO LAUGHTER YOGA IRELAND. ... capacity (laughter yoga is beneficial - 5k - Cached - More from this site > News > Health -- Ha ha yoga

During Cocktail Laughter, where participants pretend to pour and slug down invisible drinks ... the weekly, free Laughter Yoga, a growing global movement ...
2007-01-06 07:59:18 UTC
Yes! Laughter does help ~ for one it helps a person be more positive. It is much easier getting through pain or anything with humor and laughter. I've lived with pain all my life and so have experienced this first hand. I'm 60 years that is a long time!! :)
2007-01-05 12:40:28 UTC
The Bible says that ' A merry heart does good like a medicine, but sorrow dries up the bones.'

I figure that they knew way back then that laughter and joy were very good for you health and that sorrow hurt your health.

There are many similar passages in scripture that say the same thing.

I believe in it with my whole heart.

I also read once that laughing releases endorphins in the body that are healing agents.
2007-01-06 14:24:10 UTC
Wellioe...i think it can!! Its more than just a parting of the lips and a bearing of your white (and many times yellow) teeth; it triggers something inside you and you can feel it, right down in the pit of your stomach and it spreads to your chest and right in your heart.

When you really laugh and you really mean it it comes from somewhere is what my irrational mumbo jumbo is trying to say. And, well i think, that somewhere is in your soul. Our psychological states is not just neruological reponses to environmental stimuli its our irrational emotions coming from an irrational place in our minds i.e the soul.

I remember one day I wasn't feeling too good and I was with friends and I was laughing at what someone had said and for some reason I was feeling good after that. I realized I wasn't laughing at what they said I was laughing because of how they were making me feel. Laughter is sort of what it means to be happy! Its all your happiness manifesting itself into some...weird...noisy...body thing. And when tap into that feeling for some reason it just makes us feel so good.

And sort of look at when people laugh...they sound sooooooooooo bad! But no one seems to care, its just what it means to be yourself and happy and enjoy yourself.

And if that isn't convincnig look at babies, totally unaffected by society and don't even know what it means to smile or to laugh do it when their parents blow on their tummies or make a funny face and the parent just feels so good and just understand it all. Yip...a child's laughter, the purist of all forms.

So, i think thats it. Laughter comes from a place that we as humans have yet to understand but we love it all the same despite its tendency to confuzzle our minds time and time again
2007-01-05 21:21:06 UTC
There is evidence that your attitude affects your medical outcome. Laughing, even when you don't feel like it, is cheering. So it makes sense that laughter has a positive effect on your ability to heal -- "laughter is the best medicine."
2007-01-04 20:14:09 UTC
hello i do believe laughter can make you heal faster i have recently had a serious surgical procedure and my family and friends had me laughing all the time and when i went to have my check up the doctor asked me what i was doing to heal so quickly when i told him he said its true "laughter is the best medicine he then asked if i would speak at a conference about how i shortened the recovery process by laughing all the time
2007-01-04 17:41:02 UTC
well i´m going to answer that from my point of view since I a Dentist. i consider that laughting release some hormones into your body calls "Endorphines", these active other hormones that perform directly into your Nervous System and you feel gradually an experience of full -up so good mood changes, behave and attitude changes; but i do not considerate that laugh heal at all and good mood neither. All people that got healing heal soon just because your inmune system are better than others.
2007-01-04 15:16:41 UTC
It does indeed help.

The body is run on chemicals- and it's a chemical factory producing what seems to be appropriate to your emotional state.

The chemistry when you are depressed or angry is different than when you are happy, and not in a healthy way. Recent studies (my doctor confirms it too) shows that people who are in high stress conditions for a length of time (such as a bad marriage or divorce fight) are three times more likely to develop serious illnesses.

Happy promotes healthy, and laughter relieves stress and helps you change your emotional state.
2007-01-06 10:16:34 UTC
Yes, Laughter makes the heart grow funder. Laughter can make your life a lot easier. Laugh more, Love long, Cry never.
2007-01-04 21:15:48 UTC
I personally believe that laughter is the best medicine. I have been under a lot of stress lately. When I called a friend and told her about it, she got me laughing really hard. I felt so much better afterwards!
2007-01-04 16:59:43 UTC
It is said it takes many more muscles to frown than to smile. If you force yourself to smile when you are angry you will feel so ridiculous that you will release more of the negative energy quicker. Supportive counselors use humour as a means of cognitive diversion. Crisis interventionists use it to minimize focus or intensity of impact on the nervous system. Neurochemicals are released in the brain as demonstrated by both non-verbal and verbal behavior. No one really gets better without the power of positive thinking and hope. If one has no hope, then neurotransmitters for positive energy flow do not get tapped.
2007-01-05 21:04:40 UTC
I think laughter is a good medicine. It works up your heart rate and can make you feel better. Did you know that if you laugh for three hours every day for a year you will lose a pound?
2007-01-05 12:01:54 UTC
All you need do is try it, a genuine laugh just makes you feel better all over. The harmful effects of stress are lessened by laughter. :) Fun experiment try smiling at everyone you meet and check their reaction. You can't loose, in most cases you get a smile back, if not you get entertaining looks.
2007-01-05 08:17:06 UTC
I think it can, your brain is a powerful thing which puts out chemicals for different things, food smells, physical attractions etc.

I beleive Robin Williams made a movie about a Doctor that believe that laughter was indeed the best medicine,
2007-01-05 04:20:30 UTC
Laughter Is Really Good Medicine

Laughter and humor are two powerful tools, helping people cope and get through threatening situations. Looking at life's situations with a sense of humor and laughter provides perspective and helps keep things in balance when life seems unfair.

Humor and laughter are a source of power, healing, and survival. We often forget this when caught up in the troubles and trauma of life. Bill Cosby says, "If you can find humor in anything, you can survive it."

What You Get When You Laugh

laughter can help us to maintain our perspective. The next time you feel like you're losing control, allow yourself a little "humor time." If you can find what's funny in a situation, your upsets might not seem as important as they once did.

Humor gives a sense of power.

There are many things in life that we have no control over and can't change. As long as we have a sense of humor, however, we can do something -- such as minimize the hold that upsets have over us. Humor has the power to turn any situation around.

Humor helps us cope.

A lot of the suffering and troubles we experience are not a result of our difficulties, but how we view them. Gail Sheehy notes in her best seller, Pathfinders, that the ability to see humor in a situation was one of the four coping devices that "pathfinders," people who overcome life's crises, used as a protection against change and uncertainty. Using humor in difficult times can be one of the smartest ways of coping with them, easing our worries, and getting on with life.

Humor helps establish communication and rapport.

Laughter knows no cultural boundaries. You don't have to speak the same language to laugh together. Laughter also helps break the ice when you're in a group. It is the one form of communication to which everyone can relate.

Humor relieves tension.

We all know the relief we feel when someone in a group makes a funny comment during a tense situation.

Humor dispels anger and aggression in ourselves and others.

It helps to use humor when dealing with an angry child. A study of humor in the classroom showed lower scores on aggression for students viewing a humorous videotape.

Humor increases learning and retention.

Laughing stimulates both sides of the brain. People get the message quicker and remember it longer.

Humor can be used as "diagnostic tool."

If we listen carefully to a person's humor, it can help us realize his or her fears and worries. When a person jokes around, he or she may be indirectly telling us about the things that are bothering him or her.

Humor is an important, often overlooked tool. The better adjusted you are and the more satisfying your lifestyle, the more readily you will respond to the humor in jokes, cartoons, and everyday situations. Be aware of taking yourself too seriously. It is important to learn to laugh at yourself.

You can learn to share your laughter and help make others laugh. This doesn't mean telling jokes unless that is one of your talents. It means beginning to share your humorous perspective and giving others permission to do the same. A good sense of humor is something everyone can work on. It doesn't just happen. Here are some suggestions to help add more laughter to your life:

Recognize the value of humor.

Don't worry or analyze why people laugh -- just participate.

Think funny -- look for the humor in every situation. Learn to laugh at the incongruities in life.

Keep a notebook of funny things and write in it daily.

Adapt material. Use humor from any source. Personalize it and change it to suit your situation or the problem at hand.

Remember that laughter not only makes you feel better, but the use of humor can be a major tool for insight. George Burns says it best: "You can't help getting older, but you can help getting old. Chronologically, the clock is going to keep on ticking for all of us,

but if we take a lick of humor, we can prevent a hardening of the attitudes. If we savor humor, humor can be a lifesaver."
Appreciate Life
2007-01-05 11:43:46 UTC
A month ago, I had a strange experience of sickness. I had facial palsy which is a temporal weakness of the facial muscles. I couldn't move the left side of my face! During these days, I really missed laughing!! specially if kids looked at me and I couldn't even smile to them.. What really helped me my faith and having caring people that made me feel great even when I was really sick! and THANKS GOD I'm much better now. So, laughing is a wonderful gift that helps you to clear your mind and raise your happiness hormones to reconsider situations and try to face things brightly.

Don't miss any moment of laughing you can have or you you can give!

But remember, too much laughs will make you look like an idiot..
2007-01-04 19:17:43 UTC
Laughter is the key element or even a deciding factor to how well and even how fully a patient heals.

'Every year, there is more evidence that your thoughts, moods, emotions, and belief system have a fundamental impact on the body’s basic health and healing mechanisms"
2007-01-04 19:08:18 UTC
Yes your body produces endorphins or pain killers that make you feel better when you laugh and when you exercise, so yes laughter and a positive attitude can make you feel better which aids the healing process in general .
Jade Heart
2007-01-04 17:56:26 UTC
Well I can give you my opinion that it does make you happy. Since it makes you happy, you're body is happy! JUst like how sometimes stress is called "the silent killer" because it's an emotion that can really negatively affect your system/body and cause real health issues. Some people say when you laugh, you live longer, which I don't think is probably true, but you're just happier.You're brain is a lot happier.
2007-01-11 22:00:46 UTC
This information is from experience.

