Need advice, really important..please read?
2009-03-24 22:55:45 UTC
I have a little niece who just turned 6 and I think she may be really disturbed. She hung the family cat yesterday by a dog chain because the animal apparently scratched her and after she killed it she laughed and smiled about it, she said the cat deserved to die. There is no remorse for anything she does. She has poked animals in the eyes with pencils and forks, tried to choke them, sits on them, and hits/kicks them. A few weeks ago she was suspended from school for stabbing another child with a pencil. When the teacher yelled at her, she just stared back at her with a straight face and peed her pants. A few months ago in the Mcdonald's playland she got mad at my 8 year old son and told another child to kill him, he got beat up and was bleeding while she stood there laughing. Her mother doesn't give her any discipline and barely yells at her for the things she does. She didn't even yell at her for killing the cat or stabbing the kid at school with a pencil, she just asked her why she did it. She lets this little girl terrorize other children and says nothing about it. She lets her hurt animals and finally when someone else tells her to stop then her mom steps in. Her mom is always asking me what she should do about her. I don't know what to tell her, but now i'm afraid she is going to hurt or kill her little brother next time she gets pissed off. What advice should I give my sister??
Sixteen answers:
2009-03-24 23:20:30 UTC
oh lord... poor child may be a sociopath... and the mother does not discipline the kid so it is difficult to be corrected now. the mother NEEDS to start punishing the child. the child is not aware that her actions are wrong and does not show any remorse becoz she feels she has not done anthing wrong. take the mother to a shrink first becoz she has emotional issues which is clear from the fact that she does not stop her daughter from doing anything wrong, then the child needs psychiatric care also. max help can come from u, if u explain the mother to discipline thi child, she is ruining her daughters life b not teaching her wrng and right. how does she expect the child to live in a society whence she grows up? and NO, its not just a phase, this is sociopathic behaviour and needs to be stopped.

my younger brother would hit and tease all the ets in our home terribly till one of them bit him really hard. the teasing stopped then but even now, 15 years later he has changed very little and still hits his pets.

my point is that it should have been stopped by the mother at the younger age or the child may never groww outta it. this needs to stop, make it happen.

sociopaths feel nothing towards any1, even mothers. and u should call chld care services if the mother cannot handle it. this needs to stop. u cannot harm another living thing just becoz u r bigger or brcoz u can, make the child understand this. take the child to a shrink. take her now!!!!!!!!!!
Lawrence =P
2009-03-24 23:08:32 UTC
It Sounds Like She Has Been Brought Up With An Abusive / Violent Life And She Also Has No Discipline, You Should Tell The Mother To Start Disciplining Her And Punishing Her For Her Wrong Actions So That She Will Get The Idea That It Is Bad. I Hope This Helped And I Hope It All Goes Well =]
2009-03-24 23:15:33 UTC
I for one find this incredibly sad that this child is being blamed. It is apparent that your sister is an unfit mother and perhaps a plan should be implemented so that she and her brother seek counseling or a different home. You cannot simply blame a 6 year old for acting out when she is just a product of her unhealthy environment. As a family member, you have the sole responsibility to get her out of that situation because you do not want to look back on this and wish you had gotten her help sooner. She is a child but in a bad situation, without any kind of support or structure. Please be her advocate because you may wake up one day wishing that you had done something before it was too late.
2009-03-24 23:04:33 UTC
Well, if the father did all that in front of the children, it's obviously had a hugely detrimental effect on the psyche of this younger girl.

Counseling, that's all I can say. Couseling, get professional help. If the mother doesn't know how to discipline, she needs counseling. If the girl doesn't know how to behave, she needs counseling. If all that has already happened (killing the cat, stabbing the kid, etc.), then the issue has developed to the point where it is out of your hands.

Even if your sister started to discipline her, she's already done all that, and she may already believe that it was all acceptable behavior. Again, I'd seek professional help.
2009-03-24 23:03:39 UTC
The child clearly needs discipline, and knowledge of what is acceptable and what is not. The child isn't the problem it's the mother. Basically it's an extension of a temper tantrum. If it has gone this far then the mother should get help from a child psychiatrist and fast. Violent behavior in kids can lead to the same problem in the future.
2009-03-24 23:36:05 UTC
I think it all started when she witnessed her dad trying to kill her mom. She thought it was ok to do that and nobody told her that it was not good to hurt anyone and that it was wrong, so she started to do it with the animals and your sister did not do anything.

There is nothing wrong if you spank your child on the hand or on the soft part of the butt just try not to bruise her. If that is the only way to get her attention and to discipline her why not do it?

Your sister should explain her daughters action is bad and should not be done again. She must give her the ultimate disciplinary action.

She must be sent to a Discipline Camp. I cannot remember the name of that camp but i saw it in Discovery Channel.
2009-03-24 23:54:16 UTC
As your niece is still young it is likely that she might be able to change her behaviour. However she does have the signs of a psychopath -- psychopaths know what is right from wrong. I'm sure she knows what she is doing is wrong and her mother is doing nothing to correct her. If that was my child, I would be doing everything in my ability to set her straight.

Forget giving any "advice" to your sister at this point, take some action. Force her to see a psychologist WITH her child and to take further action if necessary. Your niece needs to learn discipline before its too late.
2016-05-25 07:50:33 UTC
Don't bathe or change your clothes for a week. Then go to a street corner in a big city and ask people for money. After a few days, ask yourself if learning to read or write might be worth the effort. If they answer is yes, well, there you go. If the answer is no, things can't really get much worse for you.
2009-03-24 23:07:44 UTC
The most common trait in serial killers is abuse to animals as a kid. If this girl is 6, I'd be worried, talk to a professional about it, that's the only advice that I can think of that would work with the problem.
2009-03-24 23:13:06 UTC
That girl is severely mentally ill. She needs to be put in a mental hospital. She does not need to be around people or animals. She need to be turned into authorities now before she kills or seriously injures her brother. For goodness sakes, please tell her mom to turn her in. If she doesn't you do it. You do it. Her brothers life is at stake here. Maybe the girl can be helped if she is seen early. The mother is ill too. She needs help also.
2009-03-24 23:03:03 UTC
This brat is mental. Torturing animals is a classic sign of psycopathology. She's gonna grow up to be a serial killer or something. Here's a link I just found about kids torturing animals:

What advice for your sis? Get a shrink involved pronto.
2009-03-24 23:08:19 UTC
TAKE HER TO A SHRINK!!! no don't do that but try to talk to her maybe she doesn't get enough attention. if she's mad let her beat up a little blow up punching bag or let her beat up a pillow and tell your sister if she doesn't take action she'll get killed or really hurt or 4 get your and take action yourself or your whole family is at stake

and........... the dad trying to kill the mom is probably why shes killing animals and hurting people

2009-03-24 23:06:01 UTC
There are specialists for this kind of thing. If your sister is serious about getting her daughter help then that would be the way to go.
2009-03-24 23:08:01 UTC
She has a severe psychological trauma, they need to take her to a psychiatrist as soon as possible, all people who commit crimes as adults suffered some trauma in children.
2009-03-24 23:09:59 UTC
the child needs serious mental help take her to her pediatritian or GP and tell him/her what you are telling us. She needs a psychiatrist, and to perhaps be taken away from her parents.
2009-03-24 23:00:36 UTC
I know this probably sounds weird but i think she might be possesed by a spirit.

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