I feel like I wasted my life?
2009-06-09 16:18:47 UTC
I'm 17 years old, my life is really boring. Here is my breakdown:

Wake up
Take a shower
Eat breakfast
Go to school
Come home
Have a snack
Play games
Eat dinner
Play games
Go to sleep at 11PM-2AM

Wake up
Take a shower
Eat breakfast
Play games
Eat lunch
Play games
Eat dinner
Play games
Go to sleep at 11PM-2AM

I don't have anything else in my life. I'm not a loser at school, I'm respected by everyone.... but I feel like my life will never be great.
I want to play in the NBA because I love basketball, but it'll never happen, I'm too short. I don't know why, but I keep saying "next life" because this life nothing will happen.

While everyone in the world at this age and lower have been playing sports and moving to the pro leagues, playing instruments, singing, dancing, making songs, becoming really talented.... I am just sitting here with nothing. I WANT to have a good life, be rich and famous but no dice. I feel like the only way it can be accomplished is through my next life living in the USA where more opportunities are. If your wondering, I live in a canadian suberb which sucks, I wish i grew up somewhere else so my life wouldn't be so lame. If I grew up in the USA or some kind of city, I'd have a better life, because goals are easy to accomplish there.
Eighteen answers:
2009-06-09 16:34:37 UTC
whoever you are, i have to tell you that your "next life" can happen anywhere and anytime, but the main factor is YOU!

i used to be in the toronto suburbs so i know the boringness...... but i met a great friend who showed me that the only person who can change you life to what you want it to be right now is in the mirror. so do what you want and dont wait for life to happen to you.

get together with friends, do what you love and dont give a **** about what you are supposed to do.

about living somewhere else .... i can only warn you!

i wanted to go home to europe so badly when i lived in canada because for the exact same reasons as you, but as soon as i got there, i felt the same. nothing changed in me, only the circumstances did. i was still in the same place i started out in. so if you really think somewhere else you will do well, go there.....but make sure you are right and you are not only going because the grass is greener over there........

P.S. Goals....your real life goals.....they will ALWAYS need hard work and will never be easy to accomplish no matter where you are!
2016-05-26 08:51:48 UTC
No, you have not wasted your life. I am 27 and I spent seven years in an abusive relationship, doing nothing but what I was told. I didn't go to school; I was barely allowed to leave the house. I know how you feel. I feel as though I've been robbed from those years, and I imagine, sometimes, where I would be academically and career-wise if I hadn't fallen into that trap, and now I can never get them back. Just remember, our experiences shape us as people, and the way you feel about your life right now, and the perspective that you've gained would never be there if it hadn't been for the years you "wasted". You didn't waste those years; you simply spent them in ways that you now consider to be less than idealistic and you long to have them back. I suffer from PTSD, which is pretty severe due to the length of time I spent in my bad relationship, and due to the severity of the abuse. My mental problems are very much a part of my daily life, because I spent those years with an abuser, and it was for so long. BUT I am who I am now because of the choices I made and experiences that I have had, and I know that I have plenty of time - as do you - to make something out of this life, and my life becomes more and more positive each day, even though it's going to be a long road. It's never too late to get healthy again, and the more you work on yourself, the better you will feel. Every day counts, and every day is worth waking up to. "Live each day as if it were on purpose," and you will feel as though you haven't missed a thing!
James C
2009-06-09 16:41:45 UTC
Hi Miles, I know what you mean, there have been times in my life when I thought, this sucks!! If only I had been born rich, instead of being so good looking (I wish) If only I was smarter, or fitter, or lived somewhere better (I mean Belfast wasn't a great place to grow up 20 years ago).

The thing is I've found as I got older that all that stuff is pretty irrelevant, the whole thing is down to your attitude to things, if you have a poor attitude your life will be poor.

I'll bet there is a lot of people who live in the US who would prefer to live where you live, why, less crime, better environment, better looking girls, who knows.

Mind you it's easy to say 'Get A Better Attitude', it's not that easy, but what you need to do is start to set yourself some achievable goals, start to get some successes under your belt. You need to read more, and I'm not talking Playboy, get yourself to the Library and check out the Self Help and Business sections, look for books on motivation, self talk, Positive Mental Attitude, read a few of these and you'll start to feel a little different.

Maybe instead of playing in an NBA team, in say 20 years you could own an NBA team, somebody has too, why not you?

Good Luck
2009-06-09 16:33:02 UTC
Whether you are in Canada or the US you need goals. They are not easy to accomplish doing it the way you are doing it. Where in your list does it say, "Work on my goals"?

Life is out there but you have to go to it. It will not just happen to you if you do nothing but eat, sleep, play games. Volunteer some time, get a job, take a class. Do something for someone else. What are your dreams? How can you accomplish those dreams. You like basketball and you said you are too short to play NBA. Is there something else you could do. Be the greatest basketball coach? Get off your tushy and start being a part of your life. This is the chance-TAKE IT!!!
2009-06-09 16:55:17 UTC
Ok well firstly im 17 and for the top half of what you said kinda reflects me aswel

Your not wasting your life ,your simply at a stage in it were you want to life a life that you cant due to your age -but your constantly seeing people of your age or close in the public eye making lots of money and living the life (or supposedly)but the point is in the none singer,pro leagues (lol im english and I said a basketball term, what next i'll start talking baseball)none instrumental none dancers miss out -well the reality is your seeing a minority of talent thats been presented on a mass scale , for most of us ,the ones who inhabit the real everyday world where you have to work hard to get what you want , are the majority and are by no means losers or missing out .

