Im REALLY scared about the world ending!?
2009-03-31 17:56:57 UTC
im a 13 yr old girl and the last couple of months i have been worrying about the end of the world. my friend rachelle toldme that it may end by the devil stitching the #s 666in to ur wrist and if u would die for god then u stay alive if u dont then u go to hell, i think shes a lil overboard but.. i am still worried about it. some people sayit will end in december 21, 2012. or nov. i will only be 15! here r my questions: #1 how will it end #2 when #3 is there any hope for survivial like will there b housing on the moon some scientists say that. but im scared to death of the end of the world.dont say i too young to worry bout it and dont say its not gonna end cuzit will eventually... thanks!
38 answers:
2009-03-31 18:10:32 UTC
oh bless. When i was around your age they paid it would end in 96, 98 and also in 2000! Thats 3 times they got it wrong. Also, when people say that-they may mean economically.. Look at all the people out of work and also loads of businesses going ka-put..

Don't become overly religouss. I don't mean this in a rude way-but jehovah witnessess go on about the end of the world blah blah.. But they take away your human rights! It's like being brainwashed. GOD WOULD NEVER ASK THIS OF US!

You will end before the world does uneless a genuine world war happens!

Your 13! You can learn to drive soon and your healthy no need to work unless you want too! Just decide what you enjoy and what career you would like to have. Don't bother with having friends that fill you up with useless and false info! Learn to dance or do something that you love. i love dance because i really enjoy living in the moment! I hope you can find this too.. Whether it's dancing, singing, running or playing a sport! Take care and have fun!
Maxim R
2009-03-31 18:10:03 UTC
Its quite simple, there is no way the world is going to end suddenly with no reason. It cannot be predicted so accurately and far in advance. So far, the closest thing to the world ending will be:

Nuclear War (unlikely to happen because it is pointless - everyone dies)

Climate Change (More likely, but you should be about 140 when you see some more dramatic effects)

Meteorite impact (Some scientists have observed a meteorite capable of making contact with earth in the near future but it is so many light years away (a light year is the distance light will travel in a year (A LOT!) that no one can actually predict its future)

The sun exploding (erm, thousands/few million years until that might happen)

Biological weaponry (same as nuclear war, would be too dangerous to use if there was a civil side to protect)

I think that's enough to convince you for now...

If you are still scared, let me know.

Oh and if this helps, if you are really convinced that the world is going to end, there's not much you can do about it so go enjoy the amount of time you have left which is most likely to be the rest of your life.
Little KB
2009-04-01 02:03:24 UTC
I've heard there's an asteroid coming really close to Earth in 2O12...with a 'dragon's tail' of dust & debris its picked up from circling the universe for so long. It's supposed to have all this iron & copper in the debris which is going to be strewn all over the waters turning them red & contaminated/polluted...Therefore making the water undrinkable, killing the sea-life & other life. There's also supposed to be a lot more/intense disasters, natural & not so natural (man-made war)...& you can already see this has been happening. I feel like the government won't exist eventually, but that's probably a given. & the U.S. is going to get dragged into a war because of our allies & whatnot....that's said to start this year. And from what I've heard, Mexico is basically having a civil war right now. You never know where all that will lead...

Watch the history channel more, they had a whole week on 2O12.

Look up Edgar Cayce's end-time/2O12 predictions. Same with Nostradamus & Mother Shipton.
2009-03-31 18:14:50 UTC
I remember going through this type of fear when I was a kid, and it infuriates me that anyone terrorizes kids with this type of thing, even if Rachelle is your friend. All the television shows about the apocalypse make me nuts too. Christians have been trying to figure out when the end of the world was going to come based upon the final book of the Bible. Entire religions have come and gone based upon this over the centuries. Now people are pulling in the ancient Mayan calendar and Nostradamus's alleged predictions to try to figure out a date. Why? Because people want to try to get "control" over something they have no control over.