A friend tells me that he has a headache for about 4 hours. I than manage to make him laugh with silly things and ask: How is your headache? I continue doing the same thing and it takes about 10 - 15 minutes and the headache is gone. This has been done to me and it has really work. Give it a try and there is your proof (proven 3 times).

If you head is hurting bad (usually due to stress) laugh about yourself, jokes or remember something funny
Anonymous :)
2007-01-06 13:55:36 UTC
Well, when you laugh, you have a positive and happy attitude. People with negative thoughts tend to dwell on their illness, and make it seem like it never ends. If you simply think "I'll get well soon!" you're more likely to do so. You're probably around others when you laugh, and their company makes you feel much better :)



Laugh a lot. Laughing increases circulation, immune system defenses and mental function.
Lynn B
2007-01-05 17:49:23 UTC
I don't think laughter makes you get better, but positive outlooks on an illness can. Laughter does brighten any mood. Just smiling has a positive influence.
Snick S
2007-01-05 07:10:13 UTC
Do some research on Patch Adams. His Gesundheit Institute is a fine example of what laughter can do.
2007-01-04 15:36:45 UTC
I believe that it does. Whenever I'm down. Something that makes me laugh or smile helps me feel better and makes me happier. My depressed spirit is lifted up to a happy spirit. Laughter is a great medicine. If your looking for sources on laughter. Try using Google. Good luck on your science fair project!
2007-01-05 08:26:24 UTC
generally it's inbred... laughter in general can help.. but mostly it comes about when you are born a happy person who takes light in things... if you're not born that way.. most likely you're not going to laugh much or have a sense of humor even in the most dire of situations. most can't laugh at themselves or at things that should be taken in light... such as sickness and situations that require a aura of maturity. laughter burns off calories.. releases endorphins and in some cases strong laughter can clear sinuses... the respirtory system and can cause a person to sweat which releases toxins in the system.

but in general... you must have this inbredded into your system... be born of character of a person who laughs alot.

many don't do this... which is bad.. laughter is good medication.. it does work wonders.. but one must understand laughter and what it is.

i know this.. because i'm this type of personality... and i've laughed at death.. hell i laugh at everything.. i'm not over weight.. my lungs are clear most times... i feel pretty good most times... laughter does work.... it gets things out of your system.
2007-01-05 07:04:33 UTC
Yes, laughter has a soothing and healing effect on the body and mind.
2007-01-05 04:05:00 UTC
Well Personal experience says that its cent percent true.But rather the laughter along with your soul saying that am so happy n that's why laughing will surely do the cause.So, not only laugh but feel the hapiness within.
2007-01-04 19:14:00 UTC
Yes, laughter can really help you. They say laughter is the best medicine and laughing is better than crying.
2007-01-06 00:59:28 UTC
OF COURSE!! it's been proven too! one of my best frends granpa was diagnosed with sum type of illness and was told that he might not make it past 3 mnths. Ever since then all he watched was I LOVE LUCY reruns...everyday! He said becuz when he was young he would watch it with his parents. He would laugh all day and so loud that we wouldn't be out of the elevator yet and we'd hear his laugh. 3 mnths passed and he was back to normal! The doctors said they never gave him anything except food and the television! Laughter IS the BEST medicine!
2007-01-05 21:44:52 UTC

The Healing for any disease is based on two things

a)Believe in your self

b)Keep the mind happy

Now let me explain about *believing in your self*

First you start questioning *Who am I*?

The answer will be I am so and so

Again put the question

The answer will be I am son or daughter or wife or husband of xxx

Again go on put this question your mind goes blank.

The theory behind this is we donot know really who we are and why we have been this oint donot drive your mind

to your mind to a happy mood, as if there hapened to be unexpected long week end anounced like that

then awaken your real hidden thoughts about your life ,start thinking about them, slowly happyness will occupy your mind ,

real laugh come on the face.

with the above exercise you will start getting cured
Mojo Seeker Of Knowlege
2007-01-05 21:27:52 UTC
What are other benefits of laughter? Reduction of stress hormones and stress-like symptoms; decrease risk for blood clots, heart attack and stroke; improve immune system to fight off infections; lowered blood pressure and prevention of hypertension; improves respiration, due to the large volume of air exchanged in the laughing process (it is an internal workout); prevention of life-threatening illnesses, and improved circulation which enables the body to look healthier and younger.Take care.
2007-01-05 09:55:32 UTC

Mind and body are in a close link. Even the slight vibes formed in the mind do reflect on each and every cell of human body. A drop of sadness infiltrates through the cell membrane and slackens it, makes it a little inactive. When we really probe into the construction of our bodyand mind, we find them created for better purpose-with better harmony than we expect. That is, they are structured to remain in state of equilibrium, of course with positive relations in a blissful state. Because mind with our other senses work intensely powerfully, exercising its own will, the body can be brought under its sway.

Remaining happy means you are in a natural state of bliss. Being discontented, we invite trouble for our body. Hey, Only for our body? .... No,,no we create trouble for others also...
2007-01-05 04:50:20 UTC
A good hug or a good smile, some kind words and a sense of deeply sincere interested in the person is more important than a good laugh. The memory of the laugh fades, but the love and caring you receive stays forever.

It's kind of like the movie Ms. Doubtfire. Sure the husband was funny, but his wife was unsatisfied in a spiritual level. Although she appreciated the laughter, she needed love in a deeper level. So she left him and found someone who would connect with her in a deeper level.

I think a strong long hug and kind words is more important than laughter to get better. a person needs to feel significant, and theres no better way to feel significant than love. If a person receives love he or she will give out as they receive it. Love builds inner value and inner strenght more than laughter.

A person needs to feel loved, specially if you are ill or suffer from an illness. A person needs to feel connected to others in a deeper level than just a good laugh.

Laughter does not take negative thoughts away, it just hides them for the moment, or maybe not.

Laughting is good but it's just temporary. It feels good for the moment. Hope is more important I think. And having someone that loves you or friends that care for you fills you with hope. The hope and positive attitude that whatever situation your in will pass and things will get better. A vision of hope is more important than laughter to me.

Laughter is good no doubt. BUT, someone could still laught but be deeply depressed or sad. The depression or saddness does not go away. When the laughter is gone and your friends are not with you anymore, then you are alone. You need to feel loved, connected to people in a deeper way than just a good laugh. The love you feel from people stays with you even when you are alone. The laughter quickly fades.

You need inner light, inner hope. Laughter is just outer and temporary. But love builds inner strenght and inner value. To feel loved and appreciated is most valuable and most unforgettable.

Let me ask you, who feels better inside, the person laughing from a joke or the person telling the joke. The person telling the joke feels better inside because he feels he has connected with you. He knows he has made you feel good, and that makes the joke teller happier than the person who is laughing. Because he has contributed a laugh, he feels he has given out love and therefore that makes him feel significant.
ashi p
2007-01-05 04:20:50 UTC
yea i definitely think that laughter can help you get better cuz it relaxes your mind body and soul and you feel more cooler and calm and easy which are really good aspects of making one feel better.Sometimes its all emotions that play an important role of one's health too.Mostly it depends on what your feeling.Sometimes even if your fine you tend to feel bored first then you think you got headache when its actually nothing like that but then as we go on thinking and eventually we do end up having headaches etc.So being cool and laughing happily is absolutely one of the best medicines.
2007-01-04 15:58:14 UTC
Some say the greatest discovery of the 20th century was the Placebo Effect. People who BELIEVE they are recieving medication for a medical condition but ,who are actually recieving a sugar pill, experience relief of the symptoms of thier illness in according to what is to be expected from the medication. It is true that there is a physiological response from laughter. However as pointed out by a previous answer, you haved to be in a good mood to laugh in the first place. It comes down to BELIEF.
texas tornado
2007-01-06 10:07:05 UTC
Yes, "laughter is the best medicine". Also very important in relationships. It's not always true that women want money, good looks, nice car from a guy... If he can't make me laugh, we won't make it!!!
2007-01-05 19:48:23 UTC
Yes, I think it does. I've been going through treatment for colon cancer almost two years. I made up my mind if I kept my faith, my sense of humor, and a positive outlook I would get through it. My last CAT scan and Pet scan showed NOTHING. I think that, and the fact that my daughter gave birth to my first two(twins)grand-babies during that time helped greatly. The doctor said he was still amazed because I was in the top 3% who came through this treatment the best. I think(and thank)God has lots left for me to do(i.e. the twin granddaughters). I've also tried to see a lot to laugh about through all his and see the bright side of this. Hope that helps.
2007-01-05 15:41:50 UTC
Laughter can help you better... so does crying... so does getting angry... as long as you express your emotions... it can help you feel better... however, crying and getting angry TAKES more energy from you... while laughter seems to GIVE you more energy... but like i said.. any form of expression of emotion can make someone feel better... when your angry trying hitting a pillow or scream and it can make you feel better.. when your sad... cry about it and not hold it in... and when you think life is funny... laugh about it.. =)
2007-01-05 06:59:36 UTC
Laughter and a "GOOD" attitude is the best medicine. When you are laughing your brain gives off enzymes and makes your body feel better. It helps speed up recovery.
2007-01-06 07:25:18 UTC
Yes, "Laughter Is Good For Your Heart, According To A New University Of Maryland Medical Center Study

Science Daily — Laughter, along with an active sense of humor, may help protect you against a heart attack, according to a new study by cardiologists at the University of Maryland Medical Center in Baltimore. The study, which is the first to indicate that laughter may help prevent heart disease, was presented at the American Heart Association's 73rd Scientific Sessions on November 15 in New Orleans. The researchers found that people with heart disease were 40 percent less likely to laugh in a variety of situations compared to people of the same age without heart disease.

