2012-05-16 02:08:51 UTC
Anxiety sucks :( I also get these weird thoughts and images and believe theyre true as well... Like for example: today I was coming home from my therapist and there were these 2 people on bikes riding down the street. My mind made up a senerio about one of them coming back and attacking my father ( who was driving the car) and hurt him pretty bad. Then had to take him to the hospital. My mind kept telling me " your fathers dead" but he was right there in the car next to me.. Idk if I'm going insane or what.. Also I get these awful " what if " questions all the time that make me question everything.
Like what if everyone was a ghost and I was the only live guy on earth.. Weird thing is my mind starts to believe it but deep down inside I know it isn't true..
Anyone have any thoughts??