My thoughts? I think December 21, 2012 is an interesting date. Do I believe the world will end that day? No. Do I believe it will end someday? I don't know. What do I do in the meantime? I live my life, I try to be a very good person and I enjoy my day today. Tomorrow will take care of itself when it gets here. And honey, you DON'T know that the world will end eventually, and if it does, that it will necessarily end in your lifetime. Two thousand years ago the early Jesus followers believed they were living in the end times based upon scripture. They weren't. Life went on. Life goes on now. Relax. And tell your friend Rachelle to discuss her theories in her Bible study classes rather than when you have friend time. She's talking crazy.
2009-03-31 18:26:06 UTC
people only really say that as a way of saying that the world will come to an end someday, which it will, but they can only guess when that would be, and there's no certainty that the world will come to an end on december 21, 2012. take, for instance, the dinosaurs. a majority of them became extinct as a result of what people think of an asteroid or volcano eruption some 65 million years ago, yet it's an estimated guess and theory. it doesnt necessarily make it true. they estimated that around 70% of all species died, however again, it cannot be proven, nor can it really be proven when humans first existed. archaeologists can only rely on fossils to determine such things and even then they'd have no idea because many bodies would have deteriorated by now. as they say, ashes to ashes, dust to dust. for millions of years, there's been life on earth. for many years, it's been about religion over science or science over religion. religion as far as christianity goes believes in the end of times, commonly known as eschatology. and that's where these theories come from. people take what came out of september 11 as a sign that the world was coming to an end because one took a photo of what looked to have the devil in it, and from there, someone proclaimed that the world was coming to an end
2009-03-31 18:02:13 UTC
These theories goes both ways....

You probably think: What if they are right? What if the world does end?

You should think: What if they are wrong? I would be worried for nothing.

No one really knows when or how the world will end, but you shouldn't worry about it that much. Because if it does end, it's the end. There would be nothing anyone can do about it, You should try just to enjoy life and live your days to the fullest. Thinking of the end, may help you live more fully but it's best just to have a crap load of fun, while your still breathing, right?

So relax and go party, for it's not the end yet!
2009-03-31 18:07:53 UTC
just today i was searching up this topic...its been bothering me too quite a bit. i'm no sure about the devil thing though. its supposed to be the end of the mayan calender, so they have a theory of the world ending on this day. (dec 21 2012) scientifically, the world is supposed to end in around 5 billion years because the sun will eventually burn out. they say that a black hole will suck up the earth. and otheres say it will blow up. there are many different theory's. after a bit of reacherch i'm starting to think that it wont happen because there was a theoy of the world ending in 2003 but it never happend. just try not to worry k.
2009-03-31 18:07:53 UTC
People say it will end on December 21, 2012 because the Aztec calender ends on that date. Don't freak out, they couldn't have kept making the calender forever.

Your friend is right, but the Bible states 666 will be on your forehead or wrist. You don't go to hell if you wouldn't die for God, it's only if you don't believe in Him. If you truly don't believe in Him, you are going to hell. The Bible also states that it will be very hot and we'll be surrounded by flames.

This probably won't happen in our lifetime, I mean I'm 13 too. I go to a Christian school so we study the Bible and it probably won't happen for a while.
Haters Gon Hate
2009-03-31 18:07:59 UTC
Yeah this was on the discovery channel.. Apparently this wizard named Merlin had for-toled all of these major natural disasters that have already happened (ex, hurricane katrina) and his last prediction was on December 21st 2012, and until then you will see a very large increase in climate and disasters. It will probably be a major flood or meteors will destroy the earth because our weekend ozone layer (or whatever burns the meteors before the hit earth) from polution.. It could very well happen and no there will be no survivors.. If the earth wants us gone, we're going... It wants to meet the radioactive cocroaches in 3 billion years.
2009-03-31 18:04:16 UTC
I know this doesnt answer your question, but I cant wait.

What will happen will happen so dont worry.

if the scientist come up with something, then hooray

but if not as Dumbledore from Harry Potter says, 'Death is but the next great adventure"

So stop worrying. live life to the fullest ;)

oh and im not an old wisdom-y man.

Im a fourten year old girl :D
2009-03-31 18:07:44 UTC
Think back to the Y2K apocalypse warning, and did the world end in the year 2000? I think not, I highly doubt it, but I am a little worried because, my friend is having apocalipse dreams, and I'm kinda superstitious. I'm worried cause there so detailed, but don't worry so much, everything happens for a reason, and god will be watching over us!
2009-03-31 18:02:22 UTC
I highly doubt the world is ever going to end.

We may go into extinction or something like that, but I don't think so.

You're probably referring to the calendar of the Aztecs that was only made until December 21, 2012. There's many possiblites as to why they only made it that far. Maybe they thought that we'd've died out by then, but who knows. I guess we'll just have to wait & see.
2009-03-31 18:02:47 UTC
NOBODY KNOWS. If someone tells you that they do, they are completely lying to you. What i do know, is that it is very unlikely for the world to end anytime soon. Scientists believe that there are billions of years left for the world to be around before the sun dies out. Don't worry, just live your life to the fullest. Even if the world did end, it would happen so fast that you wouldn't even know what was going on. There is no point in worrying in things that you have absolutely no control over.