"The old saying that 'laughter is the best medicine,' definitely appears to be true when it comes to protecting your heart," says Michael Miller, M.D., F.A.C.C., director of the Center for Preventive Cardiology at the University of Maryland Medical Center. "We don't know yet why laughing protects the heart, but we know that mental stress is associated with impairment of the endothelium, the protective barrier lining our blood vessels. This can cause a series of inflammatory reactions that lead to fat and cholesterol build-up in the coronary arteries and ultimately to a heart attack," says Dr. Miller who is also an associate professor of medicine at the University of Maryland School of Medicine.

In the study, researchers compared the humor responses of 300 people. Half of the participants had either suffered a heart attack or had undergone coronary artery bypass surgery. The other 150 were healthy, age-matched participants who did not have heart disease.

Participants in the study were asked to complete two questionnaires. One questionnaire had a series of multiple-choice answers to find out how much or how little the participant laughs in certain situations. The second questionnaire used 50 true or false answers to measure anger and hostility. For example, the questions included the following:

From the multiple-choice section:

* If you arrived at a party and found that someone else was wearing a piece of clothing identical to yours, would you (a) not find it particularly amusing (b) be amused but not show it outwardly (c) smile (d) laugh or (e) laugh heartily.

* If you were eating in a restaurant with some friends and the waiter accidentally spilled a drink on you, would you (a) not find it particularly amusing (b) be amused but not show it outwardly (c) smile (d) laugh or (e) laugh heartily.

From the true or false section:

* I often wonder what hidden reasons another person may have for doing something nice for me. True or False.

* I am likely not to talk to people until they speak to me. True or False.

People with heart disease were less likely to recognize humor or use it to get out of uncomfortable situations. They generally laughed less, even in positive situations and they displayed more anger and hostility.

"The ability to laugh - either naturally or as learned behavior may have important implications in societies such as the U.S. where heart disease remains the number one killer," says Dr. Miller. "We know that exercising, not smoking and eating foods low in saturated fat will reduce the risk of heart disease. Perhaps regular, hearty laughter should be added to the list."

Dr. Miller says it may be possible to incorporate laugher into our daily activities, just as we do with other heart-healthy activities, such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator.

"We could perhaps read something humorous or watch a funny video and try to find ways to take ourselves less seriously," Dr. Miller says. "The recommendation for a healthy heart may one day be -- exercise, eat right and laugh a few times a day."

Other researchers on this study included Adam Clark, M.D. and Alexander Seidler, Ph.D."
2007-01-05 21:52:22 UTC
Laughter and humor are two powerful tools, helping people cope and get through certain situations. Looking at life's situations with a sense of humor and laughter helps keep things in balance when life seems unfair. Humor and laughter are a source of power, healing, and survival. We often forget this when caught up in the troubles and trauma of life. and wat els... laughter gives u a sense of power, it helps u cope up problems..and..relieves tension and it really helps if u realise wat u r into by sumone else's humors and jokes then actually u can come out of the traumas and shocks in ur life... it makes u realise ur present actual situation in life...
2007-01-05 19:24:23 UTC
many say laughter is the best medicine, and my opinion is yes. depression and worrying to much can do a lot of harm to your body and can sometimes lead to serious mental problems. you can actually die. so i thing laughter is a very good thing for the human body!
2007-01-05 14:21:21 UTC
I get AWFUL migraines, and my friends and boyfriend know that sometimes the only thing they can do is make me laugh and keep me in good spirits, cause as much pain as I'm in, laughing makes me feel better. I was in the hospital in SOoooooo much pain, and my boyfriend cracked a joke about terradakles(sp?) chasing down nurses in the hallways if we pressed a button on the wall. I know it doesnt sound funny, but I was laughing so hard and he just kept going with it. I was literaly throwing up from the pain, and it was the only thing keeping me from thinking about how much pain I was in.

I know this isn't scientific data. But its from the "horses mouth" so to speak. If that helps.
2007-01-05 07:23:05 UTC
they had a movie out years ago with Robin Williams as a doctor who was unconventional in his bedside manners . He stated that laughter was the best medicine especially around terminally ill patients . I think the name of the movie was Patch Adams ,, not sure .. Movie was great ... I personally think that while your sick ,,, laying in bed ,, with what ever ailment , throw in a good comedy , and you forget how sick you really are . must be the system laughing and breathing in good air in larger doses ... Good Luck
2007-01-04 20:01:15 UTC
I spent the afternoon in the emergency room today and maintaining a positive attitude and laughing at situation as much as I could greatly improved the way I felt and probably aided in me coming home this evening instead of spending the night.
2007-01-08 16:00:10 UTC
2007-01-04 21:05:10 UTC
it's true,laughter IS the best medicine ever!It has been shown that laughing helps protect the heart..studies explained that mental stress impairs the endothelium, which is the protective barrier lining a person’s blood vessels.laughter is so powerful,it also lower the blood guys,laugh all the way!
Linda C
2007-01-04 15:46:01 UTC
Yes,I think laughing at myself has helped me get better. I had a stroke 9 years ago,when I was 33. I've had to relearn everything,from walking,talking,writing with my right hand(was a lefty).I use my right hand for everything now.My left hand is my evil hand. Oh,I have moments where I cry,but without laughter,I don't know where I'd be.I have aphasia,I say the wrong word for things.I repeat myself a lot,a lot.I call them my blonde moments.I get lost a lot, in parking lots.Lose things,but hey I'm alive.So you gotta laugh.LMAO now.
2007-01-05 23:02:26 UTC
Hi Alan, it is true that merriment help you heal faster..

Just check the following links.These organizations are also doing research on similar topic as you have....

Keep Smiling

Best of Luck for Your Science Project


mark v
2007-01-05 13:03:44 UTC
the scriptures, the bible says that "a cheerful heart is like a medicine" i am sure there are more scriptures in reference to laughing as something good for health and well being,

so what does that tell us, we should watchout for those people who do not want us to laugh, huh? a cheerful countence is like a good medicine, something like that in the scriptures, (you could get a bible concordance and look up all the referrences for laughter, using those as some of your referrences have a good day,
2007-01-05 12:33:18 UTC
I know from my own personal experience that laughter makes you feel better. Think about when a person is upset, the first thing you do to try and make them feel better is to make them laugh.
2007-01-05 12:27:19 UTC
Considering the volume of answers, it is highly likely someone has already told you about Norman Cousins. Since I'm not going to read every one, I'll assume the contrary! Cousins was suffering from a terminal illness and decided to rent all the Marx' Bros. movies. He basically laughed himself to remission and died at a ripe old age of, well, old age. Another reference you may find enlightening is Carolyn Myss' "Anatomy of the Spirit." Her premise is that your "biography becomes your biology."

Good Luck....and keep laughing!
2007-01-05 08:05:05 UTC
Of course laughter can help! 'Cause when you're laughing you won't think about anything else, so you can relax yourself completely! Really! Laugh and you'll feel the power of laughter!
2007-01-06 14:26:42 UTC
Laughter helps, I think it is a psychological thing. Chocolate also helps girls through pms and heartbreak for everyone. Hope this helps.
2007-01-06 00:46:42 UTC
In the Olden Days, women were property. They were Old Maids if they did not get married by some particular age. That number (age) was later determined to be odd and arbitrary.

Laugh your *** off every day. You will remain wrinkle free longer.

Take a look at my picture, tell me that you think I look like I am about to turn 29, compare me to other women my age that you see in magazines.

Laugh and/or cry every day.
2007-01-05 21:07:30 UTC
ABSOLUTELY!!!! Laughter (comedy TV and movies) helped me get through a very trying pregnancy!!! The docs kept saying that my baby wasn't going to make it. I kept up my positive attitude by watching comedy central and dvd's of funny stand up comedians and my baby is here and healthy!!!!!! :) What a good question!
Jessica W
2007-01-05 13:46:26 UTC
I can honestly say laughter is the best key so getting well. I have ti children, ages 2years and 6months. When they are sick I do whatever I can to make them laugh. And believe it or not they get well alot sooner than doctors expect them to.
2007-01-05 08:39:56 UTC
In the Olden Days, women were property. They were Old Maids if they did not get married by some particular age. That number (age) was later determined to be odd and arbitrary.

Laugh your *** off every day. You will remain wrinkle free longer.

Take a look at my picture, tell me that you think I look like I am about to turn 29, compare me to other women my age that you see in magazines.

Laugh and/or cry every day.
2007-01-05 01:21:30 UTC
They say "Laughter is the cure for Cancer."

This is true but false at the same time. It won't cure Cancer if you already have it, but it can prevent you from getting Cancer in the first place. By being sad or depressed, your body chemicals change and make you more prone and vulnerable to disease. By being happy, your are more resistant to disease than being sad.
2014-09-25 20:13:42 UTC
. Go to nursing sites and ask~ I use laughter ! know that it reduces stress hormones it is anti-aging., reduces anxiety and fear, a relaxed laughing patient is not overdosing over pain medication! there is aw-some research on this Got a friend who is a nurse?Check back issues of nursing magazines for helpfufl articles. God bless, I hope you get a A plus!!!!
2007-01-12 10:47:50 UTC
Of course it does. This is an expert you can try on your self. Next time you are feeling down. Put on a movie, comedy show that you know will have you in tears from laughing. And after the show goes off, I know you will feel better.
2007-01-05 20:27:32 UTC
Yes and no, while laughter can help keep someones mind off their troubles, and maybe lesson the pain it medically cannot cure a person unless of course they are only suffering from depression. :-)
2007-01-05 16:01:27 UTC
laughter secretes endorphins which boost the immune system and help you get better but I wouldn't say that it would cure you. Watch the Robbin Williams movie Patch Adams... it explains it in there
2007-01-05 06:12:55 UTC
laughter do good job and we must support this great job to reach our goal (release the globe from the 2 evils first Goerg W Bosh, second donkey Hosny Mubarak in Egypt and i'm certain that we will get better.
2007-01-04 23:43:22 UTC
Your Imune system is the only way to heal your " problem "

But laughter actually is proven to speed the progress.
2007-01-04 22:12:42 UTC
yes a good hearty laugh can help with constipation in two ways. 1. It has a massaging effect on the intestines, which helps foster digestion and 2. It's a great reliever of stress.
2007-01-04 19:01:12 UTC
The bible syas in proverbs 17:22 "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.
2007-01-06 16:57:22 UTC
Absolutely, it sure beats depression that can cause serious mental and physical issues. I don't have a particular source for that however it is what I've heard.

