This may sound weird but I had the strangest moment of brilliance. I was able to finish an essay for one of my classes today. I had to construct an academic argument for or against the idea of free will using only the Odyssey as a source. Unfortunately for me I had put off reading the Odyssey and I only had hours to turn in the essay, and I had no idea what to write. Realizing papers as much as I would want to do not write themselves I sat down, drunk a can of Mt.Dew, put on my headphones, opened my copy of the Odyssey, turned on Microsoft Word and got to work. But as usual I couldn't think of anything and reading the book felt boring, difficult, and impossible for the amount of time I had left. Plus my mind was everywhere but the paper and I was about to just quit and take an F but suddenly somehow I was able to induce some sort of mania in myself I suddenly felt extremely hyperactive, my heart began racing, all need for sleep disappeared, and suddenly I became more focused then I had ever been in a long time. My mind was in overdrive finally the light bulb was on, the gears were turning, my eyes were opened and I was able to think extremely clearly it was weird it felt sort of like being on NZT from the movie limitless. In a matter of hours I read the Odyssey and was able to write a pretty effective argument with a solid thesis it was an A paper if I say so myself haven't been able to write one of those in awhile. I was exhausted afterwards and I went to sleep for a few hours and woke up still exhausted and strangely feeling a little sick, dizzy, and almost out of my mind, but I feel that my mind is still feeling ultra-sharp.
I do wonder why did I get so tired after my "Limitless" NZT like moment even right now hours later I am feeling tired, dizzy, and a little crazy even after resting but at the same time still focused and sharper than I ever been in awhile. And how did I trigger it in the first place?