But believe me, the world will be around for a very long time.
The Riddler
2009-03-31 18:02:00 UTC
It may happen and it may not.

It's just a myth, don't worry too much, lol.

The world may end in the year 3000, but not 2012.

Because that's too early.

The world is fine as it is, for now.

But 3 years won't make any difference to the world.

It will eventually end of course, but not that early.
2009-03-31 18:03:59 UTC
no body knows but if your going by that aztec **** or religious teachings dont forget that every religion goes by a different calendar for catholics is 2009 and for jews its like 8000 something so i wouldn't worry about it also i wouldn't listen to the aztecs because look where they are now ... dead .... they might have been going by the end of the world for the aztec race ..... if the devil does come like your friend said then just spit on him and bear the pain then when you die you go to heaven and never have to feel pain again.

i hope that answered your question
Willie P
2009-03-31 18:11:17 UTC
By the time the world ends (if it does) you will be dead, trust me. There's no need to worry about things like this .

The world was supposed to end three times in the past 20 years and did it?
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2009-03-31 18:01:22 UTC
no.... stop worrying.. there's always an end of the world date.... i remember i was like 12 and the tabloids had mary crying blood and the world was ending on like may 5th 1998 or something....

the world isn't going to end on 2012

our biggest threat is ourselves. Nuclear war and bioterroism.

the world will end when the sun burns out... that's a given.... stop worrying, that's not for billions of years.
Brit Brit
2009-03-31 18:02:07 UTC
the world is not going to end anytime soon. do not believe your friend, its just a story. there may be hope for living on the moon, but not a lot, at least for the next few decades. in all reality mars is more similar to earth than the moon.
2009-03-31 18:02:14 UTC
yea if u look at some stop signs n such there r stickers where they say "1988 end of the world" and obviously that didnt happen

people make these THEORIES all the time. they are just theories and aren't true. unless they have proven facts with NO loop holes or missing pieces or all the questions in the theory are answered then your fine i heard it was gonna b 2010 but it wont be and if it does you can slap me i promise :)
2009-03-31 18:13:14 UTC
It is gonna end, but we don't know when, Jesus himself also don't know when it's gonna end. Only God the Father knows, when the time comes just be prepared then you'll have nothing to be scared of. About the 666 thing, they can't force you to do it, it'll be like the new credit card, but be cautious because when time comes, it'll be torturing to those who doesn't do it.
2009-03-31 18:06:14 UTC
well nobody will ever know when the world is

going to end. my personal belief is that if you

believe in the lord and are faithful, then you shouldn't be

worried. I mean you cant live your life in fear, maybe

it will end maybe it wont but there is nothing YOU

can do about it. so just be chill and i suggest you

listen to bob marley, thats always good right?
2009-03-31 18:07:51 UTC
I think december 21, 2012 will be a fun day. So many people are going to be scared and there will be so much media attention... but... NOTHING IS GOING TO HAPPEN!
2009-03-31 18:01:13 UTC
Calm down, I honestly don't think the world is ever going to end at least not while our children's children are done growing. Then said in 1994 that the world would end in 2003 and look where we are now 2009!!! TRUST ME it won't end in our lifetime :)
2009-03-31 18:02:24 UTC
You're right that the world will end eventually, so why are you so freaked out? Honestly, I'm getting tired of all this economy recession, war in iraq bull. It would be nice to get a break from it all.
2009-03-31 18:31:21 UTC
people were saying the same thing about the world would end on january 1st 2000, but look where we are
2009-03-31 18:11:53 UTC
the world will end someday, no one knows when except God.

Put your trust in Jesus as your savior and you will have no fears: let the world end, you will be in paradise for all eternity.