I'd rather laugh and feel good than depressed.
2007-01-06 08:25:54 UTC
they did an expirement they made 10 people smile for 10 minutes and 10 people frown for 10 minutes, the people who were smiling got out smiling and actually felt better, and the people who were frowning got really cranky so that proves even smiling makes you happier than laughter is much more effective. :)
2007-01-05 19:16:22 UTC
yes laughter can make u feel better. as everyone says or as i heard, laughter is the best medicine. especially when someone thats ur friend is sad. laughter can help them feel better.
mojo jojo
2007-01-04 21:46:44 UTC
Laughter is the best medicine as it helps you see things in a different perspective so you can overcome your problems.
amubhai p
2007-01-04 14:50:22 UTC
Yes , It definitely help to cure many minor psychological diseases like stress,nervousness ,moodiness ,fever . joint pains, and I forget the author but the title is something like this "laughter is the best Medicine", There are many

real people reporting their cure by laughter including cancer cures.
2007-01-06 16:37:27 UTC
in a health magazine id gotten some time ago this kid with cancer that had a big tumor that he named the doctors made him laugh or somehting and then he just started to feel better and they were like ya laughter is the best joke unfortunately i don't have that health magazine anymore...but ya it does work there was this whole article about it ... o ya and if you like laugh for fifteen minutes its like doing fifteen minutes of riding your bike.. something like that
Pull down your pants
2007-01-06 12:51:05 UTC
Yes I believe laughter is the best medicine available to us. When I lost my son it was my families humor and my own that got me through one of the most difficult years of my life. You handle what you can as you can
2007-01-05 16:17:51 UTC
Laughter normally makes me feel better, if I or someone else laughs when im down, or trying to act liek im not down, i feel happier soooner, and APPARENTLY every time you laugh you get another minute to your life. Laughter, is your souls medicine.
2007-01-05 10:54:19 UTC
Definately yes. It has been proven that having a good attitude on things can definately play tricks in a positive way in making you heal and to recover faster.
2007-01-05 03:30:13 UTC
It is true that laughter helps you overcome your stress particularly.Laughing is a good exercise actually to feel better.
2007-01-04 21:06:03 UTC
Yup...a happy patient recovers faster than an unhappy or discouraged one. Mental fitness and outlook plays a huge role in the health of the body. Ancient Taoists have an exercise where they smile into their organs and bodies thereby keeping them happy and healthy.
2007-01-04 18:29:10 UTC
Laughing I think does help you heal takes you away from the sadness you feel....the hurt.....and without that stress, you tend to start feeling better.....another thing I think helps a person is, when you can do something that will help another person smile or laugh........might be one small gesture on your part but may mean the world to another.....
2007-01-04 17:34:41 UTC
Susan M
2007-01-05 16:13:46 UTC
Yes. There is a book by Norman Cousins, "Anatomy of an Illness", that reminded everyone of the important of humor to human health.
2007-01-05 12:57:09 UTC
for sure as laughter is always the cure for every illness sometimes its the only way out of all life's trouble when everything goes wrong
2007-01-05 13:54:38 UTC
the bible say that laughter does the heart good like medicine-it is a natural medicine that God gives you to give you joy and bring you healing-so yes.
robin b
2007-01-05 13:17:30 UTC
I think so. Laughter makes you happy, and when you are happy you stop being tense and you actually allow your body to be. That can only be good.
Irish Girl
2007-01-05 08:40:37 UTC
I think that laughter is the best medicine. When someone is hurting or sick and someone else makes them laugh It helps them feel better about their prolbem. I love it when my husband makes me laugh when I'm feeling sick or hurting and plus it also burns calories.
2007-01-06 16:14:51 UTC
yes, laughter, a good sense of humor and a positive disposition help you to heal & recover faster and to keep you health to begin with. My mom did her college thesis on humor and medicine.
2007-01-06 14:14:15 UTC
Laughter and humor are two powerful tools, helping people cope and get through threatening situations. Looking at life's situations with a sense of humor and laughter provides perspective and helps keep things in balance when life seems unfair. Humor and laughter are a source of power, healing, and survival. We often forget this when caught up in the troubles and trauma of life. Bill Cosby says, "If you can find humor in anything, you can survive it."

What You Get When You Laugh

While we are working at surviving, laughter can help us to maintain our perspective. The next time you feel like you're losing control, allow yourself a little "humor time." If you can find what's funny in a situation, your upsets might not seem as important as they once did.

Humor gives a sense of power.

There are many things in life that we have no control over and can't change. As long as we have a sense of humor, however, we can do something -- such as minimize the hold that upsets have over us. Humor has the power to turn any situation around.

Humor helps us cope.

A lot of the suffering and troubles we experience are not a result of our difficulties, but how we view them. Gail Sheehy notes in her best seller, Pathfinders, that the ability to see humor in a situation was one of the four coping devices that "pathfinders," people who overcome life's crises, used as a protection against change and uncertainty. Using humor in difficult times can be one of the smartest ways of coping with them, easing our worries, and getting on with life.

Humor helps establish communication and rapport.

Laughter knows no cultural boundaries. You don't have to speak the same language to laugh together. Laughter also helps break the ice when you're in a group. It is the one form of communication to which everyone can relate.

Humor relieves tension.

We all know the relief we feel when someone in a group makes a funny comment during a tense situation.

Humor dispels anger and aggression in ourselves and others.

It helps to use humor when dealing with an angry child. A study of humor in the classroom showed lower scores on aggression for students viewing a humorous videotape.

Humor increases learning and retention.

Laughing stimulates both sides of the brain. People get the message quicker and remember it longer.

Humor can be used as "diagnostic tool."

If we listen carefully to a person's humor, it can help us realize his or her fears and worries. When a person jokes around, he or she may be indirectly telling us about the things that are bothering him or her.

Humor is an important, often overlooked tool. The better adjusted you are and the more satisfying your lifestyle, the more readily you will respond to the humor in jokes, cartoons, and everyday situations. Be aware of taking yourself too seriously. It is important to learn to laugh at yourself.

You can learn to share your laughter and help make others laugh. This doesn't mean telling jokes unless that is one of your talents. It means beginning to share your humorous perspective and giving others permission to do the same. A good sense of humor is something everyone can work on. It doesn't just happen. Here are some suggestions to help add more laughter to your life:

* Recognize the value of humor.

* Don't worry or analyze why people laugh -- just participate.

* Think funny -- look for the humor in every situation. Learn to laugh at the incongruities in life.

* Keep a notebook of funny things and write in it daily.

* Adapt material. Use humor from any source. Personalize it and change it to suit your situation or the problem at hand.

Remember that laughter not only makes you feel better, but the use of humor can be a major tool for insight. George Burns says it best: "You can't help getting older, but you can help getting old. Chronologically, the clock is going to keep on ticking for all of us,

but if we take a lick of humor, we can prevent a hardening of the attitudes. If we savor humor, humor can be a lifesaver."
2007-01-06 11:37:45 UTC
I heard a show on the radio that was talking about this subject. They said that the more you smile the better you will feel. It causes the Endorfins in your brain to react better and this makes you feel better.So keep on smiling and have a better day.
2007-01-05 14:14:28 UTC
although i didnt take the time to get this information from a site (there should be lots , search it)

i do know however that people can go to school to become clowns for sick people in hospitals and apparently it is a proven method

i forget the term for profession

but the people actaully get paid for it
2007-01-05 09:34:06 UTC
Ed Asner did a TV movie in 1984 about Norman Cousins(Anatomy

of an Illness).If I remember correctly Norman was dying and decided to watch nothing but funny movies to see if it would make him better.I don't remember the outcome but he lived until 1990.
2007-01-05 14:49:50 UTC
I know they say it is, and I believe it. Releases endorphins.

There have actually been medical studies on this, and I have read some before. You would just have to do some research to find the actual articles.
Randy (yes im a girl)
2007-01-04 17:10:27 UTC
yes laughter IS the best medicine i know i went to see my grandfather at the hospital and told him a few jokes he laughed and laughed in no time he out of the e.r. and back on his feet!!!!
2007-01-05 16:03:18 UTC
yep. as a psych major, i learned that inneremotion really determines how your body responds. So if you keep saying you're miserable, then hey, guess what, then you will become miserable. if you think positive thoughts, or are exposed to a positive environment, like fun ones, laugh inducing ones, then your body will response positively and get better faster.
2007-01-05 13:58:30 UTC
Yeah, laughing help you better. When you laugh, it releases and endorphin into your brain/body that give you a "legal high" (in the words of my health teacher). It can also add up to thirteen years to your life, so get giggling!
2007-01-04 17:39:19 UTC
Laughter is the best medicine.
2007-01-04 15:51:27 UTC
When I was going through my divorce, some surgery, totalling my car, and losing my job, what got me through it all was going to the local comedy club and letting the laughter heal me. It worked and kept me going.
2007-01-06 14:05:35 UTC
laughing actually creates a chemical reaction which, in turn, can help you FEEL better while you are healing, and if you FEEL better your body is able to heal faster. laughing releases endorphans, endorphans are what some people call "happy hormones" they give u a slight euphoric feeling and they also dull pain you might be feeling.
2007-01-06 11:27:57 UTC
Sure, but if one has a tremendous amount of stuffed sadness, like myself, after years of abuse and living in a harsh society, then CRYING is much more healing
2007-01-05 21:14:49 UTC
Laughter is releaving. Plus it burns calories.
2007-01-05 18:46:34 UTC
Almost two years ago my dad was diagnosed with an advanced stage of colon cancer. He had decided at that moment to keep his faith and his humor throughout his treatments. He just quit having chemo treatments and all his tests showed negative for cancer. His Dr. also told him that he had done better than almost any other patient with his advanced stage.
2007-01-05 17:05:57 UTC
yes it can and it increases endorphins in your body (exercise does this too), decreases blood pressure and decreases cortisol (stuff that causes fat to stick)...laughter is great. dont know my source directly but i'm sure you can find it on google if you search ffor laughter benefits..
2007-01-05 12:31:38 UTC

