What do YOU beleive happens after you die and why?
2007-02-15 17:00:46 UTC
I have always wonder this and now I am positively terrified of dying because I don't know what happens what do YOU think happens after you die?Have you had any experiances that made you change your mind about what you beleived before that expiriance?
I'm just curious so PLEASE don't go all syco freaky on me and get mad if it is against your religeon.
31 answers:
2007-02-15 17:05:01 UTC
I think it's OK. Every single thing that lives dies, so why should it be bad once you are gone? Be at peace with yourself, then it doesn't really matter does it?
2007-02-15 17:06:56 UTC

I came to the conclusion that whether I die or live doesn't change too much.

I don't know what life has ahead for me, and not what death.

I lived in an environment that nourished the idea of reincarnation.

I use to think that's what happens, you start a new life.

now I don't know.

I have this beautiful image that when I die, I will be able to kinda walk on water. not really walk, but sort of follow that path that the sun setting creates on water, the rays reflection.

death is a part of life.

if you fear it- I guess it just means you have more you still want to do while you are alive.

I am generally indifferent, I think that's why I am fine with death.

hope this helped...

oh and yeah- the scariest thing is the unknown. but I guess once you get used to the idea that you don't know, and it could be fun, or could be nothing, then it isn't scary anymore

good luck :)
2016-10-02 09:21:00 UTC
there is incredibly no factor in being afraid of something which you are able to't ward off. All it does is spoils what existence you have and makes you sense a million/2 lifeless besides. no you may incredibly persuade yet another of what they suspect occurs after death as we've this opt to ascertain to have self belief, something we are able to do whilst our time arrives. So if i attempt and persuade you that existence maintains in some way afterwards you wont incredibly be a hundred% confident. like each and all of the others who say faith is adequate, they, in the event that they are trustworthy, nonetheless have a doubt interior the back of their minds, all be it an iota, and sweetness. i truthfully have self belief there's a purpose to this existence and a highway we would desire to holiday to attain our very final holiday spot. that's a highway we are in a position to holiday as quickly as or many cases in accordance with how promptly we each and each, as persons , progression. some could call it stupidity and a few could call it in any different case. I call it my convenience and if i´m incorrect so what! I´m no longer forcing it on definitely all and sundry and my concept seems greater logical in my eyes. My suggestion would be to provide up annoying approximately despite if or no longer you've got wakeful ideas after death and talk enjoying this one. If it enables attempt and seek for an answer in diverse faiths be it orthodox or between the recent age. the factor being you will in no way incredibly comprehend till the time comes and the only difficulty you're able to do is different than that and get on along with your existence. have self belief me you would be lots happier for it.
2007-02-18 15:59:28 UTC
i think you suffer in pain right before death and then a calming comes over you as you die, and then i think you feel a surreal sensation some people might float out of there bodies and can see there dead body and others i think enter thru a tunnel vortex with a bright light where they are greated by heavenly spirits and past relatives and the feel entense feelings of peace and comfort. and for others i believe they might experience horrible and terrifying etense fear and are met by evil spirits when they die.
2007-02-15 17:10:46 UTC
What happens to you after you die depends on what you have in your will if you have one. If not, it will be up to your next of kin. If you have no next of kin, it will be up to the state. Anyway you look at it, most people are either buried or cremated. It doesn't matter, you'll be dead and won't have any idea what is going on.
2007-02-15 17:05:34 UTC
I just think we take that long dirt nap the same as any other animal. Our bodys become fertilizer for something else to grow and no we don't have any consciousness after we die...while we die maybe but when you're're just dead.

Nothing. It should motivate you to live life well while you can instead of getting depressed about it. Dead is dead so LIVE WELL.
2007-02-15 17:08:10 UTC
I'm a Christain and I believe that you will go to heaven if you believe that Jesus Christ is your personal savior and you have accepted his gift of grace. He died by Crucifixion and rose from the dead on the third day. He now sits at the right hand of God and is judging the sin in the world. We can only get to the Father through the Son and by believing on Him. I Believe! So my new home will be heaven with a glorified body and imperishable by death after this first death on earth. Big answer, but it's what I believe. thanks. Jesus is the answer!!! Search Him out and you'll find yours.
2007-02-15 17:06:54 UTC
I get tubes placed in my body to drain all the juices out of me, then I get pumped up with formaldehyde. After that they throw my @ss in a box and bury me in the ground. At that point I become a feast for millions of maggots until all my flesh is gone, leaving beautiful bones left. That's it. Rather simple.
2007-02-15 17:15:27 UTC
Your soul goes up to Heaven.Surely,your body will stay where it is but your soul will go to Heaven.Of course,no one knows this from personal experience,but,that is what I believe happens.I don't believe in Hell,I believe only in Heaven.Don't be scared of dying,I don't exactly think you'll know you are in the afterlife.
2007-02-17 16:26:39 UTC
what i think is wierd. there's this book called elsewhere and it talks about this place called elsewhere and you go there after you die. i beleve in these things:

1. you recarniated. like hinduism sort of thing.

