I have a little niece who just turned 6 and I think she may be really disturbed. She hung the family cat yesterday by a dog chain because the animal apparently scratched her and after she killed it she laughed and smiled about it, she said the cat deserved to die. There is no remorse for anything she does. She has poked animals in the eyes with pencils and forks, tried to choke them, sits on them, and hits/kicks them. A few weeks ago she was suspended from school for stabbing another child with a pencil. When the teacher yelled at her, she just stared back at her with a straight face and peed her pants. A few months ago in the Mcdonald's playland she got mad at my 8 year old son and told another child to kill him, he got beat up and was bleeding while she stood there laughing. Her mother doesn't give her any discipline and barely yells at her for the things she does. She didn't even yell at her for killing the cat or stabbing the kid at school with a pencil, she just asked her why she did it. She lets this little girl terrorize other children and says nothing about it. She lets her hurt animals and finally when someone else tells her to stop then her mom steps in. Her mom is always asking me what she should do about her. I don't know what to tell her, but now i'm afraid she is going to hurt or kill her little brother next time she gets pissed off. What advice should I give my sister??