Laughter is medicine for the heart and mind.
2007-01-05 09:02:49 UTC
I think laughter is the best becasue it always makes you feel better
2007-01-06 01:59:57 UTC
yes,laughter helps to heal faster.
2007-01-05 09:26:04 UTC
Yes it can. I think lack of laughter is why I am in a pissed mood today.
2007-01-04 17:47:03 UTC
Laughing releases the chemicals seritonin and dopamine in your brain. These chemicals act as a pain reliever and mood enhancer, thus you feel better!
2007-01-04 17:27:52 UTC
positive energy in reiki is a healer .. ex: if you laugh release all bad thoughts your mind sends a message to the body to release a hormone to be good for the soul .. if you get down contemplate bad thoughts woe is you you get sick .. reiki believes that the mind has to be in good shape as body to have balance yin andyang thingy so .. yes laughter is good crying si good too to release hormones .. chemicals from brain etc
2007-01-12 07:16:23 UTC
laughing is the medicine of bad times.

WAW that's the coolest question ever.

there is a saying that says" laughter extends your life"

well it's very good to the heart they say .

well when i laugh i forget all my sorrowws.
2007-01-05 16:56:20 UTC
Actually, laughter is good for pain-relief, I believe it releases endorfins (supposedly many times stronger than morphine) into your body... that's why we feel good after we laugh!
2007-01-05 15:08:24 UTC
laughing relieves stress it can get ur mind off anything

it works ur abs and a study shows that if one laughs a whole lot in their youth they are more likely to live a much longer and healthier life. hope u get an ''A'' on ur project!
2007-01-06 04:33:48 UTC
laugh too much is not good for your health and your heart. It can make your heart alwiz want to laugh n easy to get bored when not laughing.

So moderate is better, modesty is da best policy. It'll gives u peace in mind and heart. Alwiz remember Allah, only in remembrance of Allah will give u peace in mind.

2007-01-05 15:26:54 UTC
Yea, Laughter is the best medicine, sure no doctor won't recomend it, but any one could tell you that.
2007-01-05 15:09:17 UTC
deffinetly being happy is the key to a great health and great life. ''laughter is the best medicine'' whenever i laugh it makes me feel better phisically and mentally.
2007-01-05 15:01:34 UTC
Yes! It really helped me five years ago, when I battled scoliosis (back curvature). Laughing helped ease the tremendous pain and gave me the strength to go on.
Peace W
2007-01-05 05:30:35 UTC
Their is an old adage which says that "Laughter is the Best Medicine", it is taken from the scriptures which says that a merry heart doeth good like a medicine (Proverbs 17:22) - the conclusion of that verse, says that " but a broken spirit drieth the bones."

There is a book called "None of these diseases" by Dr. S. I. McMillen who states that "mental stress has taken the center of attention away from bacteria as the believed cause of disease. He explains that emotions cause visible changes in the body, such as strokes, blindness, toxic goiters, fatal clots in the heart, bleeding ulcers, kidney disease and other serious conditions."

Let me share from personal experience. I am 56 years old, and have had relatively few medical problems in my life. For the most part I'm a fairly happy go-lucky kind of person, and a few years ago had a physical done and the doctor was remarkably impressed that I wasn't on any kind of medications for anything.

Below is an article by Donna Watkins, of which the link is listed:



The human body, which GOD designed, can produce it's own disease fighting chemicals. GOD has created us "fearfully and wonderfully." These bodies that we walk around in are truly amazing! Evolution is just NOT smart enough to equip us with the mind-boggling intelligence that our bodies contain!

For example........when you are joyful, your body secretes two types of chemicals that fight cancer and other diseases. When you experience that exhilarating feeling of being truly does GOOD......"like a medicine."

One type of chemical released in your body when you are joyful is called "Neuropeptides." These "Neuropeptides" are the same kind of chemical that cancer patients are injected with at the cost of up to $40,000.00 per shot! And GOD created our bodies to produce them NATURALLY having a joyful heart!

Another chemical which is secreted into the bloodstream, by having a joyful heart, is known as "Opioids.". (You can see the root word for "Opium"....which can be a dangerous drug but produces a calming effect.)

Opioids are secreted into the bloodstream and enhance the immune system to help fight the common cold. So, is there a cure for the common cold? YES! A merry heart doeth a medicine!

You see, our minds, bodies and spirits are all connected. We are a walking network of amazing super-intelligence! We are NOT "gods"......we are created "in the image of GOD." Let's not forget that there's only ONE true GOD.

But... GOD has created us so unique! And when we are joyful, .our minds, bodies and spirits are effected by it! Your mind can sense true joy coming from your spirit, and when your mind "picks-up" joy on the radar screen, it sends out "Opioids" into the bloodstream which connect with "monocytes." The "monocytes" receive messages from the "opioids" which trigger a "Pac-Man" like response and they begin to EAT bacteria and viruses that tear down your immune system.

If you are plagued by fear, worry, stress and anger, you are opening the door to sickness. Your body is not secreting what it needs to keep you vibrant. Is it any wonder Jesus tells us to stop worrying? (Matthew 6). Is it any wonder that the Apostle Paul tells us to stop worrying? ( Phil. 4). Seek first His Kingdom and righteousness and all of your needs will be given unto you. (Matt. 6:33)

Take care of your mind, body and spirit. Have a joyful heart. Stop killing yourself. Allow that wise body God gave you to release those wonderful chemicals in order that you may experience optimum health and performance for His glory!


Good luck to you and may G-d Bless you.
2007-01-04 21:11:09 UTC
I can't quote it offhand but there have been studies. Watch the movie "Patch Adams" it's based on a true story and a real doctor who wholeheartedly beleived that.
2007-01-04 20:07:49 UTC
I know that Doggies make people happy.. people feel better...when I was in the hospital for sad people....I was a bit happy when they brought dogs into the my room...because I didn't feel like i wanted to visit anybody...that brought a big smile to my face...
2007-01-06 08:06:46 UTC
yes laughter is the best medecine ever

coz at this way you forgot your problems or any things that bother on your mind
2007-01-06 06:58:02 UTC
Yes, If I had more i would be happier and not sick all the time. When I am happy i feel better then when I sad everything seems to hurt more.
2007-01-06 05:40:37 UTC
laughing ,if it comes from mind, then it cures many things,so if it touch us mentally then it is the best medicine,so in you project you must keep a state of some casual counciling, then it will be more helpful.
Princess Fallopia
2007-01-06 08:38:07 UTC
Absolutely true ... chemically proven to improve brain chemistry and immune system. Feel better when happier immediately as well as long term effects ... less illnesses, better chance for fighting cancer, less heart disease ... many things.
2007-01-06 15:28:32 UTC
Well it seems to help me. It takes your mind off things and makes you happy. Plus if you have like suicidal problems it makes you feel like life is worth living, which it is!
sharadha s
2007-01-06 09:51:44 UTC
the saying that laughteris the best medicine has a relevance,if we r depressed we dont like our surroungings as well as pple around us but if we keep on laughing we give positive vibes to other pple ,we also make other pple smile even if they r annoyed wth us
2007-01-05 18:17:50 UTC
Laughter makes you feel better emotionally. Technically, it means that if you are happy, it can make you sort of forget

how miserable you are when sick. HOPE THIS HELPS!!!!!!!!!!
Careless Girl
2007-01-05 00:52:51 UTC
ya...i say yes~

your day might turn to be better if you face it within the happy feeling... When you laugh, the feeling is different... even a sick patient might will getting recover if he/she face the problem with open-minded...

so... i'm strongly agree that laugh more...

you will live more better..!! even longer...!!

"smile smile, the world will become more colourful"
2007-01-04 19:37:39 UTC
Yes. It can probably be the best medicine for emotions and self esteem and maybe even sickness itself (cold, etc)
2007-01-06 15:25:23 UTC
Because of the mussles used in lafter, A good long laugh has the benfits of an arobic workout.
2007-01-05 05:50:55 UTC
yes laughter really helps,just experience it,keep away from mind altering drugs.think positive but dont laugh right after surgery,it may hurt physically.
2007-01-05 10:02:17 UTC
I read a article that laughing can burn 2 calories (per laugh). I read this on a study a long time ago.
2007-01-04 15:06:02 UTC
yes laughter is the best medicine i am in alot of pain and people come by and make me laugh which helps me with my problem i dont think of it and it helps i have burning sensation in my legs and it really hurts and now they are checking my heart and brain but i need more people tto tell me jokes ok take care
2007-01-05 15:02:38 UTC
yes but not so much because its like food you eat food you get well you eat much food you get ill

being happy is different from laughter

being happy is just smiling that's good

laughing is not good if you have large amounts

Islam religion

ask moslims if you like to. their prophet tells all these things about human life even curing diseases
2007-01-05 11:43:51 UTC
laughter is a medicine that can make you feel happy and jokes are to
2007-01-05 01:45:14 UTC
when i feel sad, i just laugh i feel better, because the brain give something that i be happy, and hungry in the same time..