2. you go to somewhere else.(elsewhere)

3. you go nowhere

4. fairy land

personally i dont believe in god but i think that it doesnt really matter where you go when you did. the important thing is that you spend life happily and make the best of life.
2007-02-15 18:03:38 UTC
No one absolutely knows what happens. It's a mystery and it's supposed to be that way. Live the best life you can and, I believe, whatever happens when we die is OK.
irish eyes
2007-02-15 17:11:46 UTC
I believe we move on to another vessel.........reincarnation. I think that there are spirits that stuck in transit from time to time because of unfinished business. Your fear is not unusual and it happens in alot of areas in life..........fear of the unknown is one of the biggest fears. I am not afraid of dying, but I do fear the impact my death would have on my family. There are so many people that have had near death experiences that are all very similar, there are people that have been able to find out their past of my friends had a very extreme fear and had a past life regression done and found out that reason for her fear had to do with who she was in the past.........she didn't go in trying to find this out, she found out just in the course of the regression so I do believe that we reincarnate over and over we just don't remember out past live.
2007-02-15 17:08:44 UTC
I know what will happen after I die. My kids will root through my stuff, split it up, laugh and cry about our time together and go on living. I'll see them again.
2007-02-15 17:11:39 UTC
umm i think u just die, thats it theres no ever after. i mean an animal dies and it just dies i dont see theres any way around it. so yea that only means just live your life to the fullest. treat each day as if it were your last. we all die you just dont know when
2007-02-15 17:06:03 UTC
well.. sorry to be a pessimist, but...

well, we're all gonna die and burn in hell. I mean, how many of us here really DESERVE God's grace and eternal life? Not many. Not to say the Lord won't accept a since

re apology.. but those are often hard to come by when so many sins have been knowingly committed..

Be afraid..
2007-02-18 19:51:30 UTC
We join into the consciousness of the whole, through which "God" experiences existence. I don't know. Wait and see.
2007-02-15 17:05:47 UTC
Nothing happens, the switch is simply turned off. Just like a gnat or a cow. No memories, no regrets, no nothing.
2007-02-15 17:10:34 UTC
i beleve when u die if u did not fulfill ur goals then u repeate life but not as the same person or evan a human but something or someone else.
2007-02-15 17:04:17 UTC
If you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior and ask for forgiveness, you will never die. Only your body, which is just a shell, will die. Your soul will live on in Heaven for eternity.
2007-02-15 17:05:46 UTC
Exactly the same as happened before you were born :>)
2007-02-15 17:05:02 UTC
If you are Christian, dying is like being born in a wonderful world.

And I am even excited about it.

It depends on your belief anyway.
2007-02-15 17:03:48 UTC
I believe you live on to heaven,hell(maybe) or stay on earth as a spirit. You do you call when you have a energy problem A medicine Man,. Yep, I'm Native American
2007-02-18 19:46:01 UTC
Nothing much, unless you feel like trying it again, and someday we all find out what it's all about.
2007-02-15 17:03:02 UTC
It will be like it was before you were born.
2007-02-15 17:05:40 UTC
We go to Heaven and God judges us. Of how we lived on earth if we should go to Heaven or hell. But if you keep the Comandments then you will go to Heaven.
?s @ Y! Answers
2007-02-15 17:08:32 UTC
i beleive if you trust in Jesus, you will go to heaven and be safe from sin and danger! =)
2007-02-15 17:09:26 UTC
i believe that after we die, that's it! nothing is going to happen. no ghosts, no spirits. nada!
2007-02-15 17:03:29 UTC
I believe that I will be dead. As in no longer living or conscious.
2007-02-15 17:07:45 UTC
you wake up and discover you were on a game show
2007-02-15 17:04:43 UTC
i belive i will go 2 heaven and live happily ever after (literally) lol

Get it *after* lol
2007-02-15 17:03:36 UTC
You become worm food. You are dead no spirits left behind or any crap like that

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