Also I dont think goals are easy to acomplish in the states -they merley appear to be ,besides even if they are wouldn't you rather have a life of working hard to achieve your goals and as a result reap the benefits both financially and emotionally -rather than your goals be an everyday common easy thing to achieve that in the long run makes you feel unfullfilled?

And your life on screen looks ,if im honest normal -possibly a little dull BUT it doesn't differ much from my everyday routine ( and do you know how lucky you are to be able to get to sleep from 11-2am -I cant fall to sleep before 3am and im usually woken up by 7am and then spend the rest of the day in a mood)-and surley the fact that someone on the otherside of the world has a lot in common with your life and is the same age tells you that your life is average and often that can become too normal and thats when normal and dull get blurred into one.

But im sure you have some talent ,everyone does -at the moment I dont know what mine is ,but I believe everyone is good at something and that it just takes some longer to find it ( i mean 17years and waiting, my talents gota be discovered soon wright?)-that said not all talent makes it onto TV ect and not all talent brings you money ,but talent usually brings happyness to you and even others sometimes.

Something will happen in this life but at this age stage unless your taking cheap drugs or getting pissed out your head all the time then life is pritty boring ,but in a few years time your circumstances will of changed weather that be you have a job or are at college or even both -but they will change and things will look up, in the meantime you just have to wait -Right now i've finished school and dont have a job and dont start college till September the 23rd (and when your friends are either at school or work you just sit in your room bored all day) but I know that come september i'll be moving away to college and things will change (hopefully for the better) , so just wait and be patient , and in the mean time enjoy school cus when its over life gets kinda shite
Honest Lad
2009-06-09 16:35:59 UTC
Hi mate,

I think you need to stop being so negative. No one has a perfect life. If you are so unhappy, you need to make some positive steps in you life and stop thinking so negative. Its important you don't focus on what other people your age are doing and spend that time trying to improve your life. You say that goals are easy to accomplish in the USA, im only 21 mate and ive discovered that life ain't easy no matter where you are. If you want something so much, you need to work very hard to get it.

Im still young and have so much to learn, but one thing I can say is don't waste time dreaming because unless you jump into the big wide world, nothings going to change anytime soon.

Good luck mate, and I hope ive helped, even if just a little bit!
Dorothy C
2009-06-09 18:30:41 UTC
I'm concerned that you don't mention friends. How about spending some time with the people at school who you say respect you. How about playing basketball for fun. I'm an "old lady", but across the street from me lives a 15 year old boy, who's also short, but who spends much of his time throwing a ball into a hoop- either by himself or with friends. Do they have hospitals or social agencies near you? It's hard to feel like a loser if you're volunteering your services. And it adds to your experience. And does your school have extra-curricular activities? By the way, what do you do during the Summer?
2009-06-09 16:26:06 UTC
Most of my heroes come from the Canadian suburbs Neil Young, Leonard Cohen, etc buy an instrument make music and be the 21 century Canadian super hero.
2009-06-09 16:26:46 UTC
Goals are never easy to accomplish. It takes a lot of work and commitment. The trick is never to miss a learning opportunity. If you want something bad enough, you go after it eg. start in a local class or club, talk to trustworthy people. Lifes too short to wonder. Its all about taking action. Check out landmark education online, its a life coaching place I went to and in America. It helps you to focus and achieve your goals regardless of your beliefs. I hope it helps you to followyour dreams as it did for me.
2009-06-09 16:27:06 UTC
Well, what are you planning to do for university?

Do yu what to go to university? will you take a year out? travel or get a job for a year?

What do you need to achieve for the field of subject that you're going for / or a better university?

- i think you need to join a few social clubs/ training lessons. ie; arts/ crafts/ dance/ music/ sports, etc, etc.

I don't think you're a loser, you're very young and its th only time you have to be very 'care free', no major responsibilities and you can really have fun doing what you want...

Just think about it and then in a maximum of 4 years things change because you will be an adult. your teen years and childhood are short.
2009-06-09 16:27:02 UTC
well be active, dont sit around complaining, thank God for your strength and go be a teenager.

life is not a party all the time. u need to enjoy your own company at times. or hang out with some of your best buddies
2009-06-09 16:28:08 UTC
hahahahahha ahaha lmao hahaha

ok i've got the lafter out, your 17 you fool, you not even into a 1/3 of your life. i left school, had no job sat on my *** for 5 yeaars smoking weed and what a grate 5 years they were, and once i matured, i've been of it for the last 15 months 5 days and 28minits to be precise and now am of to the army to start my life,

you can be anything you want to be, only a fool tels himself he cant
2009-06-09 16:51:35 UTC
u need to get out!.. get social life...goals r easy to accomplish if u r really into them no matter where u at. Good luck! wish u the best.
2009-06-09 16:27:25 UTC
you need to get away from that video game stuff and get outside...go play some b_ball with some one..jog...walk...there is allot of living to do are young..setting in front of a computer or vedio game is a big waste...get out and breath some fresh air...
Courtney ♥
2009-06-09 16:26:38 UTC
You're only 17 how can you have wasted your life when you haven't started it yet! Relax while you can your not wasting your life, you won't have this free time when you're older.
2009-06-09 16:26:28 UTC
Study harder, get a job.

And for goodness sakes you've not wasted your life, you're only 17.
2009-06-09 16:25:17 UTC
Your 17, life hasn't started for you yet! When your adult you can make your own life!As i say, life is how YOU make it. xx xx
2009-06-09 16:23:03 UTC
visit my youtube shanel rmraciel and wach my videos of business and dont waste your life any more

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.