so be sure the laugh make u better inside. i wish that i can help u .
2007-01-04 15:02:17 UTC
in a way it sort of does help. I mean, it helps the person coop with their sickness. Laughter can actually help someone forget about their illness and just continue being a person.
Jenna T
2007-01-06 07:46:29 UTC
YES absolutly. i was in the hospital for nine days because of backsurgery and it made feel loads better to laugh
2007-01-04 16:29:55 UTC
I forsure feel better with laughter, it clears my mind of

sad, bad feelings, I feel refreshed .
2007-01-04 21:20:41 UTC
I would believe so. After all, when you laugh, you're happy, and I have heard that a positive attitude increases you're chances (and speeds it up) of getting better.
2007-01-04 14:49:27 UTC
Laughter and faith is the key.There have been many cases where a patient is cured of a disease for which there is no treatment simply by laughter or hypnosis.By using hypnosis you make the patient believe that he is alright and he heals.Laughing doesn't just make you feel better it cures you.For more info check out Richard G. Petty, MD at
Sunshine Suzy
2007-01-05 13:53:07 UTC
Yes it can. Takes away the stress and the worries for awhile.
2007-01-05 10:34:34 UTC
Yes it can, When I asked my onocologist , how I can avaid a relapse of m cancer , her anwer was be happy........ She said it is looking more and lore like emotion has a lot to do with cancer.
2007-01-06 11:54:34 UTC
Most of the time,depending on who is laughing and why the person is laughing.But sometimes you just feel moody.
Betsy B
2007-01-05 05:28:41 UTC
these are all good answers.. yes laughter has the ability to cure minor diseases
2007-01-05 00:46:07 UTC
When you hit your funny bone, you laugh, which...I'm not sure if it helps you feel better, but you heal faster I think, because if you didnt laugh, you'd cry!
2007-01-06 05:31:10 UTC
Yes, it makes you forget about your troubles. It's especially good when you're laughing at someone else's pain.
2007-01-05 09:50:05 UTC
Laughing burns calories!
2007-01-05 09:05:56 UTC
Yes, as long as you're watching some funny tv shows.
2007-01-04 20:46:21 UTC
If you're feeling down and blue, a good laugh can definitely lift your spirits.
2007-01-04 19:09:19 UTC
laughter can do more for us than we can every imagine. it can heal the sick and cure all sorts of ailments.
2007-01-05 17:43:48 UTC
yeah it can, laughter makes you feel so much better! it's actually considered healthier to laugh! so laugh yourself better, you deserve to!
2007-01-05 10:07:04 UTC
systematically when we think laughter is a medicine which cures our sorrow,ill-health etc we have to laugh when we get angry
2007-01-04 16:12:52 UTC
While it is normally only considered cliché that "laughter is the best medicine," specific medical theories attribute improved health, increased life expectancy, and overall improved well-being, to laughter.

A study demonstrated neuroendocrine and stress-related hormones decreased during episodes of laughter, which provides support for the claim that humor can relieve stress. Writer Norman Cousins wrote about his experience with laughter in helping him recover from a serious illness in 1979's Anatomy of an Illness As Perceived by the Patient. In 1989, the Journal of the American Medical Association published an article, wherein the author wrote that "a humor therapy program can increase the quality of life for patients with chronic problems and that laughter has an immediate symptom-relieving effect for these patients, an effect that is potentiated when laughter is induced regularly over a period".

Some therapy movements like Re-evaluation Counseling believe that laughter is a type of "bodily discharge", along with crying, yawning and others, which requires encourgement and support as a means of healing.

Types of therapy

There is well documented and ongoing research in this field of study. Psych Nurse 2004This has led to new and beneficial therapies practiced by doctors, psychiatrists, and other mental health professionals using humor and laughter to help patients cope or treat a variety of physical, mental, and spiritual issues. The various therapies are not specific to health care professionals or clinicians. Some of the therapies can be practiced individually or in a group setting to aid in a person's well-being. There seems to be something to the old saying "laughter is the best medicine". Or perhaps as stated by Voltaire, "The art of medicine consists of keeping the patient amused while nature heals the disease."

* Humor Therapy: It is also known as therapeutic humor. Using humorous materials such as books, shows, movies, or stories to encourage spontaneous discussion of the patients own humorous experiences. This can be provided individually or in a group setting. The process is facilitated by clinician. There can be a disadvantage to humor therapy in a group format, as it can be difficult to provide materials that all participants find humorous. It is extremely important the clinician is sensitive to laugh "with" clients rather than "at" the clients.

* Clown Therapy: Individuals that are trained in clown therapy, proper hygiene and hospital procedures. In some hospitals "clown rounds" are made. The clowns perform for others with the use of magic, music, fun, joy, and compassion. For hospitalized children, clown therapy can increase patient cooperation and decrease parental & patient anxiety. In some children the need for sedation is reduced. Other benefits include pain reduction and the increased stimulation of immune function in children. This use of clown therapy is not limited to hospitals. They can transform other places where things can be tough such as nursing homes, orphanages, refugee camps, war zones, and even prisons. The presence of clowns tends to have a positive effect.

* Laughter Therapy: A client's laughter triggers are identified such as people in their lives that make them laugh, things from childhood, situations, movies, jokes, comedians, basically anything that makes them laugh. Based on the information provided by the client, the clinician creates a personal humor profile to aid in the laughter therapy. In this one on one setting, the client is taught basic exercises that can be practiced. The intent of the exercises is to remind the importance of relationships and social support. It is important the clinician is sensitive to what the client perceives as humorous.

* Laughter Meditation: In laughter meditation there are some similarities to traditional meditation. However, it is the laughter that focuses the person to concentrate on the moment. Through a three stage process of stretching, laughing and or crying, and a period of meditative silence. In the first stage, the person places all energy into the stretching every muscle without laughter. In the second stage, the person starts with a gradual smile, and then slowly begins to purposely belly laugh or cry, whichever occurs. In the final stage, the person abruptly stops laughing or crying, then with their eyes now closed they breathe without a sound and focus their concentration on the moment. The process is approximately a 15 minute exercise. This may be awkward for some people as the laughter is not necessarily spontaneous. This is generally practiced on an individual basis.

* Laughter Yoga & Laughter Clubs: Somewhat similar to traditional yoga, laughter yoga is an exercise which incorporates breathing, yoga, stretching techniques along with laughter. The structured format includes several laughter exercises for a period of 30 to 45 minutes facilitated by a trained individual. Practiced it can be used as supplemental or preventative therapy. Laughter yoga can be performed in a group or a club. Therapeutic laughter clubs are extension of Laughter Yoga, but in a formalized club format. The need for humorous materials is not necessarily required. Laughter yoga is similar to yogic asana and the practice of Buddhist forced laughter. Some participants may find it awkward as laughter is not necessarily spontaneous in the structured format. A growth of laughter-related movements such as Laughter Yoga, Laughing Clubs and World Laughter Day have emerged in recent years as a testament to the growing popularity of laughter as therapy. In China, for example, the popularity of Laughing Clubs has even led to a detailed lexicon of laughing styles, such as "The Lion Bellow" or "The Quarreling Laugh" .
2007-01-04 12:55:43 UTC
Yes, laughter does help you
2007-01-06 00:19:48 UTC
If I can use meditation daily I am on an even better platform. An even keel.
2007-01-05 20:31:27 UTC
Yes it does. I rent funny movies from Netflix and it decreased my depression and it helped me heal my illness.
hidden man
2007-01-06 15:17:49 UTC
as they say " laughter is the best medicine". just smiling even if you don't feel like it can relieve your stress level.
2007-01-06 05:12:23 UTC
Amerry heart does like good medicine--Proverbs
2007-01-05 23:49:03 UTC
Definitely yes, it liberates endorphines and decreases stress
2007-01-05 15:12:28 UTC
It Makes your heart healthier

& increases your life span ((according 2 me))
2007-01-05 11:38:04 UTC
laughter is the best medicine.
2007-01-05 08:28:04 UTC
It feels good to laugh right after crying. It is good to forget sometimes why you are depressed.
2007-01-04 15:14:47 UTC
I heard laughing increases the amount of white blood cells.
Mr. DC Economist
2007-01-05 14:56:28 UTC
Plain and simple YES
2007-01-05 11:09:16 UTC
probably, i know i makes me feel better. It probably releases something in the brain. Everything else seems to.
Branden Fitz
2007-01-05 10:20:53 UTC
Yeah, it tends to get your mind off of the stresses of what we live in today.
2007-01-04 15:24:17 UTC
A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.
2007-01-04 12:54:41 UTC
Yes it certainly can. Laughter is not only healthy psychologically, but physically as well. When we laugh, endorphins (chemicals produced in the brain) are released, and those chemicals help us sense pleasurable events. when we feel good emotionally, it affects how we feel mentally and physically. hope this helps.

ps - I've researched this in depth, bcuz i have bipolar disorder as well as other physical health issues.
2007-01-04 12:54:18 UTC
laughing does feel good and helps. You have to be in a happy mood to laugh though. Laughter is something that comes along with feeling good but helps you feel better. You can not make yourself laugh if you not in that happy mood. People tend to fake their laugh when they are un-happy and that doesn't help at all.
2007-01-06 11:30:37 UTC

It does because i have a friend who has cancer and just by taking her to a computer and looking for funny jokes and pictures she felt better and didn't even mention her problems.
2007-01-06 11:22:17 UTC
Laughter also helps you get laid.
nancy o
2007-01-05 18:24:52 UTC
yes when I'm depress I go to comedy Chanel and when they make me laugh I feel much better
2007-01-04 15:41:48 UTC
I believe it can, also a pet works wonders to, just holding them, petting them,they have helped me many times.
2007-01-06 15:17:42 UTC
hey thats one of the mysterys in life but i got to say it feels great to do it so i guess a smile is just magical
2007-01-05 19:01:39 UTC
yes defiantly it help you think about another think Rather than other problem you even forget your self when you laugh it's the one time for me when i really fell free.
Rishi B
2007-01-05 18:10:36 UTC
yes for alot of reasons like if your streesed and laugh youll forget about it for a while
2007-01-05 16:19:10 UTC
yes,to me laughter brings me joy and sometimes it makes me happy.
2007-01-05 13:21:01 UTC
yes this is so because it-laughing- releases some enzymes/hormones that are good for the body.
2007-01-05 09:39:46 UTC
2007-01-08 15:55:47 UTC
yes and every time u laugh it adds 10 seconds to ur life
2007-01-06 07:00:38 UTC
Nope, just a myth.

