2009-10-12 20:35:32 UTC
How many different interpretations can you assign to this manner of address, when you or another employ(s) it, here on this very public forum?
Let me state that I've never employed it on Q & A; but a number of users have addressed me such: "My dear Alberich-----,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,".
"Dear Alberich" -- "My old friend Alberich" -- etc., etc., etc., does not carry the same connotation.
"Dear" can be just a formal address, or one of presumed affection; as can a referenced, "My old friend Alberich---------": I interpret the last, second expression as carrying a connotation of respect, and perhaps even some degree of affection.
But, "MY DEAR Alberich", suggests to me a connotation of at least a degree of: -------"exasperation"; "annoyance"; or maybe, simple "irritation".
What's your interpretation, when you or someone else is addressed as, "MY DEAR-------?