Okay first off, you feel unhappy with yourself is possibly from a slight depression I wouldn't know if its severe or anything. I too have been in your position where love seemed to only make my miserable feelings better, but really its just the fact that your possibly depressed for your mind and body. I will help you with this for my answer please read on;
First I want you to ask yourself these questions for depression;
- Imagine the state of mind when in depression - everything is black, hopeless, cold - try to really feel it in the heart.
- What am I so concerned about?
- Are there thoughts that keep on repeating themselves in my mind?
- Am I only concerned about myself, my own problems and pain?
- Am I realistic about my own situation?
- Am I really helpless, hopeless, hungry, completely alone, poor and cold?
- How many people in the world are really helpless, hopeless, hungry, alone and cold?
- Try to feel some compassion for their suffering.
- Imagine a little light in your heart that becomes brighter and brighter.
- Open the heart and let the light shine out to other people that really need some love and affection.
- Imagine that their suffering decreases because of your light.
- Now realise that you can use this light also for yourself, and radiate love and affection to yourself.
- Fill the whole body with light and simply enjoy it.
Okay I want you to realize how lucky you are to have a warm place to live in,clean water, good food. There are people in this world who have to drink dirty water, eat 1 meal a day possibly only rice, children who get abandoned by their parents, children who get severely beaten everyday by their parents or the people that are looking after them, there are women who get raped in the streets, women who have to do prostitution just to make a living and it goes on. Once you realize how non important your situation is and how serious other situations can be then your mind will open more.
*******Okay I really recommend doing this. The simplest thing to do is just exercise. When you exercise you release "endorphins" in your body that gives you that happy/good feeling. You get the same endorphin release when you have sex, which is why you possibly like to have sex, but you don't notice that good chemical you release. All you have to do is a good 100 jumping jacks and you'll feel those endorphins.
Secondly I want you to try to take " Omega 3 Fish Oil " supplements. They are natural supplements extracted from fatty fish oil. You can buy about 180 of them for under $20. You can find them at places such as walmart, zellers, shoppers drug mart ect. Here is a beneficial list of what it does;
* A healthier heart, with less inflammation, better levels of cholesterol and triglycerides, less prone to arrhythmias.
* A better mind, improve mood, concentration and memory.
* Healthier joints, less inflammation, pain and arthritis difficulties..
* Improvement of the immune system, colds, flues and general immunity.
* Less PMS symptoms and pain in menstrual period.
* Improve quality of hair, nails and skin.
* Boost eyesight.
* Fights effects of aging, protection for cell membranes.
* Improve the general quality of your life.
* Help with children aggression, hyperactivity, depression, and anti social behavior.
here is the site from where I got the info;