Otherwise, lepers would need to laugh hardest.
Big boy B
2007-01-05 23:26:46 UTC
No that crazy may be and not otherwise,Eat balanced diet for your health and not just lough
2007-01-05 07:01:54 UTC
100% yes. laught is an stat of spirit, when you are laughting you are filling much better. so 100% YES
2007-01-06 10:20:09 UTC
Yes, by all means
2007-01-05 23:34:59 UTC
laughter was, is, and will always be the best medicine!
2007-01-05 18:31:03 UTC
yup... try it ot will make you feel better and will make you get an answer to make you believe....hey laugh with your heart and dont laugh at theirs...surely you get a smile back afterwards...
2007-01-04 18:45:53 UTC
Shure It Does!! Helps relieve all that built up stress..enjoy it while you can.
2007-01-04 15:02:29 UTC

When you have troubles, your heart aches a bit, right!

And your stomach hurts a bit, right?

But when you laugh, you feel all good inside and everything is happy and in a good condition...!
2007-01-04 23:00:43 UTC
Yes it relieves stress.
2007-01-04 15:59:59 UTC
Smile and the world will smile along. If it doesn't drink more beer.
2007-01-05 04:55:38 UTC
yea laughing makes the body feel good!!! i learned this in science class!!!! HA HA HA
tommy c
2007-01-04 18:46:10 UTC
Absolutely - Just do not go overboard with your excitement, your instructor/teacher may not appreciate it
I'm 1 up on you!!
2007-01-04 12:47:28 UTC
It has been proven that people who live stressful lives will age faster than those who are living less stressful. Laughing is "in my opinion the number one way" to be on a road to a stress free healthier life. Along with Good excersice and eating habits.
2007-01-05 05:48:37 UTC
Yeah it helps
2007-01-05 16:59:39 UTC
Yes it really can if you are laughing then you are getting better. When you are really sick NOTHING can really make you laugh.
2007-01-04 16:17:10 UTC
If you think about it. If you are sick or in pain, as soon as you start laughing, you forget about it and you don't feel it.
I am a Muppet
2007-01-06 11:30:51 UTC
Smiling releases serotonin. So :)
2007-01-06 09:16:30 UTC
2007-01-05 13:51:20 UTC
2007-01-05 04:26:20 UTC
yes frame of mind counts and it helpt to believe in God too
2007-01-04 19:25:37 UTC
2007-01-04 18:16:54 UTC
2007-01-06 16:25:30 UTC
WOW that will be so cool if you find that out can you let me know. Thanxs
2007-01-05 08:48:53 UTC
Not at all.

However, it can make you forget your depression for some time or for awhile.
2007-01-05 08:24:01 UTC
YES it makes you feel better
2007-01-05 09:57:47 UTC
"You do not laugh not because you become old,

you become old because you do not laugh " ........ goes the saying !

If it can heal aging, it can heal almost any thing !
2007-01-05 01:35:57 UTC
Yes it does..its the best medicine..
2007-01-04 23:25:08 UTC


2007-01-04 16:34:17 UTC
i think it is the best medicine cuz it makes u feel better when u r mad or sad.
2007-01-04 19:00:39 UTC
ive always been told that lifting ur mood increases ur health and such
Princess Sandra 1
2007-01-05 16:25:19 UTC
knida of. it helps get your mind off of your sickness, pain, or anything!!! same with a smile!!! It brightens your day!!!
Chiquita B
2007-01-05 10:07:52 UTC
Yes, always.
2007-01-05 21:34:03 UTC
makes me feel better, so i can't even remember my terible past.... why Baxter! why! you left me hanging!!!! how could you!!!I gave you my heart..... then i forget about...who? what am i doing ....laughing!!!! hahahahaha! Baxxxttteeerrrrr!!
Valley Mental Health tooele Utah
2007-01-05 16:32:46 UTC
i dont know about that

i know s-ex shure has made me love life more and gain more energy to do more things
2007-01-05 13:02:03 UTC
yes i laugh all the time
2007-01-04 23:47:25 UTC
2007-01-04 16:21:07 UTC
If your sad yes
2007-01-04 15:32:14 UTC
Yeah, whenever I'm sick, I call up my best friend and she makes me laugh. I get better soon afterward.
2007-01-05 16:05:59 UTC
yes it really does help people get better if there sick or stress-out
2007-01-05 12:18:00 UTC
yes most of the time...sometimes you can talk to someone
2007-01-04 20:34:20 UTC
Yes, it can.. i heard u can lose weight and is good for u'r heart..
2007-01-05 14:06:43 UTC
yes, why not? plus did you know that you lose calories from laughing?
2007-01-05 16:44:06 UTC
Maybe, but it doesn't feel good when people laugh at you..
2007-01-06 15:55:12 UTC
not if you have a line of fresh stitches across your stomach.
2007-01-05 13:11:26 UTC
2007-01-04 12:47:03 UTC
yah! It can add up 13 years of your life so get laughing....

and a suggestion from me is that you should get a dog if your really sick, unless your alergic, if u already have one try to play with it or just lay down with it more. Good luck!
2007-01-06 16:03:09 UTC
i guess laugh can make you feel better
2007-01-08 16:11:45 UTC
laughing too much makes your stomach hurt..
2007-01-05 09:56:01 UTC
it makes me feel loads better and so i think it does
Jungle Luv
2007-01-04 23:57:45 UTC
sorry i don't have the answer but good question and avatar haha
2007-01-05 18:11:03 UTC
i heard that it can make u live more im not sure if its true or not
2007-01-05 14:29:16 UTC
you feel better when you laugh, it puts you in a good mood.
2007-01-04 15:50:24 UTC
Yes, it is a wide help belief. Here are some reputable links:***

Der S
2007-01-04 12:46:57 UTC
I am not sure at all.

However, laughing makes you feel better. And when you feel better, that might help you heal faster...

Look at this site:
C.JAY* jamaican princess*
2007-01-06 14:33:46 UTC
its healthy to laugh
2007-01-05 14:13:17 UTC
my friend got hit by a car ....i started telling him knock knock jokes but he died so i say no
2007-01-05 08:51:10 UTC
yes it can
melanie c
2007-01-04 21:36:30 UTC
get that ugly avator out of there
2007-01-06 15:01:44 UTC
2007-01-05 17:45:04 UTC
yes i believe it can
2007-01-05 16:10:49 UTC
yep it makes you feel better
Maro's mom
2007-01-05 08:53:34 UTC
yeah pretty much
2007-01-06 15:24:32 UTC
yes it can
Lady Santa
2007-01-06 10:51:31 UTC
of course yes!!!
2007-01-04 22:26:45 UTC
well it eliminates all the stressors people have.
the new office
2007-01-04 15:25:11 UTC
2007-01-05 13:38:43 UTC
yes cause it makes you feel better!!!!!
2007-01-05 07:34:58 UTC
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! There. I feel soooooooooooo much better now.
2007-01-06 14:38:48 UTC
mentally, yes.
2007-01-06 07:40:53 UTC
well yes... it makes you feel better... makes you more happy...
2007-01-04 16:30:41 UTC
2007-01-04 14:42:38 UTC
it makes you feel sooooo much feel all happy inside
2007-01-04 12:46:39 UTC
Yes I believe laughter is the best medicine available to us. When I lost my son it was my families humor and my own that got me through one of the most difficult years of my life. You handle what you can as you can :-)
2007-01-06 05:55:30 UTC
well, it helps me
2007-01-05 15:56:12 UTC
YES lol lol lol
phoenix noir
2007-01-05 01:17:34 UTC
yeah... it's d elixir of everybody...
2007-01-04 18:02:14 UTC
yes...and, if you do enough of it, it can help your abs!
2007-01-05 22:06:53 UTC
i agree EAGLE KATE
2007-01-04 18:38:11 UTC
it killed my dog and it almost killed me, too much of it can really kill you.
2007-01-05 10:32:41 UTC
i makes you feel GOOD!
Kylle T.
2007-01-04 21:54:01 UTC
yeah i think it is
Jonathan W
2007-01-04 18:39:07 UTC
Why not?
2007-01-05 07:11:58 UTC
2007-01-04 15:35:11 UTC
iose a
2007-01-05 18:21:30 UTC
2007-01-05 14:49:24 UTC
Nick B
2007-01-04 19:01:51 UTC
2007-01-04 15:36:41 UTC
yes it can.

2007-01-05 02:31:56 UTC
sure it does.
2007-01-04 12:47:47 UTC
2007-01-06 15:18:55 UTC
no... don't know
love me despite it all
2007-01-04 12:46:42 UTC
it always seems too help, your mood.
2007-01-06 15:59:33 UTC
i dunno???
2007-01-06 11:31:04 UTC
Hell to the No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love onions
2007-01-05 02:32:04 UTC
"The art of medicine consists of keeping the patient amused while nature heals the disease."