The Bible promises the world will be destroyed then made new for the saints to live on.
2009-03-31 18:01:31 UTC
the end is nye, unless you're smart, it's there have been end of world predictions forever with much 'proof' to back it up. after Dec 21 2021, people will say they were wrong and go to the next date
randy w
2009-03-31 18:02:11 UTC
i am to i want to live and have a family and die of old age not at 18 so like u i am scared
2009-03-31 19:37:10 UTC
ok, i understand your question, as it is something that many people ask themselvs, and as a 13 year old girl you have right to think and question about it. and i know my answer is a bit extensive but i hope you take the time to really read it all and think about it:) well anyways, your friend Rachelle is way overboard and though that may be her beliefs, which i respect, its something compleatly ridiculous. Here are my beliefs. I am a Jehovah's Witness and you may have heard about us, but what we believe is that Jehovah God will bring a trial upon people of the earth to see if they are truely gud and faithful to him at heart and of those who arent. Many say the world is going to end in 2012, which was the mayan belief, but the only reason that date is chosen was because they only lived to make their calenders to that date. Issac Newton thought it was going to end in 2060, but that doesnt make it true either. None the less, the world isnt going to end, not as a planet anyways. The bible tells us that God has created earth for humanity to inhabit it, therefor, why would he let it be destroyed? Your friend Rochelle says if your badgoing to hell,have you ever questioned if hell even exists? ok, here is how thebible puts it. Have you ever seen anyone be tortured? well i hope not, but none the less, its sickening and abhorrent. The teaching of hellfire implies just this, GOD torturing people in an endless fire. If you can, picture someone being tomented in a fire, dayd on day, weeks on weeks, years on years,but withought their death ever happenng, wouldnt your heart go out to that person no matter the crime he comitted? do you think that the person or being causing that toture was a loving person, to be able to see such a thing and feel no mercy? they couldnt be in any possible way. love shows compasion and mercy, not delight in someone elses pain. but if it did exist, someone has to have created it right? and who but God could have done it, but consider this, the bible says in 1 John 4:8 "He who does not love has not come to know God, for God IS love" if God is love, and love is compasion and mercy for others, do you think he would create such a place? it wouldnt be logical would it? then what happens wen you die you might ask yourself, God gives us that answer in the bible. Ecclesiastes 3:19 and 20 says the following,"As the dies, s the man dies, and they all have but one spirit...All are going to one place. They have all come to be from the dust, and they are all returning to the dust." did you hear any mention of hell? humand return to the dust, to a nonexistence. they have no knolege of anything nor do they feel, listen or talk because they are dead, like a flame on a candle, what happens to it when you blow it out, does it go somewere and continue existing? it just dissapears, becomes unexistent doesnt it? Ecclesiastes 9:5 says, "the living are conscious that they will die; but as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all, neither do they anymore wages, because the remembrence of them has been forgotten." this text may make you think that we forget the dead, or that that is wat it implies, but it is implying instead that their memory is gone, in other words, they have no consciessness of anything. therefore, logic rebels against the belief of hellfire. but this doesnt mean that we wont be punished for our sins. im not saying there is some sort of torment to come, ok think of it this way, when you have done something wrong, your parents punish you right? and they do it because they care about you and want you to know what is right, but they dont torment you incessantly do they? (taking your cell phone away doent count) of course not (and if they do, you should report it) but none the less, they punish you because they care. God is just the same, he is the father of all of us, being our creator, therefore he cares about us as his children. Life is a gift from God, and when we CHOOSE to sin, we no longer demonstrate to appreciate that gift. The bible tells us that the penalty for sin is death, not hellfire, but that doesnt mean that sininning will mean death for sure. if you truely regret wat you have done and pray to God to forgive you he will, becuae like i explained before, the bible says "God IS love" therefore he is compasionit and merciful. I know you may think that i have gone off your subject of the world ending, but this is conected, God being love, would not destroy the world, for he has made it for us as humans to inhabit it. You may have heard of Armagedon then? well this is existing and thebible does relate it to being "the end of the world", but it uses it in the sense that God is going to diminish all evil in THIS world that we live in today, meaning the way of life of this world which is governd by the Devil, Satan. Why you may aks yourself that if God is love, why does he let Satan rule this world now, well God is patient and kind, he is giving time to those who have not come to know
2009-03-31 18:02:05 UTC
some people can beleive what they want to beleive and they said the same thing about the year 2000
2009-03-31 18:03:42 UTC
Why worry bout stuff thats not in your control, relax and get a good sleep..
2009-03-31 18:01:22 UTC
Nothing will happen in 2012.
Mike P
2009-03-31 18:01:44 UTC
the world wont end and if it does im also thirteen if it ends idk it wont and if a meteor comes towards earth well we will blow it up with a missle and in a nuclear war the US would win so ur good
2009-03-31 18:04:58 UTC
You are worrying about nothing. There is nothing you can do about it. Just go with it. Ask your pastor or go to church.
Austin B
2009-03-31 18:00:57 UTC
i am scared to and im a 13 year old boy i heard the same thing
2009-03-31 18:01:54 UTC
yes we are going to die sorry
2009-03-31 18:01:14 UTC
purchase a bible...good luck
2009-03-31 17:59:47 UTC
i'm actually looking forward to it...learn to swim.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.