I came to the conclusion that whether I die or live doesn't change too much.
I don't know what life has ahead for me, and not what death.
I lived in an environment that nourished the idea of reincarnation.
I use to think that's what happens, you start a new life.
now I don't know.
I have this beautiful image that when I die, I will be able to kinda walk on water. not really walk, but sort of follow that path that the sun setting creates on water, the rays reflection.
death is a part of life.
if you fear it- I guess it just means you have more you still want to do while you are alive.
I am generally indifferent, I think that's why I am fine with death.
hope this helped...
oh and yeah- the scariest thing is the unknown. but I guess once you get used to the idea that you don't know, and it could be fun, or could be nothing, then it isn't scary anymore
good luck :)