- Voltaire

“When we laugh, natural killer cells which destroy tumours and viruses increase, along with Gamma-interferon (a disease-fighting protein), T-cells (important for our immune system) and B-cells (which make disease-fighting antibodies). As well as lowering blood pressure, laughter increases oxygen in the blood, which also encourages healing.” "Science of Laughter” Discovery Health Website

“Without humor one's thought processes are likely to become stuck and narrowly focused leading to increased distress.” Association for Applied and Therapeutic Humor

“Laughter is very powerful medicine. It can lower stress, dissolve anger and unite families in their resolve to overcome troubled times.” University of Nebraska

"Nothing is good or bad. It is thinking that makes it so." Shakespeare

“By the time a child reaches nursery school, he or she will laugh about 300 times a day. Adults laugh an average of 17 times a day.” “Science of Laughter” Discovery Health

What are the health benefits of humor and laughter?

The sound of roaring laughter is far more contagious than any cough, sniffle, or sneeze. Humor and laughter can cause a domino effect of joy and amusement, as well as set off a number of positive physical effects. A good hearty laugh can help:

- reduce stress,

- lower blood pressure,

- elevate mood,

- boost immune system ,

- improve brain functioning,

- protect the heart,

- connect you to others,

- foster instant relaxation, and

- make you feel good.

Laughter activates the chemistry of the will to live and increases our capacity to fight disease. Laughing relaxes the body and reduces problems associated with high blood pressure, strokes, arthritis, and ulcers. Some research suggests that laughter may also reduce the risk of heart disease. Historically, research has shown that distressing emotions (depression, anger, anxiety, and stress) are all related to heart disease. A study done at the University of Maryland Medical Center suggests that a good sense of humor and the ability to laugh at stressful situations helps mitigate the damaging physical effects of distressing emotions (see References and resources for more details). Some other specifics about laughter’s affect on the body are listed below.

Laughter lowers blood pressure. People who laugh heartily on a regular basis have lower standing blood pressure than the average person. When people have a good laugh, initially the blood pressure increases, but then it decreases to levels below normal. Breathing then becomes deeper which sends oxygen enriched blood and nutrients throughout the body.

Humor changes our biochemical state. Laughter decreases stress hormones and increases infection fighting antibodies. It increases our attentiveness, heart rate, and pulse.

Laughter protects the heart. Laughter, along with an active sense of humor, may help protect you against a heart attack, according to the study at the University of Maryland Medical Center (cited above). The study, which is the first to indicate that laughter may help prevent heart disease, found that people with heart disease were 40 percent less likely to laugh in a variety of situations compared to people of the same age without heart disease.

Laughter gives our bodies a good workout. Laughter can be a great workout for your diaphragm, abdominal, respiratory, facial, leg, and back muscles. It massages abdominal organs, tones intestinal functioning, and strengthens the muscles that hold the abdominal organs in place. Not only does laughter give your midsection a workout, it can benefit digestion and absorption functioning as well. It is estimated that hearty laughter can burn calories equivalent to several minutes on the rowing machine or the exercise bike.

Humor improves brain function and relieves stress. Laughter stimulates both sides of the brain to enhance learning. It eases muscle tension and psychological stress, which keeps the brain alert and allows people to retain more information.

How does humor improve mental and emotional health?

Humor is a powerful emotional medicine that can lower stress, dissolve anger and unite families in troubled times. Mood is elevated by striving to find humor in difficult and frustrating situations. Laughing at ourselves and the situation helps reveal that small things are not the earth-shaking events they sometimes seem to be. Looking at a problem from a different perspective can make it seem less formidable and provide opportunities for greater objectivity and insight. Humor also helps us avoid loneliness by connecting with others who are attracted to genuine cheerfulness. And the good feeling that we get when we laugh can remain with us as an internal experience even after the laughter subsides.

Mental health professionals point out that humor can also teach perspective by helping patients to see reality rather than the distortion that supports their distress. Humor shifts the ways in which we think, and distress is greatly associated with the way we think. It is not situations that generate our stress, it is the meaning we place on the situations. Humor adjusts the meaning of an event so that it is not so overwhelming.

Here are some additional things we can do to improve our mood, enjoyment of life and mental health.

Attempt to laugh at situations rather than bemoan them – this helps improve our disposition and the disposition of those around us.

Use cathartic laughter to release pent-up feelings of anger and frustration in socially acceptable ways.

Laugh as a means of reducing tension because laughter is often followed by a state of relaxation.

Lower anxiety by visualizing a humorous situation to replace the view of an anxiety-producing situation.

Why do we need humor to stay healthy emotionally?

A healthy sense of humor is related to being able to laugh at oneself and one's life. Laughing at oneself can be a way of accepting and respecting oneself. Lack of a sense of humor is directly related to lower self esteem. (Note that laughing at oneself can also be unhealthy if one laughs as a way of self degradation.)

Humor is essential to mental health for a variety of reasons:

Humor enhances our ability to affiliate or connect with others.

Humor helps us replace distressing emotions with pleasurable feelings. You cannot feel angry, depressed, anxious, guilty, or resentful and experience humor at the same time.

Lacking humor will cause one's thought processes to stagnate leading to increased distress.

Humor changes behavior – when we experience humor we talk more, make more eye contact with others, touch others, etc.

Humor increases energy, and with increased energy we may perform activities that we might otherwise avoid.

Finally, humor is good for mental health because it makes us feel good!

What are the social benefits of humor and laughter?

Our work, marriage and family all need humor, celebrations, play and ritual as much as record-keeping and problem-solving. We should ask the questions "Do we laugh together?" as well as "Can we get through this hardship together?" Humor binds us together, lightens our burdens and helps us keep things in perspective. One of the things that saps our energy is the time, focus and effort we put into coping with life's problems including each other's limitations. Our families, our friends and our neighbors are not perfect and neither are our marriages, our kids or our in-laws. When we laugh together, it can bind us closer together instead of pulling us apart.

Remember that even in the most difficult of times, a laugh, or even simply a smile, can go a long way in helping us feel better

Laughter is the shortest distance between two people.

Humor unites us, especially when we laugh together.

Laughter heals.

Laughs and smiles are enjoyed best when shared with others.

To laugh or not to laugh is your choice.

How do we bring more humor and laughter into our lives?

When we consider the inestimable benefits of humor, we want to bring as much laughter into our lives as possible. But for those who grew up in humor-deprived environments, where fun was discouraged or thought of as frivolous, finding opportunities to belly laugh at ourselves and with (not at ) others may be rare and experienced as awkward.

Fortunately, as individuals we are programmed to laugh. Think of times when others were laughing around you – and maybe you didn’t even know why – but you found yourself laughing uncontrollably with them. There are many kinds of humor and many opportunities for developing humor. We can learn to laugh more frequently by expanding our sense of humor and using it with others. Learning about the nature and variety of humorous experience helps us see that our lives abound with opportunities for finding humor and exercising laughter.

"The older you get, the tougher it is to lose weight, because by then your body and your fat are really good friends." - Bob Hope

What characterizes humorous experience?

Humor can be described as a whole brain or whole person experience comprised of:

Wit , the cognitive experience;

Mirth, the feel good emotional experience enhanced when shared with others;

Laughter, the reflexive contagious physiological experience (though we don’t need to laugh to experience humor).

According to the Association for Applied and Therapeutic Humor, humorous experience varies and includes the following possibilities:

Humor is an experience of surprise and incongruity. In one's environment the incongruity may be experienced when someone does something unexpected and out of the ordinary. It’s this unexpected twist that makes jokes and the captions of cartoons funny.

Humor is emotional chaos dampened down by an appreciation for the ridiculous. When life pulls the rug out from under us, we can calm and soothe and relax ourselves by focusing on ironical and absurd parts of our experience.

Humor can be experienced in the joy of "getting" it. Humor can be the understanding of something that we at first did not comprehend. For example, this type of humor occurs everyday when we laugh at misunderstandings. The joy of “getting it“ is also connected to the joy of sharing it with someone else.

Humor can be an experience of the "forbidden" (laughing in church), or "getting away with" something (often seen with children). Here, again, the element of surprise and the unexpected delight us.

Humor can help us cope with frightening, difficult, unpleasant and painful experiences. It can help buffer us from pain and fear and enable us to remain focused at difficult times.

Humor can also be a safe way to introduce ourselves to others. Shy people often use humor to connect to others and express thoughts, feelings and ideas they otherwise would keep to themselves.

What is the difference between hurtful and healthful humor?

In general, healthful humor stimulates wit, mirth, or laughter. It creates closeness and intimacy between people. Hurtful humor creates pain and distance. Often healthful humor pokes fun at oneself and situations while harmful humor pokes fun at other individuals or groups. Sarcasm, put downs, ethnic jokes, and anti jokes (anti men, women, religious groups, nationalities, ethnicity, etc) are all considered hurtful as opposed to therapeutic. "Laughing with others is an ice breaker while laughing at others is an ice maker."

How can you make sure that your humor won’t offend?

Because we want others to feel that we are laughing with and not at them, here are some suggestions for using humor safely with people. Use humor:

After another person uses humor with you.

When the situation is socially "appropriate”, humor at a party will be experienced differently than humor at a funeral.

Aimed at yourself (as opposed to humor aimed at another person.)

To poke fun at a situation rather at another person or group of persons.

How can you expand your sense of humor?

A sense of humor is developed by putting time, focus and energy into experiences that make us laugh and feel good. The tips below can help you add to your capacity for laughter.

Look for the everyday humor. Start looking for the absurd, silly, incongruous activities that go on around you each day.

Observe infants and young children to learn how to find delight and amusement in the most ordinary things.

Increase you exposure to comedies, comic sitcoms, joke books, comedy clubs, etc.

Hang around funny friends, or better yet, marry a funny partner.

Take a 5-10 minute humor break each day. Read jokes, add to a humor notebook, listen to a funny tape.

If you hear a joke you really like, write it down, or tell it to someone else to help you remember it.

Remind yourself to have fun.

Spend time with those who help you see the bright side, and, whenever possible, avoid people who are negative and dour.

Avoid conversation, news, entertainment, etc., that frightens, upsets and distresses you or makes you feel sad and unhappy.
2007-01-04 12:45:23 UTC
it makes you feel better

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.