2011-01-06 14:53:08 UTC
Most people in my age group don't accept me as well as younger folks do. Sure I can strike up a conversation with my age group, but when wanting to date people my own age group, i'm normally unsuccessful. I believe it has something to do with my height and youthful appearance. I'm 19 years old, 5 foot 3 inches, and skinny. A lot of people tell me I look a lot younger than 19.
Whenever I get around younger teens, It seems to be more successful, talking with them and hanging out with them. I have no desire to have a relationship with anyone younger than 17.
I'll have 14, 15, and 16 year olds who want to hangout with me and date me but I'm not interested in younger people; it's just not right...
I can't understand why I'm more successful with younger people than with people my own age group. I'd never have any type of sexual relationship with a younger person, that's inappropriate and taking advantage of someone. I just want to have a healthy relationship with someone my own age.
What should I do? :(